03-28-2009, 09:45 PM
Not to sure if any one has other web sites but I found this one on my daily net searching. And if you are tired of going to the dealer every time just to get the basic OEM part for your Spyder or if you are just like me and have gotten comfortable with your UPS guy coming to your house and bringing you a present than check out this link.


You will find a lot of cool stuff on the main page but you will even find OEM parts for you SPYDER and when I compare it with the price I paid for my last OEM they seem a little cheaper but I bet with shipping it evens out. But I rather it come to me than waiting gas to my dealer every time. If you have a better site please post those up would like to see a better site out there. :chat:

bone crusher
03-28-2009, 10:42 PM
I work with a dealer who steeply discounts all BRP accessories...as far as parts go, the bikes are under warranty so you shouldn't need any...hmmm...

The hindle for $430.00 delivered is an example...all other BRP accessories are discounted quite a bit...

03-29-2009, 01:06 AM
Not to sure if any one has other web sites but I found this one on my daily net searching. And if you are tired of going to the dealer every time just to get the basic OEM part for your Spyder or if you are just like me and have gotten comfortable with your UPS guy coming to your house and bringing you a present than check out this link.


You will find a lot of cool stuff on the main page but you will even find OEM parts for you SPYDER and when I compare it with the price I paid for my last OEM they seem a little cheaper but I bet with shipping it evens out. But I rather it come to me than waiting gas to my dealer every time. If you have a better site please post those up would like to see a better site out there. :chat:

Many dealers use this online parts portal that BRP set up for them - it's pretty slick. Rob's performance and Dee's marine are two I've used.

03-29-2009, 05:14 AM
I work with a dealer who steeply discounts all BRP accessories...as far as parts go, the bikes are under warranty so you shouldn't need any...hmmm...

The hindle for $430.00 delivered is an example...all other BRP accessories are discounted quite a bit...

+1, my dealer always gives me good deals and if I don't feel like going to the dealer to pick the part up than they'll ship it to me.

SSG Bean
03-29-2009, 08:12 AM
I just checked my local dealer, and was surprised to find that they have the same kind of online parts finder. I didn't realize that so many were doing this. I'll definitely use this in the near future. It's a great compromise between my laziness and my desire to keep my local dealer in business!:thumbup: