Quote Originally Posted by 8LEGS View Post
I won't be able to make the Air Zoo , but will be able to make it to Scotty's house. What time should I plan to arrive? Anyways, you all have my cell # so in case you need to call me.

OH .... Shameless begging ...... Tonight when I got home from work my NMN Triple Play was on the porch. . If I would toss that in the trunk, you think maybe, just maybe .. someone might be able to um, assist in installing?

See you all tomorrow!
We can probably look at the Triple Play if Scotty lets us use his tools. I bet you had the Triple Play all along and figured this trip would get you a "sympathy install" from us Michiganders.

I think someone will be at Scotty's place by 4'ish if you are going straight there. We might all be there by that time if the Air Zoo doesn't hold our interest.