View Full Version : For Michigan SpyderLovers and the surrounding area

04-05-2009, 10:40 PM
I posted an idea for a short weekend ride in the Michigan Forum, head over there and check it out.

04-07-2009, 12:49 PM
Check out the MI Forum. I am firming up the plans for the ride through the Tunnel of Trees on the Sat. of Mother's Day Weekend.

Okay, here it is. On May 8th, Brian and I will be riding north and camping somewhere in Mackinaw City. We plan to ride to Harbor Springs on Sat. where we will meet with any other riders that are interested in riding through the Tunnel of Trees and the Wilderness Park north to Mackinaw City. We will plan on meeting in the parking lot of the Marina on Bay St, just east of State. They have a pretty good size parking lot and it is easy access in and out. Around 12:30 we can have lunch and after lunch, start north through The Tunnel and the Park into Mackinaw City. Here is the route Tunnel of Trees and Wilderness Park from Harbor Springs to Mackinaw City (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=Harbor+Springs,+MI&daddr=N+Lake+Shore+Dr%2FMI-119+to:45.626524,-85.067139+to:N+Lake+Shore+Dr+to:N+Lake+Shore+Dr+to :McCleary+Rd+to:Linsley+Rd+to:Straits+View+Dr+to:M ackinaw+City,+MI&hl=en&geocode=%3BFbBFtwIddkft-g%3B%3BFWzouAId0Wvv-g%3BFZhVuQIdWLXv-g%3BFZ-HuQIdOAPx-g%3BFYyvuQIdt7vw-g%3BFQgfugId47Tx-g%3B&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=2&sz=11&via=1,2,3,4,5,6,7&dirflg=ht&sll=45.538219,-85.003881&sspn=0.226047,0.597382&ie=UTF8&ll=45.726315,-84.747849&spn=0.225289,0.597382&z=11)