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06-29-2016, 06:29 PM
A big thank you to my friends Joe & Ann. They got the Spyder going straight down the road without any vibration. I was a little concerned about my alignment appointment because I thought my problems ran deeper than that and I was just throwing money away. A few years back I hit a deer and the Spyder has never been the same. It didn't pull like you would normally associate with alignment. I had a lot of front end vibration and thought something was bent, possibly A-Arms, wheels.:dontknow:

So we get my Spyder in Al's barn and the first thing Joe says as he's looking under the bike is, "Mark, I think your frame is bent". :yikes: Don't tell me that Joe. I don't think I can go back on my insurance company after four years and reopen a claim. As it turned out the frame was not bent and the Spyder was so far out of alignment that it caused the vibration. My dealer did an alignment after the deer accident but they must have completely screwed that up.

Joe said I got the prize for having the Spyder that was out of wack the most. Funny thing though, when I got home I realized I forgot to get my prize. I wonder what it was.

Thanks again Joe and Ann. Thank you Al for your hospitality and the use of your barn. Oh, and the sleeping advise.:D

Now on a side note. For those of you who know me and what I have been going through the last couple of years, I just want to say. The two days I spent in Kazoo at Al's place seeing old friends and meeting new ones, has possibly been the best two days for me in quite a while. It is so nice to get out on the Spyder (only 500 miles in 2 years :yikes:) and do something besides going to work.

Thanks again Spyder friends. Here's to hoping for more good days of Spyder fun.

Bob Denman
06-29-2016, 06:41 PM
Thanks again Spyder friends. Here's to hoping for more good days than bad.
:D I am so glad to hear you saying this! Here's to more good days! :cheers: :2thumbs:

Oh! :congrats: on getting "squared-away"! :thumbup:

06-29-2016, 11:48 PM
Mark, it was so good to see you in Kzoo. I miss my Michigan riding buds. Now that you've been Squared Away you'll have to get out more. Al said he is always up for a ride and Scotty said he could use some help on his barn. I think Connie would want you to.

And your prize is a better handling Spyder. :yes:

06-29-2016, 11:59 PM
Mark, glad we could help! Every day is like that in our world! While I cannot imagine going thru what you have, I know this: faith without works is dead! Doing for others, and the fellowship, that's what makes our "events" fantastic! We love to ride, and the "Wind Therapy" is good for the soul! Making the ride better? Priceless!!!! Our circle of friends is kinda big - which is good! Lets us go anywhere, and be welcome! That, and the fun! We love fixing stuff, and making people happy. We had such a blast in Kalamazoo! Honestly, a fantastic event!! Now, remember the secret hand signal....there is a test later! Your prize? That your horrible Spyder has had "Healing Hands" laid on! We have cast out your crooked ways, and now, you travel straight and true!! Go forth, and spread the word: if you have a Spyder, it needs to be "SQUARED AWAY!!!"
LOL, Joe

06-30-2016, 07:43 AM
Thanks Joe & Ann for the kind words.

I edited the last part of my post because after rereading it this morning it was like, wow, my life is a mess. Well that is not the case at all, just the Spyder side of it. Connie was such a part of the whole Spyder thing that I just don't have much of a desire to ride it without her.

As far as helping Scotty, I have offered but like me he doesn't like to impose on people and take them up on their offer for help. We did have a good talk about that very thing and I believe that he may give me a call after this big holiday weekend.

And Bob.

What can I say about you. Always the man with the kind words, always here for all of us. Thanks bud.