Hello all, I am looking to build a DIY Hand Brake. I have read through the threads. I have a few questions that I hope someone can answer. I am not fond of the hand brake lever most have used in there DIY's. The master cylinder on the lever is a 22mm bore and that is very hard to find. There are several master cylinders out there with a nicer look and a better price, but 19mm bore is as big as I can find. The ISCI hand brake has a 15mm bore master, but I do not know what the bore on their slave cylinder is. My questions are this

1) Anyone built a DIY hand brake with a different master with a different bore, if so what size bore and what size slave did you use?
2) Anyone know what size bore the ISCI is using in their slave?
3) Anyone find an alternative 22mm bore master?
4) Anyone know of a slave that is similar to the colman, but with a different bore?

Thanks for any help you can pervide.