Brightsides made in China?
I've been eyeballing these Brightsides for ever and finally broke down to buying them since I will be tearing the bike apart to redo the exaust gaskets and installing the remaining heat shield / air dam. I ordered them (front and back) from Custom Dynamics and only to receive them both labeled "made in China". Is that a mistake or are they really outsourced to China? :banghead:
As some of you already know Made In Chin~a Products amounts to almost 90% of everything on our store shelves !!
As for Bright Sides ! The real thing to be looking for is where the individual LED light were made and is the product made for export !! My point is if the LED light is manufactured in chin~a for chin~ese use (lesser quality) it has a higher rate of failure than an export version.
Korean LED lights are of the top quality made around the world. If the Chin~ese manufacture purchased Korean made LED lights for export then I would not be concerned about the quality of the chin~ese made product.
Over the years there have been a number of food products in and from chin~a that have been nothing short of scary and poisonous for human consumption. Some examples are;
1. Rice made of plastic
2. Chickens that have died (chicken farms) several days before they were processed.
3. Milk that was (is still being) watered down by 25% then they added melamine powder to richen up the flavor and consistency. Melamine is use in plate manufacturing. There were a number of children that died from gull stones and kidney failure and countless numbers of other chindren and adlts that have serous illnesses from it.
I have purchased a quart of milk in a paper carton, opened it and in less than 48 hours it could not be poured from the container. Ask your friends in chin~a, they will agree.
Many of the rivers and streams feeding into the Pearl River Delta area of South East chin~a often run shiny black from chemicals being dumped into the water.
These are only a few of the multitude of existing health problems in chin~a.