View Full Version : Rules reminder

02-05-2016, 02:50 AM
:lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie :

After looking at this thread, http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/showthread.php?90012-non-or-politically-correct I decided maybe it was time to review Lamont's rules for this OTB forum.

Here are the two that are the most infringed.

There will be Zero Tolerance for political post here.
All such post will be deleted without explanation. If you choose to ignore this rule repeatedly you may lose your membership on this site.


This is still a Worksafe and Family Friendly Board
No links, pictures or content that would be considered sexual in nature. There have been guys on our boards that almost got fired because of these type of post, please keep that in mind.

Quite a few posts in the past few weeks in the joke thread and funny picture thread have pushed the envelope, if not torn it. I think we better tone it down a bit to avoid Lamont feeling the need to forcefully do it for us.

:lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie ::lecturef_smilie:

02-05-2016, 07:17 AM
Although I may agree, there's that little black triangle on the lower left to nudge Lamont, if you feel the need. Lamont will then make a decision. Lamont isn't always on here to check the postings; so, that's a way of assisting Lamont. JMHO

I know that some will agree that self policing is a good thing. But, we all have different views, and what you may find offensive, others may not; where does it stop?

Bob Denman
02-05-2016, 08:04 AM
When you're in the midst of the "election game"; it's what folks will talk about...
Most folks have been saying that politicians are crooks, and we're pretty stupid for electing them...
Who can argue with that?
I don't honestly believe that many conversations have taken on the positions of the various candidates, and what they want to do in order to re-make the future of our Country...
(Other than my Bernie Drinking Game Picture!)
Give folks some room, and let them piss and moan about the lack of quality among ALL of the candidates.
If things start getting personal; just report the posts or threads to the Boss, and let him deal with the offenders...

02-05-2016, 08:37 AM
I have not been a member here that long, but in the short time I have been, I have seen more heated discussion about tires, air pressure in tires, oil and what is best, wire strippers and how they work, than anything I have read that was slightly political.
I applaud the members of this forum for being able to have the civility to take on such topics as the 2nd amendment, light political references, and other touchy subjects with very little anger or rudeness!
As the discussion on what is better, spring spacers or spring adjusters makes evident, there are several ways to do things and several opinions on each and every topic. If these topics are not discussed, haggled over, and sometimes argued, how can the readers make an educated decision.

When a Democrat is in office the Republicans are quick to point out his errors and the Democrat take offense, and when a Republican is in office the Democrats point out his mistakes and the Republicans take offense. :thumbup:

So far everything I have experienced on this board has all been very mild and seams to be in good taste.

Lamont, THANKS for a great place to learn about Spyders, a fun place to hang out, a place to make me laugh and brighten my day, and a place where all the world problems can be discussed, not solved, just discussed! :clap::clap::clap:

02-05-2016, 09:00 AM
Oh no, tht "Thread Police". http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=123733&stc=1

Bob Denman
02-05-2016, 09:01 AM
We do a pretty fair job of keeping things cool... :thumbup:

02-05-2016, 09:39 AM

IMHO, anyone who puts themselves into th public eye by running for or accepting public office is fair game for anything. (families and kids excluded) And there is absolutely no reason for anyone else who is reading the post to take offense, because it is not a personal attack on them. If one of the readers does in fact take personal offense, well that is their problem, not mine. That person needs to grow a thicker skin.

Political discussion, whether orally or in a format such as this needs to get hot and heavy. Opinions need to be expressed. Issues need to be brought out into the open and discussed. The namby pamby politically correct BS of "don't hurt anyone's feelings", "we have to be nice to everyone" ain't working. One needs to take a stand!

Don't attack one another, attack the issues.

Deer Slayer
02-05-2016, 09:40 AM
Ouch, that ruler still hurts the back of my hands!:lecturef_smilie:

Bob Denman
02-05-2016, 09:41 AM
While :agree: with you... this IS Lamont's forum. His rules will apply. :shocked:

02-05-2016, 09:52 AM
This being a Spyder forum, we try to keep on topic. Lamont wants to keep things civil on the political front but does not want to offend potential customers. I agree this can be a divisive subject but this off topic section lives in the real world. The REAL world deals in the political arena all the time. Its hard to not talk about it. I try to keep those comments on other forums that deal in that area much better but sometimes chime in and tread lightly knowing the spirit of the rule. To me this forum is a refuge from that kind of world. A place where we can mostly discuss our common passion. :spyder2:
Thanks Lamont for giving us this opportunity to share our Spyder passion.

