View Full Version : Think I am going to have to sell it.

Jimmy Neutron
03-28-2009, 12:31 PM
Not a hundered percent sure yet but I have done everything I can to make This work. I have no mechanical skills and Tired of begging to get guys to do work on it. So therefore I may sell 2008 SE5 its got brp back rest and EVO 30 inch windshield. It only has 150 miles on it. It is yellow. I am not sure what a fair price would be so i guess depends what you will give.. Thanks A very dejected Spyder owner.

03-28-2009, 12:32 PM
What do you need help with?

Jimmy Neutron
03-28-2009, 12:51 PM
The hand brake. I can not put on and my buddies just dont want to get that involved. I keep seeing different ones but Its getting to the point of frustration. I even bought a cable and everything. they put a new foot brake but it just does not work almost hit car last nite. Could not get foot to brake in time. I am going home for weekend so talk to you monday. thanks for caring enough to ask.. My wife is pissed she likes it but I have spent so much money and still not able. Damn Knees

03-28-2009, 01:00 PM
Im in a wheelchair and doing mine pretty much on my own, bought the rancher cable as Lamont recommended, got his parts machined and ready to go.

Im sure some here with experience will provide you with some guidance.

03-28-2009, 01:31 PM
The hand brake. I can not put on and my buddies just dont want to get that involved. I keep seeing different ones but Its getting to the point of frustration. I even bought a cable and everything. they put a new foot brake but it just does not work almost hit car last nite. Could not get foot to brake in time. I am going home for weekend so talk to you monday. thanks for caring enough to ask.. My wife is pissed she likes it but I have spent so much money and still not able. Damn Knees

Don't give up yet. I just sent you a PM.

03-28-2009, 04:09 PM
If all else fails try finding yourself a local Indy repair shop. Most of these guys will work on anything and I'm betting that if you took some printouts of the setups you've found on here that you could get one to put the handbrake on for you.

Hang in there....

03-28-2009, 04:25 PM
Don't sell it we all well help you call lamonster on magic or me we all well help in any way we can .don't get depresst on your spyder anyone can help u with anything you nead .if you nave any questions call lamonster he no's spyders tip to toe . one of your friends vt228.

Don in E Texas
03-28-2009, 04:39 PM
Support on this Forum is top-rate. Ask about any question - and you will get constructive responses. Don't ever give up/give in; too many of us out here willing to help, if at all possible. Riding season is around the corner - you don't want to miss out on that. You would REALLY be upset with yourself if you sold your fine machine and then saw a bunch of folks out on the road having a ball!!


bone crusher
03-28-2009, 05:04 PM
Keep going...where there is a will, there is a way...between Lamonster, Scotty, and many others here, you can probably build a bike from the ground up...

Don't sell what will ultimately be an amazing ride and a huge stress reliever...you'll get there, give it time and patience...as far as the wife goes, well, can't help you there...they're all a little tough on us!

03-28-2009, 05:05 PM
There's going to be a commercial hand brake kit out pretty soon by http://www.industrialspecialty.com/

If the hand brake is the big issue for you, this kit will take care of it. No pricing or info on their site yet, but it is coming out soon!

03-28-2009, 07:17 PM
When I first read this it broke my heart because I know how frustrating it can be to want to do something you desire so bad and be so limited because of physical condition. I have been living like that for life. But FireFly is right I spoke to a guy name Jeff Kranzusch (hope I spelled it right) from http://www.industrialspecialty.com/ (http://www.industrialspecialty.com/) but he reassured me that they are working on the hydraulic braking system and it will be a bolt on kit. And with the update letter I got for them a few days after talking to him even made me happy. I use the cable system my self and I know how scary it can be when your whole life is relied on the pressure of one little cable controlled by your hand. But I have to say that thank god I am able to hit the foot brake with my other hand at the same time as well. This may not be the case for you because I don’t know the extent of your condition but I do hope that I am writing to some one that has the passion for riding as I do and is willing not to give up just too easy. Don’t let the limits take over just yet lets see what can be done in time hey you got at least this far to even get a spyder. Don’t give up just yet. PM what part of PA your at maybe we can connect and I can see what I can do for you maybe I can even ride to you with my sypder if your not to far and show you what was done for me for the meantime because I do plan to go hydraulic when the kit comes in. Well take my words and think about it the summer is not fully here so we still have time to ride and ride safe is of course what we are reaching for! :thumbup:

03-28-2009, 09:25 PM
Not a hundered percent sure yet but I have done everything I can to make This work. I have no mechanical skills and Tired of begging to get guys to do work on it. So therefore I may sell 2008 SE5 its got brp back rest and EVO 30 inch windshield. It only has 150 miles on it. It is yellow. I am not sure what a fair price would be so i guess depends what you will give.. Thanks A very dejected Spyder owner.

I am in Valley Forge ( Near Philly ) about 3 hrs drive away from you. If you can wait 3 weeks I will ride down and put the kit in for you :cheers:. I am selling my Spyder after all the paint jobs and upgrades but for totally diff reasons.

Don't despair the guys on this forum are Aces and I am sure if we say something most will do it. We will get it right.

Jimmy Neutron
03-30-2009, 07:33 AM
I am feeling the love and I thank you all. My better half has been on my arse all weekend when I told her what I was going to do. I sent a email to the contact Lamont sent me so we will wait and see how that plays out.. From the bottom of my heart thanks to all who care enough to send Ideas.. You are all special and I will hope I can make this work because not being able to ride it is driving me insane and bankrupt lol

03-30-2009, 08:11 AM
I am feeling the love and I thank you all. My better half has been on my arse all weekend when I told her what I was going to do. I sent a email to the contact Lamont sent me so we will wait and see how that plays out.. From the bottom of my heart thanks to all who care enough to send Ideas.. You are all special and I will hope I can make this work because not being able to ride it is driving me insane and bankrupt lol

I haven't been around a lot of "disabled" folks till I started this board. One thing I have noticed is they may be physically disabled but if they really want to ride they come up with some of the most clever ideas to do so. I think whatever their body is lacking they have made up with a can-do attitude. If I ever find myself in their situation I hope I have the courage and drive to do what so many have done on this board.:thumbup:

Hang in there Bro and don't let your dreams die. :doorag:

03-30-2009, 12:25 PM
I haven't been around a lot of "disabled" folks till I started this board. One thing I have noticed is they may be physically disabled but if they really want to ride they come up with some of the most clever ideas to do so. I think whatever their body is lacking they have made up with a can-do attitude. If I ever find myself in their situation I hope I have the courage and drive to do what so many have done on this board.:thumbup:

Hang in there Bro and don't let your dreams die. :doorag:
