View Full Version : PRAY for Officers families

07-08-2016, 07:56 AM
Everyone please take a moment to pray for the officers families that were shot today in Dallas:pray::pray:
and let show are respect for our men and woman in Blue........:thumbup:

07-08-2016, 08:02 AM
have no clue what this world is coming to :pray::pray:

07-08-2016, 08:09 AM
All lives matter ... let's pray for all families of this week's tragedies

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07-08-2016, 08:26 AM
:pray: Praying for the families of the fallen and for our country. :pray:

Bob Denman
07-08-2016, 08:27 AM
Our prayers and kindest thoughts are going out to all of them. :pray::pray:


07-08-2016, 08:40 AM
Things have sure changed a lot since I was young. Prayers for families and our country.

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07-08-2016, 08:54 AM
something is upsetting me, and i feel it needs to be said. i hope it doesn't upset anyone. the mayor and the police chief had a news conference before, one of them said, and i am not sure what one it was, but they said the officers that were doing the right thing and just watching the people protest, their right, were not wearing protective gear not to upset the protesters. THIS COUNTRY HAS TO STOP BEING SO PC. CORRECT.

07-08-2016, 09:08 AM
You are so right my Friend.....

07-08-2016, 09:47 AM
have no clue what this world is coming to :pray::pray:

CapNCrunch : =(

07-08-2016, 09:55 AM
Everyone please take a moment to pray for the officers families that were shot today in Dallas:pray::pray:
and let show are respect for our men and woman in Blue........:thumbup:

My prayers are also with my Brothers in Blue and that the ones responsible quickly get their due, even those claiming responsibility. Time to stop playing with this PC Crap.

07-08-2016, 10:04 AM
something is upsetting me, and i feel it needs to be said. i hope it doesn't upset anyone. the mayor and the police chief had a news conference before, one of them said, and i am not sure what one it was, but they said the officers that were doing the right thing and just watching the people protest, their right, were not wearing protective gear not to upset the protesters. THIS COUNTRY HAS TO STOP BEING SO PC. CORRECT.

I am sooo not PC...and PC has come to mean Political Corruption to me. And I sooo agree as I listened and heard did NOT wear protective gear...sooooo soooo wrong. Yes, I am praying and for the first time in my life I sent $ to a political candidate....we have to change what is happening...we are going backward in racial division instead of forward....OK OK I'm packed I'm headed to Deadwood before I realllllly get upset!!!! If anyone wants to know I support the NRA and 2d Amendment..and God, Smith and Wesson are my constant companions....I'm pissed, I'm headed for a dose of sanity, Spyder ryding...:yes::yes:

07-08-2016, 10:40 AM
I pray for the families of the fallen.

07-08-2016, 12:05 PM
I pray for my fellow officers in blue. This **** needs to stop. What really bothers me is. All of the leaders met before hand to discuss behavior, and the route to be used. The snipers knew a head of time where to be. So, how did that come to be? All coordinated, pre meditated murder! We are headed for a major civil disturbance, country wide. Another civil war? I thank the Lord I am no longer a working LEO. And I'm to old for military service. :popcorn: Tom :spyder:

07-08-2016, 12:33 PM
Destroy the military [almost check]
Destroy the police [working on it]
Destroy the economy [working on it]
Destroy the rule of law [check]
Open the borders [check]
Strengthen our enemies [check]
Weaken our allies [check]
Disarm law-abiding citizens [working on it]
Incite racial hatred [check]
Destroy free speech [working on it]

No comment; don't want to be political.:lecturef_smilie:
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

07-08-2016, 01:05 PM
Praying for the families that lost their loved ones and the ones who are wounded!

07-08-2016, 02:04 PM
Prayers for all who lost their lives this week and their friends and family. Also, prayers for healing for us all as a nation.

07-08-2016, 03:17 PM
:agree: with all of the above. :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:

07-08-2016, 03:36 PM
God bless all of the victims. There is so great a difference in beliefs among American racial and especially political groups that I sadly believe we are headed into a long cycle of violent clashes. There is no longer shared valves in this country across the board.

07-08-2016, 09:39 PM
:pray::pray::pray: To all the people who lost their lives this week as well as their families!

07-08-2016, 09:58 PM
everyone is out of control on all sides. Police are angry and citizens are angry. Big trouble ahead.

07-09-2016, 08:46 PM
Under Paid

Over Worked

and not Appreciated

God Bless all of our LEOs and their families.

