Well, took a gamble and lost. Studied the radar and weather forecast and really thought I'd be out of town before the rain started but Mother Nature threw me a curveball and swung that storm around right into my path. First time as a rider in a torrential downpour. Completely thrilled with how Angry Bug handled the rain and wet roads. I have been fretting that if I ever got caught in the rain I'd wind up in a ditch, but she handled the weather conditions like a champ! I am home and dry now, but right after the rain broke my smyle was a myle wyde! I'm still glowing! Took a road that I knew ran parallel to the highway, because I know how the idiots drive in the rain. Although I was soaked to the bone (even with my rain gear) I felt just as safe and as surefooted as when I am in the car. So proud that I handled it on my own and really feel like my confidence has soared! Just had to share because I am so excited!