View Full Version : ok who's scottish

10-28-2016, 11:55 AM

Bob Denman
10-28-2016, 12:06 PM
That reminds me of a joke :D

after a night spent at a local pub; a Scotsman passes out in the local Cemetery...
Early the next morning, a young Lass is in the Cemetery to visit her family. She sees him, and quietly walks over to make sure that he's not dead.
When she sees that he's wearing a Kilt (His typical Friday night wardrobe for the pub...); curiosity takes hold of her...
"What does a Scotsman wear under his Kilt"?
She creeps closer, and gently lifts the corner of it.
He's gone Commando!!! :yikes:
She smiles, pulls a ribbon from her long hair, and gently ties it around his.... :opps:

Several hours later: the "Call of Nature" rouses the man. He stumbles to his feet, and walks to the rear of the Cemetery for a more discreet location...
As he lifts the Kilt; he can't help but notice the ribbon that has been tied-on...

"I Dinno where ye been last night Laddie; but at least ye won first prize!"; he muttered...

EDIT: They even wrote a song about it!


10-28-2016, 12:59 PM
Good one...:roflblack::roflblack: they had fun with that one....

10-28-2016, 01:15 PM
I'm Irish and Scottish. Bruce

Bob Denman
10-28-2016, 01:21 PM
:D Me too!
(With a whole bunch of the rest of Northern Europe thrown in for seasoning! :D)


Pretty much defines "Mutt"; doesn't it? :roflblack:

10-28-2016, 01:29 PM
Good one. The only thing missing was the Haggis hors de ovures. :roflblack::roflblack:

Bob Denman
10-28-2016, 01:52 PM
Good one. The only thing missing was the Haggis hors de ovures. :roflblack::roflblack:

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37 Reviews
(http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/haggis-recipe.html#communityReviews) http://foodnetwork.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/food/unsized/2016/3/11/0/FN-TalentAvatar-Alton-Brown-800x800.jpg.rend.sni2col.jpeg (http://www.foodnetwork.com/chefs/alton-brown.html) Recipe courtesy of Alton Brown (http://www.foodnetwork.com/chefs/alton-brown.html)SHOW:Good Eats (http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/good-eats.html) EPISODE:Oat Cuisine (http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/good-eats/5-series/oat-cuisine.html)

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Total Time:5 hr 42 minPrep:30 minInactive:12 minCook:5 hr
Yield:Depends on how much you throwLevel:Advanced

Total Time:5 hr 42 minPrep:30 minInactive:12 minCook:5 hr

Yield:Depends on how much you throwLevel:Advanced


1 sheep stomach

1 sheep liver

1 sheep heart

1 sheep tongue

1/2 pound suet, minced

3 medium onions, minced

1/2 pound dry oats, toasted

1 teaspoon kosher salt

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 teaspoon dried ground herbs
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Rinse the stomach thoroughly and soak overnight in cold salted water.

Rinse the liver, heart, and tongue (http://www.foodterms.com/encyclopedia/tongue/index.html). In a large pot of boiling, salted water, cook these parts over medium heat for 2 hours. Remove and mince (http://www.foodterms.com/encyclopedia/mince/index.html). Remove any gristle or skin and discard.

In a large bowl, combine the minced liver (http://www.foodterms.com/encyclopedia/liver/index.html), heart, tongue, suet, onions, and toasted oats. Season with salt, pepper, and dried herbs (http://www.foodterms.com/encyclopedia/herbs/index.html). Moisten with some of the cooking water so the mixture binds. Remove the stomach from the cold salted water and fill 2/3 with the mixture. Sew or tie the stomach closed. Use a turning fork to pierce the stomach several times. This will prevent the haggis (http://www.foodterms.com/encyclopedia/haggis/index.html) from bursting.

In a large pot of boiling water, gently place the filled stomach, being careful not to splash. Cook over high heat for 3 hours.

Serve with mashed potatoes (http://www.foodterms.com/encyclopedia/potato/index.html), if you serve it at all.

Recipe courtesy of Alton Brown

10-28-2016, 02:00 PM
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37 Reviews
(http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/haggis-recipe.html#communityReviews)http://foodnetwork.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/food/unsized/2016/3/11/0/FN-TalentAvatar-Alton-Brown-800x800.jpg.rend.sni2col.jpeg (http://www.foodnetwork.com/chefs/alton-brown.html) Recipe courtesy of Alton Brown (http://www.foodnetwork.com/chefs/alton-brown.html)

SHOW:Good Eats (http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/good-eats.html) EPISODE:Oat Cuisine (http://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/good-eats/5-series/oat-cuisine.html)

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http://foodnetwork.sndimg.com/content/dam/images/food/fullset/2012/6/26/0/FN_haggis_s4x3.jpg.rend.sni12col.landscape.jpeg (http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/haggis-recipe.html#lightbox-recipe-image) Haggis

Total Time:5 hr 42 minPrep:30 minInactive:12 minCook:5 hr
Yield:Depends on how much you throwLevel:Advanced

Total Time:5 hr 42 minPrep:30 minInactive:12 minCook:5 hr

Yield:Depends on how much you throwLevel:Advanced


1 sheep stomach

1 sheep liver

1 sheep heart

1 sheep tongue

1/2 pound suet, minced

3 medium onions, minced

1/2 pound dry oats, toasted

1 teaspoon kosher salt

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 teaspoon dried ground herbs
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Rinse the stomach thoroughly and soak overnight in cold salted water.
Rinse the liver, heart, and tongue (http://www.foodterms.com/encyclopedia/tongue/index.html). In a large pot of boiling, salted water, cook these parts over medium heat for 2 hours. Remove and mince (http://www.foodterms.com/encyclopedia/mince/index.html). Remove any gristle or skin and discard.
In a large bowl, combine the minced liver (http://www.foodterms.com/encyclopedia/liver/index.html), heart, tongue, suet, onions, and toasted oats. Season with salt, pepper, and dried herbs (http://www.foodterms.com/encyclopedia/herbs/index.html). Moisten with some of the cooking water so the mixture binds. Remove the stomach from the cold salted water and fill 2/3 with the mixture. Sew or tie the stomach closed. Use a turning fork to pierce the stomach several times. This will prevent the haggis (http://www.foodterms.com/encyclopedia/haggis/index.html) from bursting.
In a large pot of boiling water, gently place the filled stomach, being careful not to splash. Cook over high heat for 3 hours.
Serve with mashed potatoes (http://www.foodterms.com/encyclopedia/potato/index.html), if you serve it at all.

Recipe courtesy of Alton Brown

It probably tastes real good. But, I just can't get my mind wrapped around it. Just looking at the picture gives me the "want to chuck" reflex. nojoke

Bob Denman
10-28-2016, 02:05 PM
As Max (from "Armageddon")said: "That'll put some hair on your ass!" :D

10-28-2016, 05:17 PM

Bob Denman
10-28-2016, 05:47 PM
:D Don't you just love a love story? :clap: :2thumbs:

10-28-2016, 06:32 PM

Speaking from a bagpiper's point of view, what ye think ye see ther is impossible. the upbreeze is'nae comin' from the pipes. If i'tis, the bottom piper is one 'ell of a windbag to play such a horribly set up bagpipe!