Retired 2012
07-10-2016, 12:52 AM
They were targeted and shot my a U.S. Army trained Black man who said he hated whites and wanted to kill white cops. How do we deal with assclowns that have no respect for the law, a whole career field, a whole race of people and how do we teach the average citizen that they can no longer sit on the sidelines, if they want law and order then they need to show they support for their local Law Enforcement agencies. If we want to remain a great country we need to show support for our military and Law Enforcement and stop worrying about being so PC that nothing ever gets done.
More Black men are killed by other Black men in the county of L.A. Then cops have killed in all of the U.S. but no one is protesting that. No one is protesting about how many Black men are killed by drugs or alcohol.
Stats show more white men were killed by cops last year then Black men, no one is protesting that.
Reality is if you don't break the law, you have nothing to fear from the cops. Cops are to busy chasing law breakers to even think about messing with a law abiding citizen.

In 25 years of Law Enfocement and 12 yrs of military law enforcement I never heard an officer say, hey we got nothing better to do, let's go mess with a law abiding citizen just because we can. Never happen...

Wake up people just because their family says, he was starting to turn his life around doesn't mean he wasn't guilty, doesn't mean he didn't resist arrest or wasn't actively fighting with the police and of course it doesn't mean he wasn't carring a gun.

Not PC but all true, at least in my experience

Prayers for the officers and their families and the two citizen caught in the cross fire.

Did anyone see or hear of any protesters helping the wounded officers, or moving a wounded officer out of the line of fire?

Sad that it happened, but at least some citizens are now starting to recognize how hard it is to be a Law Enforcement Officer, and are showing their respect to the Dallas Police Officers.

07-10-2016, 03:22 AM
Destroy the military [almost check]
Destroy the police [working on it]
Destroy the economy [working on it]
Destroy the rule of law [check]
Open the borders [check]
Strengthen our enemies [check]
Weaken our allies [check]
Disarm law-abiding citizens [working on it]
Incite racial hatred [check]
Destroy free speech [working on it]

No comment; don't want to be political.:lecturef_smilie:
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Oh wow what a list. Make sure you mention to start prepping.
And still deny that weapons and a radical society armed with those are to blame.
Sad on top of the tragedy.

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07-10-2016, 06:26 AM
They were targeted and shot my a U.S. Army trained Black man who said he hated whites and wanted to kill white cops. How do we deal with assclowns that have no respect for the law, a whole career field, a whole race of people and how do we teach the average citizen that they can no longer sit on the sidelines, if they want law and order then they need to show they support for their local Law Enforcement agencies. If we want to remain a great country we need to show support for our military and Law Enforcement and stop worrying about being so PC that nothing ever gets done.
More Black men are killed by other Black men in the county of L.A. Then cops have killed in all of the U.S. but no one is protesting that. No one is protesting about how many Black men are killed by drugs or alcohol.
Stats show more white men were killed by cops last year then Black men, no one is protesting that.
Reality is if you don't break the law, you have nothing to fear from the cops. Cops are to busy chasing law breakers to even think about messing with a law abiding citizen.

In 25 years of Law Enfocement and 12 yrs of military law enforcement I never heard an officer say, hey we got nothing better to do, let's go mess with a law abiding citizen just because we can. Never happen...

Wake up people just because their family says, he was starting to turn his life around doesn't mean he wasn't guilty, doesn't mean he didn't resist arrest or wasn't actively fighting with the police and of course it doesn't mean he wasn't carring a gun.

Not PC but all true, at least in my experience

Prayers for the officers and their families and the two citizen caught in the cross fire.

Did anyone see or hear of any protesters helping the wounded officers, or moving a wounded officer out of the line of fire?

Sad that it happened, but at least some citizens are now starting to recognize how hard it is to be a Law Enforcement Officer, and are showing their respect to the Dallas Police Officers.

What you say is so true ,and right to the point......:pray:

07-10-2016, 10:14 AM
They were targeted and shot my a U.S. Army trained Black man who said he hated whites and wanted to kill white cops. How do we deal with assclowns that have no respect for the law, a whole career field, a whole race of people and how do we teach the average citizen that they can no longer sit on the sidelines, if they want law and order then they need to show they support for their local Law Enforcement agencies. If we want to remain a great country we need to show support for our military and Law Enforcement and stop worrying about being so PC that nothing ever gets done.
More Black men are killed by other Black men in the county of L.A. Then cops have killed in all of the U.S. but no one is protesting that. No one is protesting about how many Black men are killed by drugs or alcohol.
Stats show more white men were killed by cops last year then Black men, no one is protesting that.
Reality is if you don't break the law, you have nothing to fear from the cops. Cops are to busy chasing law breakers to even think about messing with a law abiding citizen.

In 25 years of Law Enfocement and 12 yrs of military law enforcement I never heard an officer say, hey we got nothing better to do, let's go mess with a law abiding citizen just because we can. Never happen...

Wake up people just because their family says, he was starting to turn his life around doesn't mean he wasn't guilty, doesn't mean he didn't resist arrest or wasn't actively fighting with the police and of course it doesn't mean he wasn't carring a gun.

Not PC but all true, at least in my experience

Prayers for the officers and their families and the two citizen caught in the cross fire.

Did anyone see or hear of any protesters helping the wounded officers, or moving a wounded officer out of the line of fire?

Sad that it happened, but at least some citizens are now starting to recognize how hard it is to be a Law Enforcement Officer, and are showing their respect to the Dallas Police Officers.
Anyone who ever gets arrested seems to have " a big problem" with law enforcement... And yes the families and friends plus every keyboard warrior on the internet as well as those with nothing better to do than yell in the streets immediately claim the person did nothing wrong.
There are those who should not be cops , or doctors or car mechanics for that matter because they don't have what it takes ... But I for one am extremely grateful to those who risk their lives daily to protect people they don't even know . Peace and strength to the families of all our protectors who have paid the ultimate price 😔

07-10-2016, 10:52 AM
Destroy the military [almost check]
Destroy the police [working on it]
Destroy the economy [working on it]
Destroy the rule of law [check]
Open the borders [check]
Strengthen our enemies [check]
Weaken our allies [check]
Disarm law-abiding citizens [working on it]
Incite racial hatred [check]
Destroy free speech [working on it]

No comment; don't want to be political.:lecturef_smilie:
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:

Disagree on ALL accounts. None of that is happening.

07-10-2016, 11:03 AM
None of that is happening.

:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflb lack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:: roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflbl ack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::r oflblack:

Just my opinion.

But I don't want to get away from the purpose of this thread, so I repeat, for our country and those who protect it (and the freedom to disagree) :pray::pray::pray:.

Retired 2012
07-10-2016, 02:13 PM
So, I’m driving to my office to turn in my weekly paperwork. A headlight is out. I see a Tucson Police Department squad vehicle turn around and follow me. I’m already preparing for the stop.
The lights go on and I pull over. The officer asks me how I’m doing, and then asks if I have any weapons.
“Yes, sir. I’m a concealed carry permit holder and my weapon is located on my right hip. My wallet is in my back-right pocket.”
The officer explains for his safety and mine, he needs to disarm me for the stop. I understand, and I unlock the vehicle. I explain that I’m running a 7TS ALS holster but from the angle, the second officer can’t unholster it. Lead officer asks me to step out, and I do so slowly. Officer relieves me of my Glock and compliments the X300U I’m running on it. He also sees my military ID and I tell him I’m with the National Guard.
Lead officer points out my registration card is out of date but he knows my registration is up to date. He goes back to run my license. I know he’s got me on at least two infractions. I’m thinking of how to pay them.
Officers return with my Glock in an evidence back, locked and cleared. “Because you were cool with us and didn’t give us grief, I’m just going to leave it at a verbal warning. Get that headlight fixed as soon as possible.”
I smile. “Thank you, sir.”
I’m a black man wearing a hoodie and strapped. According to certain social movements, I shouldn’t be alive right now because the police are allegedly out to kill minorities.
Maybe…just maybe…that notion is bunk.
Maybe if you treat police officers with respect, they will do the same to you.
Police officers are people, too. By far and large, most are good people and they’re not out to get you.
I’d like to thank those two officers and TPD in general for another professional contact.
We talk so much about the bad apples who shouldn’t be wearing a badge. I’d like to spread the word about an example of men who earned their badges and exemplify what that badge stands for.

copied from facebook page

Good to hear, both sides should be happy with this

prayers sent to the officers,the families ant the two citizens caught in the cross fire!! !!!

07-14-2016, 05:13 PM
Oh.. So this wasn't you... Just some FB story that can't even be fact checked. Great. Even if this story is true it doesn't mean that other young black males are not being treated unfairly... Many are.
As a white male I've never never thought I could get shot when pulled over. My parents only had to tell me to 'respect the police'.... They never felt the need to tell me to keep my hands in plain view or I might end up dead.
Here's a short video where LeVar Burton discusses getting pulled over:

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07-14-2016, 05:19 PM
:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflb lack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:: roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflbl ack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::r oflblack:

Just my opinion.

But I don't want to get away from the purpose of this thread, so I repeat, for our country and those who protect it (and the freedom to disagree) :pray::pray::pray:.

That the nice thing about opinions.... You obviously don't have to have any facts to back them up.
Sad to come on this forum and see this political nonsense being spewed.

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Bob Denman
07-14-2016, 05:33 PM

Lorne Ahrens
Michael Krol
Michael J Smith
Brent Thompson
Patrick Zamarripa

Thank you, for what you did for Dallas. :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray: