View Full Version : Gas tank

03-28-2009, 11:55 PM
Until today I thought the tank was 6.2 gallons.
I put in 6.361 gallons, 25 miles after the last bar disappeared. (2 up and gear)
I think I was as close to empty as I want to be.

03-29-2009, 05:37 AM
Wow, I think that is the most I've heard anyone get in the tank. Just curious, do you know how many miles you got out of that tankful, I hope close to 190.

Capt John
03-29-2009, 06:09 AM
One brochure has 6.6 gal as tank size. The other has 7.13 gal. The most I've ever put in the tank is 4.6 gal. That's after the low fuel light and 1 bar left on gauge. I emailed BRP. They said it is a 7.13 gal tank. My mileage has increased on my last two tanks. I have 2400 miles on it now. Last tank average 34 mpg, the one before that 31.7 mpg. I don't know if this is riding style or bike just gets better with time.:2thumbs:

03-29-2009, 06:30 AM
Until today I thought the tank was 6.2 gallons.
I put in 6.361 gallons, 25 miles after the last bar disappeared. (2 up and gear)
I think I was as close to empty as I want to be.

I always had old carb bikes and relied heavily on the ability to switch over to the reserve. On this one, I chicken out and fuel up as soon as that light comes on, but thats only about five gallons each time. So I could have waited almost 60 miles if she holds 7.13.

bone crusher
03-29-2009, 08:28 AM
Yeah...there seems to be a debate about the size of the tank....if BRP says 7.13, then this thing is really odd...the light goes on with about 25% of the tank left!

I get about 150 miles on a tank, then I fill up with somewhere around 5 gallons.

When I first got the bike, I was getting 26mpg...with experience and more efficient riding, I now get around 30mpg...then again, I wouldn't say I'm light with the throttle...it is a motorcycle, afterall...on my hybrid SUV, that's a different story.

I also use 87 octane...I've read about all there is to read on octane effects and nothing convinces me to use higher...although some here like to do so...

Just Doo Me
03-29-2009, 09:10 AM
Service manual says 6.6 u.s. gallons [or 25 L] once the last bar is gone this is like the reserve, as most will fillup at this point.Like the gas gauge on the BRP sleds when they read empty there is still a good amount left to get you to a pump.I rode 30+ miles last fall on the Spyder with no bars before finding gas.:bowdown:

bone crusher
03-29-2009, 10:22 AM
Yeah...30 miles means about 1 gallon to spare. Perhaps some of the bikes are more sensitive and read empty sooner...like mine...

I know that when I fill up, I have to add about another gallon after it kicks off as the tank must be funny shaped...won't get the final 1/2 bar to show black unless I really fill it up all the way...strange...then, of course, I can run about 25 miles before the first bar disappears...then, from there, they come off pretty fast...

03-29-2009, 10:53 AM
Wow, I think that is the most I've heard anyone get in the tank. Just curious, do you know how many miles you got out of that tankful, I hope close to 190.

03-29-2009, 11:01 AM
One brochure has 6.6 gal as tank size. The other has 7.13 gal. The most I've ever put in the tank is 4.6 gal. That's after the low fuel light and 1 bar left on gauge. I emailed BRP. They said it is a 7.13 gal tank. My mileage has increased on my last two tanks. I have 2400 miles on it now. Last tank average 34 mpg, the one before that 31.7 mpg. I don't know if this is riding style or bike just gets better with time.:2thumbs:
For future, I would think 6.4, not 7.13.
I think I ran as close as I would like to.

03-29-2009, 11:32 AM
At some point BRP acknowledged that the original 7.13 gallon figure was an error and that the service manual figure was correct. Please realize that this figure is the entire tank volume, including head space and the portion that is higher than the fill opening. I think at 6.3 gallons that you do indeed have the record...and that you were mighty close to running on fumes. If you had a half gallon left, you were about 15 miles short of a push. I was sweating at no bars when I put 5.9+ in the tank.

03-29-2009, 11:56 AM
At some point BRP acknowledged that the original 7.13 gallon figure was an error and that the service manual figure was correct. Please realize that this figure is the entire tank volume, including head space and the portion that is higher than the fill opening. I think at 6.3 gallons that you do indeed have the record...and that you were mighty close to running on fumes. If you had a half gallon left, you were about 15 miles short of a push. I was sweating at no bars when I put 5.9+ in the tank.
And I was running that after a BRP event last night cruisin hwy traffic on the 55 fwy headed south (for all you who know the area) by the 5 fwy at 10pm at night. I was hangin close to the right lane not knowin what the Spyder was going to do when it was to run out. Traveling at 75mph with traffic running close all around Nancy and I.
Home safe, ready to go again.

