Last week (14 - 21 Jan or so) we had the worst weather ever recorded in North Louisiana. 14 degrees day and night, heavy snow followed by sleet. Then suddenly, it got to be 75 F days and 45 F at night. Literally a one day change in weather. I admire Yankees who wear T-shirts when it is only 50. Standard for Northern states but for us, it stopped life. It was a stay at home with the heat set on Ultra Super Hot High. Yesterday, (Tuesday) I put my full gear on and hit the pavement. Just rode to Longview, TX (150 miles) but it was a ride. I still get belt vibration about 80 - 85 when the engine loads going up hill. It's going to be 75 again today but I have things to do. But Thursday........... I know folks in the northern climate want to ride. I hope it happens soon...