In life, I'm a big believer in the power of "Hell Yes !"
That is, if you can't say "Hell Yes !" to something, then the answer is no.
Any wishy washy yes, or a doubtful yes, or a guarded yes, all mean NO.
In essence, if you have any doubts about your Spyder's reliability, or doubts about your Spyder's comfort, then YES, you've made a mistake.
You will never enjoy riding it because doubt will constantly ruin any good experiences you might have otherwise had.
Get out now before you sink any more money into your machine, and find something you like better.
I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but there you have it.
As for me, I love my machine, and am always eager to ride it along with the remarkable Susan.
I've ridden as far as 1500 miles away from home on trips that last a week, with no cares or worries, except for an annoying hiss in the BRP blurtooth system, and I've just solved that problem as well.
As always, my free advice comes with a doube your money back guarantee.