Hello everyone....I just recently got a 2011 RSS, and I've never ridden a motorcycle. Got my license 4 years ago, but never rode one. I first tried a Ninja 250, and rode it around the parking lot, and managed to drop it twice during stopping. So I gave it up. I was always jealous when I see other women riding a Harley. But, out of the blue...hubby was just surfing and thought that a Spyder might be a way for me to ride on my own. He has a costumed built Harley Bagger, and I was always a passenger. Now I have my own ride...waiting for the title from the previous owner, and I can't wait to get on the road. I've been riding it around my neighborhood only to get use to the shifting/clutching. Although, I'm so stinkin slow, and I don't want to cause an accident. I want to get up to speed. I'm trying to network with other groups. I'm in the Northern VA/Washington DC area. Holla!!!