Capt John
03-29-2009, 01:43 PM
When did BRP acknowledge 7.13 was incorrect? The email I sent them was on 3/13 and they replied back to me 3/16. I have the email saved. I just don't know how to post it on here. If you would like a copy? PM your email address and I'll forward it to you.

03-29-2009, 06:38 PM
When did BRP acknowledge 7.13 was incorrect? The email I sent them was on 3/13 and they replied back to me 3/16. I have the email saved. I just don't know how to post it on here. If you would like a copy? PM your email address and I'll forward it to you.
BRP posted this on their Web site about a year ago. It was repeated on several forums, maybe even this one. The Operator's Guide says 25 liters or 6.6 gallons. Apparently they still can't get their story straight. I wouldn't believe that email, the person probably grabbed the information right out of their original, erroneous brochure.

07-06-2009, 08:49 AM
At some point BRP acknowledged that the original 7.13 gallon figure was an error and that the service manual figure was correct. Please realize that this figure is the entire tank volume, including head space and the portion that is higher than the fill opening. I think at 6.3 gallons that you do indeed have the record...and that you were mighty close to running on fumes. If you had a half gallon left, you were about 15 miles short of a push. I was sweating at no bars when I put 5.9+ in the tank.

Hey, Scotty

OK, How tender would we like our dead horse beaten?!:bdh:

In case you all missed it, here was the "question of the week" on BRP's website (http://spyder.brp.com/en-US/Share/Community/News-Detail.html?ArticleID=d7d15e04-9ba9-4d34-acc9-1cac88839609) last month:

June 25, 2009, Spyder Announcements
Q: What is the fuel capacity of the Spyder roadster?

A: The Spyder roadster’s fuel tank is 7.13 US gallons (27 liters).

I have no further info, other than before our quick 200 mile ride up to Windsor, VT yesterday, I filled the Spyder to the tippy top and rode for a very long time before that little third-of-a bar disappeared...:dontknow:

BTW, their question of the week this week is

Q: How many Can-Am Spyder roadsters were used in the filming of Transformers II: Revenge of the Fallen?

A: Three units were used during production. They were prototypes from which we had removed the VSS to allow more stunts.

I don't remember any "stunts" in the 43 seconds of screen time that those Spyders got in the movie (I know, those who have ridden with me might think that driving in a straight line might be considered a "stunt" for me), but I guess they edited the h-e-double-hockeysticks out of that scene.

07-06-2009, 09:16 AM
As for the stunt, I think rolling out of a 18 wheeler and doing the burn out would require the Nanny to be off but other than that..what stunts. Maybe in the scenes we didn't get to see it was used to jump over a 75 foot revine and do wheelies to the guys could shoot at the transformers. I should have written the movie..geez.

07-06-2009, 09:36 AM
Hey, Scotty
OK, How tender would we like our dead horse beaten?!:bdh:
In case you all missed it, here was the "question of the week" on BRP's website (http://spyder.brp.com/en-US/Share/Community/News-Detail.html?ArticleID=d7d15e04-9ba9-4d34-acc9-1cac88839609) last month:

June 25, 2009, Spyder Announcements
Q: What is the fuel capacity of the Spyder roadster?

A: The Spyder roadster’s fuel tank is 7.13 US gallons (27 liters).

I am still trying to figure that one out. These same folks acknowledged in a blog question about a year or more ago, that the 7.13 gallon tank capacity originally specified was not correct. They either can't make up their mind, or are simply reading their own sales literature to answer the questions. I'm not sure whether the lower figure they gave was more of an actual capacity, minus head space, or it was a revised total capacity. Anyway you cut it, it seems that about 6.4 is the absolute most you will ever squeeze in there. I was sweating real hard at 5.9 gallons and no bars.

