View Full Version : First demo ride

03-31-2009, 08:35 PM
While lamonte was having a bad day i had a great day. Went to artic adventures in rosendale, NY and took a spyder for a test ride although i know i want one still you have to test ride just in case it's not to your liking. Oh did i mention IT WAS FLIPPIN SWEEEEET!!!!!! :yes::yes::yes::yes: It was silver [yes it was fast] it was a semi auto i spent 5 minutes in the parking lot then hit the road the head buffeting was not bad at all the wind was mostly at my chest i only got up to 67 mph. steering was what i expected from what everyone on here said it would be. Even going on a bend at 55 the bike seemed like it want to lean even thou i knew it could not. Got back to the dealer and talked to him he said i could have a 2009 model either one for $16100.00 and he would paint it any color i wanted at no charge he had 2 there that were done waiting for the customers to pick them up. One was arctic orange and the other was like kawasaki green. Also got news that my trial date is august 31, so maybe i will be able to get in some fall riding and up here in NY the leafs are gorgeous.