View Full Version : 3600 Acres Burned So far

04-23-2016, 09:38 AM
Well the brush fire is up to 3600 acres, and still burning. For 2 days we had heavy smoke. Praying for rain. It's all around us. But not on the fire. It's contained at this point. They lit back fires to control it. Today is not bad smoke wise. Just hazy, but windy because of the storms. Even with everything closed up, it still gets in. At one point it was about 5 miles away. coffee Tom

04-23-2016, 09:39 AM
Don't know why it is so light. If anyone can fix it, please do. :thumbup: Tom :spyder:

04-23-2016, 09:45 AM
Don't know why it is so light. If anyone can fix it, please do. :thumbup: Tom :spyder:

It's the smoke clouding up the air waves :yikes:

But seriously, very scary to be so close. Glad it is still contained!!

Bob Denman
04-23-2016, 09:48 AM
Well the brush fire is up to 3600 acres, and still burning. For 2 days we had heavy smoke. Praying for rain. It's all around us. But not on the fire. It's contained at this point. They lit back fires to control it. Today is not bad smoke wise. Just hazy, but windy because of the storms. Even with everything closed up, it still gets in. At one point it was about 5 miles away. coffee Tom

:shocked: We've had a lot of smaller fires each of the past three days also...
Do they know what started yours? Ours have been from people burning brush! :gaah:

04-23-2016, 10:46 AM
Well the brush fire is up to 3600 acres, and still burning. For 2 days we had heavy smoke. Praying for rain. It's all around us. But not on the fire. It's contained at this point. They lit back fires to control it. Today is not bad smoke wise. Just hazy, but windy because of the storms. Even with everything closed up, it still gets in. At one point it was about 5 miles away. coffee Tom

When I say the title of your thread, I thought "Wow. He's counting acres ridden instead of miles. I wonder how he does that."

But now I see the post and I will also pray for rain in your area. We're also in a rain deficit. The farmers are burning their pastures, but have to really watch out that they don't get out of control. My county has a burn ban in effect.

04-23-2016, 01:11 PM
Where in PA is that?

04-23-2016, 01:14 PM
Glad they have the fire contained keep us posted!

04-23-2016, 01:15 PM
Know what it's like and fingers crossed and a :pray: that all will be fine and they can contain it soon. We have our share of fires here.....:gaah:

04-23-2016, 01:51 PM
Hi Tango,

Here you go: Well the brush fire is up to 3600 acres, and still burning. For 2 days we had heavy smoke. Praying for rain. It's all around us. But not on the fire. It's contained at this point. They lit back fires to control it. Today is not bad smoke wise. Just hazy, but windy because of the storms. Even with everything closed up, it still gets in. At one point it was about 5 miles away. coffee Tom

Jerry Baumchen

04-23-2016, 02:21 PM
You can probably "smell" the smoke since you're only 5 miles away. When we were in Fairbanks, Alaska last year not only could we smell the smoke, you could see it in the air. Air quality warnings in affect. See you and Ali in 4 days.

04-23-2016, 04:10 PM
Fire season is upon us. Always an issue here in Alaska. I believe "someone" said that 70% of all fires are started due to human error.

04-23-2016, 06:41 PM
Where in PA is that?

Pike and Monroe Counties. Delaware State Forest. :thumbup: Tom :spyder:

04-23-2016, 06:43 PM
:shocked: We've had a lot of smaller fires each of the past three days also...
Do they know what started yours? Ours have been from people burning brush! :gaah:

No idea Bob. State Forest Land. Burning ban in effect. :thumbup: Tom :spyder:

04-23-2016, 06:44 PM
Hi Tango,

Here you go: Well the brush fire is up to 3600 acres, and still burning. For 2 days we had heavy smoke. Praying for rain. It's all around us. But not on the fire. It's contained at this point. They lit back fires to control it. Today is not bad smoke wise. Just hazy, but windy because of the storms. Even with everything closed up, it still gets in. At one point it was about 5 miles away. coffee Tom

Jerry Baumchen

Thanks Jerry. :thumbup: Tom :spyder:

04-23-2016, 06:46 PM
You can probably "smell" the smoke since you're only 5 miles away. When we were in Fairbanks, Alaska last year not only could we smell the smoke, you could see it in the air. Air quality warnings in affect. See you and Ali in 4 days.