Deer Slayer
02-05-2016, 10:09 AM
While :agree: with you... this IS Lamont's forum. His rules will apply. :shocked:
Bob, it is about having fun with a poke ever now and then. Don't forget to smile my friend.....

Bob Denman
02-05-2016, 10:18 AM
I grin all of the time...
But I'm not Lamont, and I don't know what his level of tolerance is...
(After all; he hasn't kicked me out yet!)


Deer Slayer
02-05-2016, 10:20 AM
I grin all of the time...
But I'm not Lamont, and I don't know what his level of tolerance is...
(After all; he hasn't kicked me out yet!)

The day ain't over. :joke::roflblack:

02-05-2016, 10:43 AM
From what I have seen this is the most civil on topic site and Lamont does a great job keeping it that way. Most thread have a title and you have the choice to go there or not. I've only been here a few years and have agreed, disagreed been scolded and criticized but thanked and asked for info and help and it has been great. Honestly never read the rules but must be pretty common sense. I just use one rule...if I haven't got anything positive to contribute to a thread I move on...:thumbup:

02-05-2016, 10:48 AM
don't you just wish sometimes that all people had a sense of humor, it would be such a much better place to live and post

Bob Denman
02-05-2016, 10:56 AM
I think that my personal political views are pretty obvious :D:
I'm a Conservative Republican, who loves his firearms and freedom! :thumbup:
I guess that there's also a touch of Civil Libertarian thrown in, because I'd like to see the Government made MUCH smaller...
If someone doesn't agree with me: that's cool too! :clap:
A divergence of opinions is always welcome, as it helps to promote honest discussions of important National and World events.

Cruzr Joe
02-05-2016, 10:59 AM
:lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie :

After looking at this thread, http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/showthread.php?90012-non-or-politically-correct I decided maybe it was time to review Lamont's rules for this OTB forum.

Here are the two that are the most infringed.

Quite a few posts in the past few weeks in the joke thread and funny picture thread have pushed the envelope, if not torn it. I think we better tone it down a bit to avoid Lamont feeling the need to forcefully do it for us.

:lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie ::lecturef_smilie:

Put your big girls panties on and chill out. This is a great site.

Cruzr Joe

02-05-2016, 10:59 AM
well i know you know how twisted my mind is, and how careful i am lately posting things

Bob Denman
02-05-2016, 11:02 AM
:D You have been behaving VERY well indeed! :clap: :2thumbs:
It's time to cut loose!!


02-05-2016, 11:08 AM
hey bob we are getting more snow now, about 2 inches so far. how about you

Bob Denman
02-05-2016, 11:10 AM
It's looking like it wants to snow... :gaah:

...But nothing so far! :thumbup:

Cruzr Joe
02-05-2016, 11:12 AM
You guys have HIJACKED such an important thread :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflb lack:

Cruzr Joe

Bob Denman
02-05-2016, 11:19 AM
Now I've just got to throw Gunny Ermey at you! :roflblack:


:lecturef_smilie: But I do it only to remind everyone in here, about what sort of personal attacks are frowned upon!

02-05-2016, 11:45 AM

02-05-2016, 01:12 PM
I think that my personal political views are pretty obvious :D:
I'm a Conservative Republican, who loves his firearms and freedom! :thumbup:
I guess that there's also a touch of Civil Libertarian thrown in, because I'd like to see the Government made MUCH smaller...
If someone doesn't agree with me: that's cool too! :clap:
A divergence of opinions is always welcome, as it helps to promote honest discussions of important National and World events.

I'm with ye, brother.

02-05-2016, 02:35 PM
I do believe you guys have missed my point. I personally enjoy all the jokes and just about every one of the politician oriented pictures and comments. I have not taken offense at any of them, but some I have cringed at.