BTW, I like my horsemeat very tender. :D Beat well then slow cook for several hours. :bdh:

07-06-2009, 12:15 PM
I am still trying to figure that one out. These same folks acknowledged in a blog question about a year or more ago, that the 7.13 gallon tank capacity originally specified was not correct. They either can't make up their mind, or are simply reading their own sales literature to answer the questions. I'm not sure whether the lower figure they gave was more of an actual capacity, minus head space, or it was a revised total capacity. Anyway you cut it, it seems that about 6.4 is the absolute most you will ever squeeze in there. I was sweating real hard at 5.9 gallons and no bars.

BTW, I like my horsemeat very tender. :D Beat well then slow cook for several hours. :bdh:

I think this one won't be solved until someone runs out of fuel, then trailers the Spyder to a fillin' station and tops (really tops) it off.

Every time I fill up, I think of that one episode of Candid Camera where they send a girl with a VW beetle to a full-serve station and she asks to fill 'er up.

The VW had been cut apart and every available space had been replaced with fuel tank--the poor attendant just kept pumping and looking under the car to see where it was leaking out...

07-06-2009, 01:42 PM
I think this one won't be solved until someone runs out of fuel, then trailers the Spyder to a fillin' station and tops (really tops) it off.
Somebody purposely ran one out a long while back and posted it on SpyderTalk. I don't remember the exact capacity, but it was just above or just below the six and a half gallon mark, as I recall, which matched the revised figure that BRP had given at the time.
-Scotty http://www.pmdawnonline.com/forum/images/smilies/velo.gif

07-06-2009, 02:38 PM
As for the stunt, I think rolling out of a 18 wheeler and doing the burn out would require the Nanny to be off but other than that..what stunts....

I saw the Spyder come out of the tractor-trailer, but I didn't see the burnout--I must've blinked.

...Maybe in the scenes we didn't get to see it was used to jump over a 75 foot revine and do wheelies to the guys could shoot at the transformers. I should have written the movie..geez.

Wheelie?! Really??!!

07-21-2009, 01:14 AM
Just after the last bar disappeared with the low gas light on, I ran out fifty feet from the bump and coasted in. I put 6.11 gallons in to the top of the neck. right now I have 780 miles on my Spyder and when I ran out, my trip meter said 160 miles, is that good or bad?? still breaking it in, mostly stop and go in town riding. I now wait until the low gas light comes on and go for gas, I average about 100 miles befor the low gas lights comes on, to me that's not to good for gas mileage...What say you??

07-21-2009, 04:31 AM
Brp claims capacity at 6.6 gals. Recently I ran approximatelt 30 miles

after the last bar on the gauge disappeared and I pumped 6.8 gals.

07-21-2009, 06:03 AM
sounds to me like all gas pumps are not the same as far as accuracy goes.

07-21-2009, 08:01 AM
>>>>>>MISS my '87 Pacific Coast and the <3 gallon fill ups at about 160 miles!! Always seemed to work out about just right, by the time I needed to stop for another soda and a good pee it was time to fill up.

Now if I would have a drink every time I had to stop for fuel I would be in trouble with the dialysis techs at my next treatment! They only allow me about one liter per day between treatments. At least the Doctor won't take the Spyder away from me for fear of dropping it!

07-21-2009, 08:25 AM
sounds to me like all gas pumps are not the same as far as accuracy goes.

Could be pump error. But most likely it has more to do with the way the tank is filled.

All tanks these days have an air space designed in. The fill neck extends below or sits lower than the top of the tank. This is to allow for expansion and vapor recovery plumbing so you don't get liquid fuel in your recovery system.

If you put the pump nozzle further into the tank you'll increase the air space and reduce the amount of fuel. If you go to some lengths (with patience) to top off you reduce the air space and effectively increase the fuel capacity.

Many of you mention that you top off and then in a bit the fuel "Goes Away" and you can put more in.

That is because your vapor recovery system slowly vents from the top of your fuel tank. Once fuel blocks the fill hole the only way air can escape is through the top of the tank and this process is restricted. So it takes a moment for pressure to equalize. When this happens the fuel can then occupy the additional space and you can put more in.

BRP calculates this air space with a standard filling method (No Topping Off). Every vehicle (and the gas pumps themselves) tell you NOT to top off. That is because it can reduce the air space in your tank to a point where it can cause problems. I never let this worry me but I'm not saying anyone else should do it.

The published fuel capacity does not include this air space. Those of us who take advantage of more air space can actually get more fuel into the tank than the published amount (from bone dry).