Mike we were socked in for 2 days. At first, thought it was fog. Then the smoke started seeping in. Coughing and burning eyes. Leave tomorrow morning. Can't wait. :thumbup: Tom :spyder:

04-23-2016, 06:48 PM
Much better outside now. Smoke has lifted. It may be out now. :thumbup: Tom :spyder:

04-24-2016, 05:18 PM
Well its not out yet. Now up to 4500 acres and one cabin burned. It must have gotten away from them. :yikes: Tom :spyder:

04-25-2016, 07:02 AM
The latest is 3 homes as well as the cabin were destroyed. A second fire was stated as well. Both arenow arson cases, with a $5,000 reward. Evacuations south of us have started. :yikes: Tom :spyder:

04-25-2016, 08:42 AM
The latest is 3 homes as well as the cabin were destroyed. A second fire was stated as well. Both arenow arson cases, with a $5,000 reward. Evacuations south of us have started. :yikes: Tom :spyder:
That is a rotten shame! It's such beautiful country up there. Living just south of Allentown, I've often visited your area. I'm hoping the fire gets no closer to you.

04-25-2016, 10:07 AM
I completely sympathize with you and hope they get it under control. There are no sufficient punishments for arsonists. Fires are a fact of life in the bone dry west. For us it isn't a matter of if we have a large fire, it's when will we have the next one. Good luck!


04-25-2016, 11:42 AM
I completely sympathize with you and hope they get it under control. There are no sufficient punishments for arsonists. Fires are a fact of life in the bone dry west. For us it isn't a matter of if we have a large fire, it's when will we have the next one. Good luck!


Last spring, a couple decided to burn trash (during a burning ban) at their property near Houston Alaska. They set the whole neighborhood ablaze, took out several cabins and homes, and it took days to get the fire under control. There was a good five miles of burnt area when all was said and done.

Once the fire started, the couple decided to get the heck out of Dodge. They did not call the fire department, just headed back to Anchorage as if there were no fire at all. The couple was cited and a court date was to be scheduled. As of this time, no further information on anything. They either were influential, or had a very good lawyer to get there butts covered.

04-25-2016, 05:44 PM
Last spring, a couple decided to burn trash (during a burning ban) at their property near Houston Alaska. They set the whole neighborhood ablaze, took out several cabins and homes, and it took days to get the fire under control. There was a good five miles of burnt area when all was said and done.

Once the fire started, the couple decided to get the heck out of Dodge. They did not call the fire department, just headed back to Anchorage as if there were no fire at all. The couple was cited and a court date was to be scheduled. As of this time, no further information on anything. They either were influential, or had a very good lawyer to get there butts covered.

I hope they get hit hard! :thumbup: Tom :spyder:

04-25-2016, 05:48 PM
Now 6,000 acres still going strong. Special attack team from New Mexico is now involved. Helicopters are now dropping water also. Glad we arrive in Springfield(Spyderfest) tomorrow. Can't imagine what the air is like at home. Wife wanted to turn around. I said lets keep going. If things get real bad, I don't want to see it. :thumbup: Tom :spyder:

04-25-2016, 06:06 PM
I said lets keep going. If things get real bad, I don't want to see it. :thumbup: Tom :spyder:

Wish I could sent some of our extra water up to y'all.

Hoping your house is still there when you get home...:pray:

04-25-2016, 08:28 PM
Wish I could sent some of our extra water up to y'all.

Hoping your house is still there when you get home...:pray:

Thanks Yaz. Looks like mother nature will drop some rain tonight. Lets hope it helps. :pray::pray: Tom :spyder:

04-26-2016, 04:13 PM
I know nothing about the fire up there but is it the one that others are saying was started by a meteorite, or could be several in a cluster?