I spent 22 years with Uncle Sam at the Departments of Army and Energy watch dogging contractors. A big part of that job was looking at the rules and regulations and then looking at the contractors' actions. If the actions didn't comply it was my responsibility to say something. I had to be objective. There was no room for subjective opinion. Often there was room for interpretation and sometimes the final decision was to back off with the attitude of it's better to be safe than sorry. In those 22 years it often was my responsibility to make an interpretation.

In this forum it is not my responsibility to interpret nor enforce the rules. That clearly is Lamont's jurisdiction. But when I look at his rules on the one hand, and objectively look at some of the recent posts on the other hand, all I'm saying is it looks to me like we have some infringements of the rules. We all need to pay attention to the rules. If you look at them, and look at what you are ready to post, and don't see any conflict, then post it. But if it looks like maybe you're pushing the boundaries a little too much, then don't post it.

I want to see those posts continue, but I'm a little bit afraid they may not. But then, I don't know what Lamont's tolerance level is when you compare a post to a rule so maybe I am just crying wolf, but I don't think so.

Cruzr Joe
02-05-2016, 02:46 PM
Still sounds like you are being the Thread Police.

One of the things Lamont has integrated into his site is the "Ignore" button, so if there is someone you think posts stuff you don't like, you can ignore that person so that you won't be offended.

Just my .02 cents worth

Cruzr Joe

Bob Denman
02-05-2016, 03:02 PM
SNICKERS BARS FOR EVERYONE!!! :yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes:


02-05-2016, 03:12 PM
I look at this as just more banter and conversation among friends. The stuff that has been posted this week has had a bit of a political theme--but--if those people want to put themselves out for public scrutiny--its going to happen.

We have not called anybody names (other than the usual--crook etc. :roflblack:).

The site has gone through a bit of a "dry" spell with nothing more than a bunch of technical information. I welcome getting back to what it was. We do self police, and those who have been on the edge kind of know how far to go without getting called out on it.

There are a few threads I don't reply to--because sometimes, it is better to say nothing as opposed to adding fuel to a fire that may get the thread and the posters booted.

The humorous threads are a bit of a relief. If I don't like the humor, I just avoid that particular thread.

I like more choices. Keep it all coming. I will read what I want, comment on what I like, and ignore a few. (Not many though).

And--be careful out there. :roflblack::roflblack:

02-05-2016, 03:14 PM

Bob Denman
02-05-2016, 03:32 PM
:shocked: Did somebody say that it's time to Party??? :yes::ohyea::yes:


Cruzr Joe
02-05-2016, 04:21 PM
It is good to express your opinions, as long as you allow others to express theirs. :thumbup:

Drinks for the house, send the bill to Bob D. :roflblack:

Cruzr Joe

02-05-2016, 04:52 PM
It is good to express your opinions, as long as you allow others to express theirs. :thumbup:

Drinks for the house, send the bill to Bob D. :roflblack:

Cruzr Joe

:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::c heers:
:coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::c offee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::cof fee::coffee:

02-05-2016, 05:52 PM
Just so you don't think I'm just an old fuddy duddy, I just added a couple of comments to the joke thread! :ohyea:

02-05-2016, 05:57 PM
AlthhypocriteI may agree, there's that little black triangle on the lower left to nudge Lamont, if you feel the need. Lamont will then make a decision. Lamont isn't always on here to check the postings; so, that's a way of assisting Lamont. JMHO

I know that some will agree that self policing is a good thing. But, we all have different views, and what you may find offensive, others may not; where does it stop?

I agree Wyliec.

Double edge sword. Lot of hypocrites.
Some knock peoples Ideas but get defensive if their criticized. Happens I guess :dontknow:

02-05-2016, 06:01 PM
Still sounds like you are being the Thread Police.

One of the things Lamont has integrated into his site is the "Ignore" button, so if there is someone you think posts stuff you don't like, you can ignore that person so that you won't be offended.

Just my .02 cents worth

Cruzr Joe
Let your old job rest. U retired:thumbup:

02-05-2016, 06:09 PM
don't you just wish sometimes that all people had a sense of humor, it would be such a much better place to live and post

I agree John.

Deleted an earlier posţ because of some whining :yikes:

Lew L
02-05-2016, 06:28 PM
Lamont for president !!!!

