View Full Version : spyderlovers.com is more typical than I thought.....

04-17-2016, 07:02 AM
I thought that posts like-What did you name your spyder?, and get a real motorcycle (to name a few) were unique to spyderlovers.com. The first time I saw those posts here, a number of years ago, I'd read them and laughed. Now, I don't bother to read them. I'm neither for nor against them; I just don't care. Imagine my surprise when I see them on another forum regarding a specific Jeep model. And, here I thought we were a unique bunch, and possessive of our vehicles.:dontknow:

04-17-2016, 07:06 AM
there are hatters and people that like to stir stuff everywhere. i do it to people that have a Harley, but i like to brake chops, and i can read the person that i can do it for laughs and not start a fight. your best bet is to do like you said, just move on and ignore it

04-17-2016, 07:17 AM
True dat, but Spyderlovers is the first place I ever heard the terms farkle and frunk.

04-17-2016, 07:29 AM
True dat, but Spyderlovers is the first place I ever heard the terms farkle and frunk.

I find the terms boot (trunk) and bonnet (hood) in place of the 'F' word, on the other site. The term farkle is not on there (the other forum) yet. They just use the normal term 'mod'.

04-17-2016, 07:38 AM
I belong to others but this is the one I come to daily... i like the terms used here and the layout of the site better.

Bob Denman
04-17-2016, 07:48 AM
:shocked: There are others??? :D
People are the same; no matter what their choice of toys happens to be... :thumbup:

04-17-2016, 09:53 AM
:shocked: There are others??? :D
People are the same; no matter what their choice of toys happens to be... :thumbup:

Bob :lecturef_smilie: I know you are on others because I was on anther one and you posted that I should check this site out.
The rest is history!

04-17-2016, 09:56 AM
People are the same; no matter what their choice of toys happens to be... :thumbup:True. I've never owned a boat, but being in the CG Auxiliary for several years, I've been around a lot of boat owners. Good folks, but I think they are worse than Spyder owners in that regard. I also participate in a major RV forum. The folks there all love their motorhomes, but they don't go so far as to name them, or get emotional about them. What I find a little surprising there is the tremendous amount of brand loyalty that exists. Also lots of tire threads, but what those folks REALLY seriously get emotional about, however, are their refrigerators. :shocked: Refers are the thing that starts more fights than anything else. nojoke

04-17-2016, 10:25 AM
Much of what goes on here is carried over to other sites by our members and the many lurkers and visitors here. Many sites start out with all the good intent and loose it along the way. You have to have a great admin to keep a site going in the direction that was intended. We have that here and I for one have made this the main site for me. We do come up with some interesting terminology like the "Key Walk" so.....
You can learn here...:lecturef_smilie:
You can discuss here...:chat:
you can agree here...:agree:
you can vent here...:banghead:
you can laugh here...:roflblack:
you can congratulate//welcome here...:thumbup::2thumbs:
you can wish well here...:pray:
you may have to wait here...:popcorn:
your language and topic are limited to rules here...:cus:
you can complain here...:gaah:
you get the picture .. it's a great place to be for spyder lovers and you have these cute animated figures...:riding:
ya'll come back you hear...:spyder:

04-17-2016, 10:32 AM
Also lots of tire threads, but what those folks REALLY seriously get emotional about, however, are their refrigerators. :shocked: Refers are the thing that starts more fights than anything else. nojoke

OH NO!!!! Not Refer madness!!!! :roflblack:

Lew L
04-17-2016, 10:49 AM
I've discovered that I need to install a refridgerator in my :spyder2:. So you guys think the boot or the frunk is the best place for an install???:joke::joke:

Sarcasm can cause::::


04-17-2016, 11:36 AM
I've discovered that I need to install a refridgerator in my :spyder2:. So you guys think the boot or the frunk is the best place for an install???:joke::joke:

Sarcasm can cause::::


I put mine in the Bushtec for better handling.:joke:

Bob Denman
04-17-2016, 12:36 PM
Much of what goes on here is carried over to other sites by our members and the many lurkers and visitors here.
:shocked: Are you saying that it's all our fault??? :gaah:

04-17-2016, 01:00 PM
More like wishful thinking. ..or a feeble, in some cases, attempt to help them. ..

04-17-2016, 06:20 PM
OH NO!!!! Not Refer madness!!!! :roflblack:No, not THAT kind of refer. :sour: But I kid you not. You wouldn't BELIEVE how many refrigerator issues there are that otherwise reasonable folks can disagree on. ;)

04-17-2016, 06:43 PM
To paraphrase the pastor's sermon this morning!

You think Spyder ryders are the coolest, you belong here!
You believe car tires are the sure way to damage your bike, you belong here!
You don't like Harley riders because they're crude and hateful, you belong here!
Conservatives are the only ones who know how to save this country, you belong here!
As far as you are concerned liberals are the only ones who care about others, you belong here!
In your view all motorcycle riders belong to one brotherhood, you belong here!
You are happy to wave at everyone, you belong here!
You are convinced a thousand LEDs are one too few, you belong here!
You are convinced twenty LEDs are five too many, you belong here!
Plain, simple, and unadorned shows you know how to appreciate the original look, you belong here!

Whoever you are, whatever you are, wherever you are, you belong here! :yes::yes::yes:

04-17-2016, 06:47 PM
True. I've never owned a boat, but being in the CG Auxiliary for several years, I've been around a lot of boat owners. Good folks, but I think they are worse than Spyder owners in that regard. I also participate in a major RV forum. The folks there all love their motorhomes, but they don't go so far as to name them, or get emotional about them. What I find a little surprising there is the tremendous amount of brand loyalty that exists. Also lots of tire threads, but what those folks REALLY seriously get emotional about, however, are their refrigerators. :shocked: Refers are the thing that starts more fights than anything else. nojoke I have a trailer that I tow behind the spyder and it has a 12volt cooler is that considered a reefer

04-17-2016, 06:54 PM
I kid you not. You wouldn't BELIEVE how many refrgerator issues there are that otherwise reasonable folks can disagree on. ;)

I can't tell if you knew he may have been talking about this:


04-17-2016, 06:56 PM
To paraphrase the pastor's sermon this morning!

You think Spyder ryders are the coolest, you belong here!
You believe car tires are the sure way to damage your bike, you belong here!
You don't like Harley riders because they're crude and hateful, you belong here!
Conservatives are the only ones who know how to save this country, you belong here!
As far as you are concerned liberals are the only ones who care about others, you belong here!
In your view all motorcycle riders belong to one brotherhood, you belong here!
You are happy to wave at everyone, you belong here!
You are convinced a thousand LEDs are one too few, you belong here!
You are convinced twenty LEDs are five too many, you belong here!
Plain, simple, and unadorned shows you know how to appreciate the original look, you belong here!

Whoever you are, whatever you are, wherever you are, you belong here! :yes::yes::yes:

Were you the pastor, by chance? I ask only b/c I'm thinking why would a pastor bring up a spyder, a harley etc. etc.? It certainly sounds like you.

04-17-2016, 07:17 PM
Were you the pastor, by chance? I ask only b/c I'm thinking why would a pastor bring up a spyder, a harley etc. etc.? It certainly sounds like you.
Me? The preacher? Hell, NO! :roflblack:

I think you missed the word "paraphrase"! :)

But he did mention SUV and hybrid drivers, gays, lesbians, anti-abortionists, etc. They all belong here (in church)!

04-17-2016, 07:49 PM
I have a trailer that I tow behind the spyder and it has a 12volt cooler is that considered a reefer

That would be one kind for sure. :roflblack::roflblack:

04-17-2016, 07:50 PM
There are other forum sites? :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack: