ATTN ATTN ATTN!!!!!!!! NY/NJ/CT/PA/DEL/VT/MA AND ALL WELCOME AND WILLING TO TRAVEL. O.K. those that graciously participated in our successful Timesquare meet back in october, the time has come again. This year we would like all participants to plan ahead so no one misses out like last time. I'm currently shooting for Saturday September 3, with a Sunday September 4th raindate. I figure we can have a meet/greet lunch at a central location (to be group decided)and chat it up before heading to the heart of timesquare by Mtv studios for pics and autographs. (spyder owners are considered stars in timesquare). The run was great last year and we had about 8 spyders show up. 1 year later and I think we can definately get at least 20 spyders on board. IF ANYONE HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR THIS YEARS EVENT IM ALL EARS. YOU CAN REACH ME AT 631-662-8822 CALL OR TEXT IS FINE. Last year we met in brooklyn and then caravaned to timesquare. Cant wait.