It's damn cold here in the foot hills of the Allegheny mountains.
You can tell I'm from Pennsylvania and not New York because in New York they misspell Allegheny.

What little snow we have is being blown around by arctic gusts that look as I imagine the surface of Venus.

Brown fields.
Leafless trees and broken brown goldenrod.
In other words, the depth of winter.
My thoughts are turning to a warmer time.
The inevitable Spring.

And on that spring day and in my mind now I am on a four lane highway.

Throttle opened just a little bit more than the law allows.
Warmish air against my neck.
The base beat of the highway in my ears.

I'm on my way on a thousand mile trek to Springfield.
A journey I've done before in a single day.

Yeah, I go though at least three other Springfields before I reach the real one.
The one in Missouri.
Roll me away.