View Full Version : Turning off the electronics

09-03-2016, 03:20 PM
Are there certain switch sequences to turn on or off the various stability systems in an F3? After seeing the Police Edition of the F3, it would seem possible to program any of the F3 Spyders so as to turn off the stab slitty control system in part of whole.

Any thoughts? I think i saw Lamont do this on a video demo ride he was on.

09-03-2016, 03:28 PM
I am guessing that the process cannot be accomplished. The safety features were put in so that the :spyder2: will function the way it is supposed to.

Messing with the system and circumventing the features would make BRP liable for any bad things that may happen. Don't think they would make this an easy thing.


09-03-2016, 03:39 PM
Traction control can be turned off on 2017 F3-S models only so far.

09-03-2016, 05:16 PM
If there is it would not be something we could do. Probably a softwear modification and buds would be involved. I don't see the problem with letting the computer run a quick disgnostic check before I go roaring down the street. I would much rather wait 5/10 seconds than pay $1000's in repair bills or find myself limping home....jmo Just turn on the ignition first...put on your helmet...hit the mode button then the starter...put on your gloves and all is well. You have to do all of that anyway just change the sequence...don't get totally ready then turn on the ignition...:lecturef_smilie:

Bob Denman
09-03-2016, 06:01 PM
At some point in the future: you MIGHT be able to shut off the TCS in your 2016 F3...
...If and only if BRP decides that they can accomplish the job with just a re-flash from BUDS!

But why would you want to? :dontknow:
The test pilots who rode the "Non-Nannied" prototypes said that they were about like Lawn Darts. The entire Spyder project would have been shelved, if Bosch hadn't come up with Nanny! :bowdown:

09-04-2016, 05:23 AM
I started this thread because I was watching a video from Lamont,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfvQhe1N00o where he turns off the traction control. (About 1 minute in)

So, I was wondering if other functions can be altered.

Also, my first Spyder, long time ago, was much more constrained by the electronics than my current F3. A couple days ago I "accidentally" lit up the rear on my F3 when applying too much throttle from a traffic light (Speed Limit 55 mph). Of course I may have been influenced by the new Corvette sitting to my right... LOL The original 990 cc would simply shoot out of the hole with no wheel spin, as I remember.

Buckeye Bleau
09-04-2016, 06:16 AM
Are there certain switch sequences to turn on or off the various stability systems in an F3? After seeing the Police Edition of the F3, it would seem possible to program any of the F3 Spyders so as to turn off the stab slitty control system in part of whole.

Any thoughts? I think i saw Lamont do this on a video demo ride he was on.

Buy the 2017 Daytona Edition that was the Lamont video.


09-04-2016, 07:53 AM
I. Have the 2015 and am hoping to be able to add that as well at some point to mine. Doesn't seem like a hard update for BRP to do. I would think it would be close to a Tesla update.

Peter Aawen
09-04-2016, 07:56 AM
I think it's ONLY the Traction Control for the Rear Tire that you get to turn off on those (few) Spyders with the Sport Mode Option.... Everything else in the stability & traction control electronics package remains fully operational, so it's effectively just 'relaxing' the limits the Nanny imposes on lighting up the rear tire when you twist the Spyders tail... err, throttle! That said, I believe there has already been some 'lightening up' of the Nanny over the years on the various models, especially when the F3 hit the streets; so as you have noticed, the earlier GS & RS type Spyders were on a little shorter leash than the later RSS & ST's; the RT's are a little tighter controlled (altho I heard a rumour that the 2013-on RT's weren't quite as strictly controlled than the first couple of years of the RT's, but still tighter than the other models - unsubstantiated AFAIK?!); & the F3's have all got a little more latitude on steering angles & lighting up the rear wheel just to give it that more aggressive riding capability than all the others; & now some get even more latitude with the Sports Mode. :shocked:

So far, that 'even more relaxed' Sports Mode is only slated for the 2017 'special' F3 versions like the Daytona, & somehow, I reckon there's gonna be very little likelihood of there ever being a 'back dated' relaxation for any earlier models by BRP, altho possibly there might be some after market tweaking available eventually! I certainly hope so!! :thumbup:

09-04-2016, 09:49 AM
So far, that 'even more relaxed' Sports Mode is only slated for the 2017 'special' F3 versions like the Daytona, & somehow, I reckon there's gonna be very little likelihood of there ever being a 'back dated' relaxation for any earlier models by BRP, altho possibly there might be some after market tweaking available eventually! I certainly hope so!! :thumbup:

All 2017 F3-S models that includes the Daytona come standard with Sport Mode.


Bob Denman
09-04-2016, 11:59 AM
Just swap for a 2017 F3, and have fun visiting the tire store! :D
Nanny is there for several very good reasons: I doubt that BRP will remove much more of her presence...

09-04-2016, 01:51 PM
With about 500 miles on my new F3, I may not be ready to trade yet......

I fully agree with the "lightening up" of the control. As previously stated, even in Eco mode the rear lit up for about twenty feet. And, I have sort of figured out the difference between Eco and standard... the throttle response in Eco seems less for the amount of twist.....

What happens on the 2016 models if one pushes "Eco" and the upper button? Nothing?

In any case, this new toy is a heck of a lot of fun.