Bob Denman
02-05-2016, 06:51 PM
It is good to express your opinions, as long as you allow others to express theirs. :thumbup:

Drinks for the house, send the bill to Bob D. :roflblack:

Cruzr Joe


02-05-2016, 07:07 PM
Sounds like the Women's Temperance Society thread. :shocked:


02-05-2016, 07:12 PM
I don't think attacking Mac about his OP is appropriate when many of the posts in this thread are pointing out how it's not getting personal. Oh, the irony!

Cruzr Joe
02-05-2016, 07:26 PM
I don't think attacking Mac about his OP is appropriate when many of the posts in this thread are pointing out how it's not getting personal. Oh, the irony!

Hey, just because you just had a Big Birthday that doesn't mean that we can't pick on you too. (wait a minute, are you still carrying that big gun???). :yikes::yikes::yikes:

:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflb lack:


02-05-2016, 07:35 PM
Good humor, funny, and all we need is love. Happy riding, let the good times roll. We are all rules follower as adult but sometimes our young hearts go wild and our old bodies can't keep up.:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::ro flblack::roflblack::roflblack:.

Sam Mac
02-05-2016, 08:04 PM
I guess I crossed the line today with a post about a song that I thought that fit for Jeb Bush. The thread went POOF. Sorry if I offended anyone it was meant more as a joke than anything. For the record I'm a conservative and if it came to Jeb verses any of the Dem's Jeb would get my vote. I'll crawl back into my cave now.

02-05-2016, 08:11 PM
Hey, just because you just had a Big Birthday that doesn't mean that we can't pick on you too. (wait a minute, are you still carrying that big gun???). :yikes::yikes::yikes:

:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflb lack:


I didn't have a birthday recently, Joe. You may be thinking of Karyl.

(But I do carry a gun.)

02-05-2016, 08:20 PM
It is good to express your opinions, as long as you allow others to express theirs. :thumbup:

Drinks for the house, send the bill to Bob D. :roflblack:

Cruzr Joe

That would be Balvenie Doublewood 12 year for me, Bob, please.

Thank you sooo much.

02-05-2016, 08:25 PM
If there will no longer be sarcasm & disfunction around here, then I'll have to go elsewhere. On the other hand, I should never join any group that will have me as a member.

Cruzr Joe
02-05-2016, 09:40 PM
I didn't have a birthday recently, Joe. You may be thinking of Karyl.

(But I do carry a gun.)

as i got older, my memory was the second thing to go, and i forgot what was first. but as usual you are right. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

Cruzr Joe

02-05-2016, 11:00 PM
I guess I crossed the line today with a post about a song that I thought that fit for Jeb Bush. The thread went POOF. Sorry if I offended anyone it was meant more as a joke than anything. For the record I'm a conservative and if it came to Jeb verses any of the Dem's Jeb would get my vote. I'll crawl back into my cave now.
Sorry I missed it. Since he dropped in the polls Jeb doesn't attract very much attention any more, let alone good jokes about him. So no, I did not see it nor punch the report button.

02-05-2016, 11:39 PM
Alright you Guys and Gals all seriousness aside now. Lets get back to the pranks and hassle that we all love and adore.

Don't read the rules anymore! Who in the hell would do that anyway???? If you step out of line or don't know right from wrong the Webster Woolleys

will pay you a visit. Question Authority and always push the Envelope!

Jack :joke:

02-05-2016, 11:47 PM
Oh no, the "Thread Police". http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=123733&stc=1

Once again I agree with you 100%.
I saw the original post and my first reaction was "Who the hell does this guy think he is ?"
Well, replace the word hell with another expletive that rhymes with truck, and you'd be closer to my actual thoughts.
Cooler heads have prevailed, and instead of making an inappropriate comment, I've simply added one more A-hole to my ignore list.
I wish there was an ignore list in real life. Work would be so much more pleasant.

Deer Slayer
02-06-2016, 12:54 PM
It is good to express your opinions, as long as you allow others to express theirs. :thumbup:

Drinks for the house, send the bill to Bob D. :roflblack:

Cruzr Joe
ROGER, AMEN! Bless their hearts, ain't this fun!:ohyea: