View Full Version : 2000 mile ride to Reno and Back

05-26-2016, 06:16 PM
Well just finished my annual ride to Reno (Solo) and back. The ride was uneventful with two exceptions.

I had a huge Buck jump out on the road from a short rise on the left side of the road which allowed me to test my ABS, lol. With the trailer behind the bike was a wee bit squirrely but nothing I could not handle. Seeing the one I kept an eye on the bank and seen a second Buck ready to jump, I blew my air horn and sent him back into the bush behind him.

On the return trip I was following a semi up a hill, he was doing about 25 mph so I kept watching for an opening to pass. Eventually I got a dashed line an no traffic as far as I could see so I dropped to 2nd and nailed it. As I approached the front of the truck I suddenly realized that there was a black Harley coming right at me which I had not even seen until it was very close. No lights of any kind were on, it was daylight but I am sure that would have been a great help. I hugged the rig to give him room to pass on my left without incident. That is when I realized that I was doing 99 miles an hour (more like 95 on the GPS but I never had time to look) with the trailer behind. I never even felt the trailer, it tracked perfectly.

This goes to show how invisible a motorcycle can be and why bright lights need to be on. Just glad he had the smarts to swerve to the right or we would both be piles of debris, lol.

Bam Bam and Pebbles
05-26-2016, 07:33 PM
I might have had to stop to change my shorts after that one.

05-26-2016, 08:29 PM
Glad you made it through:yikes:

05-26-2016, 08:38 PM
Are you from Nevada or Cali? If you're a from Nevada, check out our new ryding group on facebook Battle Born Spyder Ryders!

05-26-2016, 08:58 PM
Are you from Nevada or Cali? If you're a from Nevada, check out our new ryding group on facebook Battle Born Spyder Ryders!
He is from Washington.

05-26-2016, 08:59 PM
I am so stupid! I thought the post said 200 mile ride. Oops!

05-26-2016, 09:38 PM
I might have had to stop to change my shorts after that one.

Was looking for a term to describe the situation. I think you got it.

A "short changer" ride. :yes: