View Full Version : Shoei Headwave

04-18-2016, 11:38 AM
Shoei has come out with a new helmet that gives you "surround sound" by placing speakers throughout the helmet. I know I am in the great minority here, as most Spyders come with built in music, but I have never once wished I had music while riding. Not when riding down a country road, a long straight interstate and definitely not when riding in the city.

With distracted driving at an all time high we need to be more focused on our riding than ever before. Many of us are new riders and old busted up guys like me. Either way the last thing we need to do is add our own distractions into the mix.

Shoei makes great helmets and I just bought one last month. Whether or not it will save my life one day remains to be seen but I can guarantee you I will do everything in my power to insure it does not have to.

04-18-2016, 11:58 AM
Shoei has come out with a new helmet that gives you "surround sound" by placing speakers throughout the helmet. I know I am in the great minority here, as most Spyders come with built in music, but I have never once wished I had music while riding. Not when riding down a country road, a long straight interstate and definitely not when riding in the city.

With distracted driving at an all time high we need to be more focused on our riding than ever before. Many of us are new riders and old busted up guys like me. Either way the last thing we need to do is add our own distractions into the mix.

Shoei makes great helmets and I just bought one last month. Whether or not it will save my life one day remains to be seen but I can guarantee you I will do everything in my power to insure it does not have to.

I agree.
I ride for freedom
I'll check my phone if I remember to bring it when I have to refuel.
I find my way if I get lost that's half the fun.
Yes we are in the minority but maybe enjoying it a lot more IMHO

04-18-2016, 12:37 PM
Try to have music on. The change in music I believe actually helps me stay alert. Especially on those long straight roads that can be borrrring. :ohyea:

04-18-2016, 12:37 PM
If I wanted to hear surround sound, I just go to my man cave. I have speakers in my helmet and if they aren't placed in the sweet spot, I cant hear them much at all so I wouldn't know how one could hear a speaker that is several inches front or rear.

04-18-2016, 01:06 PM
Sorry, but the music keeps me awake and alert. It allows me to filter out all the mono noises and relax.
Turn by turn navigation also makes my ride safer.
Being able to talk with my passenger is priceless and sorry but safer than trying to turn around, yelling to each other.
I don't take calls or pay attention to notifications.

Also, speakers in the helmet are safer for everyone than ear buds that often block out more important noises such as sirens.

04-18-2016, 03:39 PM
Are your talking about the Headwave Tag capsule or something Shoei specific? I don't know of any Shoei product like this. The Headwave Tag works with all/most helmets and doesn't use speakers, it transmits via vibration throughout the helmet. There are a few reviews about it, here (http://www.motorcycle.com/products/mo-tested-headwave-tag) is one of them.

04-18-2016, 04:02 PM
Are your talking about the Headwave Tag capsule or something Shoei specific? I don't know of any Shoei product like this. The Headwave Tag works with all/most helmets and doesn't use speakers, it transmits via vibration throughout the helmet. There are a few reviews about it, here (http://www.motorcycle.com/products/mo-tested-headwave-tag) is one of them.

I'd consider something like that if they perfect it and make it work above 55 mph.

04-18-2016, 04:50 PM
i ride with the radio all the time, i have no problem hearing it at whatever speed i am doing.

04-18-2016, 04:53 PM
i ride with the radio all the time, i have no problem hearing it at whatever speed i am doing.

:agree::agree: And I can't hearnojoke

04-18-2016, 10:30 PM
Don't know if I want to admit this without worrying people but I don't listen to music when I'm riding as I just hum/sing along to the music in my head. Obviously I have to try and remember not to do this when my daughters on the back as we've got a voice activated intercom.

04-18-2016, 10:41 PM
I love to hear my tunes while I'm riding. Love my sena Bluetooth.

Bam Bam and Pebbles
04-18-2016, 11:38 PM
I love to hear my tunes while I'm riding. Love my sena Bluetooth.


Listen to some Godsmack or Five Finger Death Punch while riding? Yes please!

04-18-2016, 11:52 PM
My 2 cents make that a dime. Music makes the ride even better. love different music for the mountains, in town or on the highway.

04-19-2016, 06:15 AM
:agree:I love music when riding adds to the fun! Also keeps me from listening for something being wrong as I tend to do... Is that a normal engine sound? I do that too much lol.

04-19-2016, 06:39 AM
This kind of diverse opinion is what makes things interesting...and we're all right for our own way of doing things.
I love music, and have a Sena 10U in my Shoei Neotec, but don't feel that I'm safe with music or phone blue toothed in (is that a word?)
So the only communication I get via the headset is GPS turn-by-turn when I need it. Not that there's anything wrong with music in helmets......


04-19-2016, 07:35 AM
Don't know if I want to admit this without worrying people but I don't listen to music when I'm riding as I just hum/sing along to the music in my head. Obviously I have to try and remember not to do this when my daughters on the back as we've got a voice activated intercom.

That's what I do, too. The acoustics in my helmet are better than in my shower! :rolleyes:

But if I could stand anything against my ears I'd have music, instead. :thumbup:

04-19-2016, 09:15 AM
Got to have my "SALSA" music whether, I'm driving or riding! :dontknow:

Pirate looks at --
04-19-2016, 09:28 AM
Are your talking about the Headwave Tag capsule or something Shoei specific? I don't know of any Shoei product like this. The Headwave Tag works with all/most helmets and doesn't use speakers, it transmits via vibration throughout the helmet. There are a few reviews about it, here (http://www.motorcycle.com/products/mo-tested-headwave-tag) is one of them.

Shoei doesn't admit to making anything like that? And I am sure they would if they did! The mire music the better!

04-19-2016, 10:02 AM
Are your talking about the Headwave Tag capsule or something Shoei specific? I don't know of any Shoei product like this. The Headwave Tag works with all/most helmets and doesn't use speakers, it transmits via vibration throughout the helmet. There are a few reviews about it, here (http://www.motorcycle.com/products/mo-tested-headwave-tag) is one of them.
My bad. You are correct. They were showing it on a Shoei and I thought it was built in. Glad to know Shoei wouldn't do that.

04-19-2016, 10:09 AM
In my car, where I do listen to music, if I am in a tense situation such as super hard rain and standing water I will turn my radio down so I can focus solely on the task at hand. I don't think that if I turned it up it would help me focus better.

04-19-2016, 11:41 AM
I have a Sena in my Shoei (say five times fast). I happily use it for music and talking to passengers/fellow riders (as noted above, being able to talk to your pillion is FAR safer than hand signals and helmet-thumps). Would never use it for a phone, and I'm too broke for a new GPS ;).

My accommodation for safety is that I don't play music in town very often, i.e. while commuting on my bikes the tunes stay off. But once I get out into open road and twistyland, I've got no issues with listening to some music.

04-19-2016, 12:18 PM
Below is a video of a nice ride on a country road where a dog runs out in front of a rider and he goes down. The second rider almost get crushed by a truck. It could just as well been a dear or something that would destroy a Spyder. You can never let your guard down when riding. Never.

Warning: Really bad language


Here is a better angle. Again, really bad language.


04-19-2016, 06:05 PM
I'm okay with the radio on the Spyder, but wouldn't want music in my helmet. On two wheels, I don't ride with any kind of distraction (music, gps, etc).