View Full Version : I did not win the Power Ball Lottery

Cruzr Joe
01-09-2016, 11:03 PM
Just in case you were wondering.

16 19 32 34 57 13 X3

Cruzr Joe

01-09-2016, 11:10 PM
you think I am going to announce it on a public website? :roflblack:

01-09-2016, 11:50 PM
4 bucks!!!!!

01-10-2016, 12:44 AM
Me neither. :(

01-10-2016, 12:49 AM
4 bucks!!!!!

Don't tell anyone, they will be dogging us for loans.

01-10-2016, 05:26 AM
4 bucks!!!!!

:cheers: On Joe and Ann :yes:

01-10-2016, 06:27 AM
No winner. Over a billion on Wednesday. SWEET

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk

01-10-2016, 07:15 AM
i can't believe how close i was.
just missed it by 6 numbers:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack :

01-10-2016, 07:19 AM
I can't believe I didn't win........

I probably should have waited to send all those letters and emails telling people my true thoughts until after my winning numbers came in........:shocked:

Sam Mac
01-10-2016, 09:26 AM
Crap, now I have to cancel the orders for the yacht and the Ferrari. :banghead:

01-10-2016, 09:55 AM
As I know that they had a senior moment and just didn't post the right numbers and MINE ARE IT...just sayin' MoGang can count on me to fund Spyderfest as soon as I get that check. :yikes::thumbup::yes:

01-10-2016, 10:09 AM
@1.3 BILLION on Wednesday.

01-10-2016, 10:24 AM
Im feeling confident for Wednesday's drawing.......:ohyea:

01-10-2016, 12:01 PM
Just in case you were wondering.

16 19 32 34 57 13 X3

Cruzr Joe
I heard that Steve Harvey was announcing, so there may have been a winner.

01-10-2016, 01:26 PM
https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpl1/v/t1.0-0/s480x480/12509097_743946782409289_4653061012838276116_n.jpg ?oh=f7a0441dd2287382a448d9e71452ac61&oe=56FDD11C

Bob Denman
01-10-2016, 01:35 PM
I'm glad that I didn't win... :yikes:
It'll give me a chance to become a Billionaire on Wednesday!! :yes::yes::yes:

The only problem is: how will I have to spend the extra money??? :dontknow:

01-10-2016, 01:39 PM
I'm glad that I didn't win... :yikes:
It'll give me a chance to become a Billionaire on Wednesday!! :yes::yes::yes:

The only problem is: how will I have to spend the extra money??? :dontknow:Bob, If you win the Power Ball on Wed. buy all of us a 10 spyders with wheels, we get to pick our own. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack: Deanna

Bob Denman
01-10-2016, 01:55 PM
Remember: "A rising tide lifts all of the boats..."
If I become a "Tide"; you guys get to be the boats! :2thumbs:

01-10-2016, 02:06 PM
I'll tell you what. If I win, everyone in this thread gets a new Spyder.

Bob Denman
01-10-2016, 02:32 PM
Seriously... nojoke
That would be the toughest thing to figure out.
How do you help your friends; without getting somebody mad at you? :dontknow:
Couldn't you imagine having somebody say this:
"That sumbitch didn't buy me what I wanted: :cus: him! :gaah:"
I wouldn't want the money to change who I am...
(The same silly S.O.B. Just with the ability to create some special memories along the way... :D)
I'd want to help my family and friends in any way that I could...
In another thread; I mentioned a 10-Day "Spyderiffic" time at Daytona Speedway for everyone...
(that was when I was only gonna win 800 million or so... :roflblack:)

What would YOU do; to help your family and friends?

The Missus and I were talking about this today at lunch, when we found out that there was still the chance to become Billionaires... ;)
We'd travel a lot more... she even agreed that it'd be by Spyder!
If I had a friend with a serious financial "pie in the face"; I'd ease that burden...
I'd help my friends go on the hunting trips that none of us could ever afford...
There'd be some vehicles bought for some others...
Perhaps the tuition to some trade schools would be useful...
Would I buy myself a new bike?
Nope... I like the one that I have. :D
But I might buy some motorcycles that have interested me over the years
I don't own a "cage" I guess that I'd have to buy one (or two)
I'd need one for use a the "family" car... and a crazy second one: An Isetta! :roflblack:
Everybody needs a little Urkel in their life!

That's my story: how about you?????

Cruzr Joe
01-10-2016, 02:32 PM
I'll tell you what. If I win, everyone in this thread gets a new Spyder.

What if you only win $4.00???

Bob Denman
01-10-2016, 02:33 PM
:D It's the start of a down-payment on one... :thumbup:

01-10-2016, 03:29 PM
Count me in.....stranger things have happened!

01-10-2016, 04:45 PM
What if you only win $4.00???

Because I'm a generous guy, I will split my 4 bucks with you.

01-10-2016, 05:05 PM
I just bought a new $637,046.02 Bugatti for my collection. Thinking real positive! I'm am sure I will win! :joke: If not it will be for sale at Barrett Jackson the end of the month.


01-10-2016, 05:16 PM
i would immediately give half to my sister, then i would have her plan two parties, i would pay out of my half naturally, one party for my family, and one for my friends.

01-11-2016, 05:41 PM
I got close had two numbers and the power ball. $7.00

01-11-2016, 06:31 PM
I'm glad that I didn't win... :yikes:
It'll give me a chance to become a Billionaire on Wednesday!! :yes::yes::yes:

The only problem is: how will I have to spend the extra money??? :dontknow:you can give everyone that you've ever posted to or about $1000.00! you'll still have money left over!!:roflblack::roflblack:

Bob Denman
01-11-2016, 06:48 PM
:DNow that's it should be up over one point four Billion dollars :shocked:; I'd probably need some help with spending all of it! :roflblack:

I wonder how many folks will be watching Wednesday night's drawing??

01-12-2016, 08:05 AM
Even a bunch of us up here in Canada bought some tickets. With our dollar being so crappy, if we won, we would get 40% more money when we brought it back to Canada. After we pay the US taxes it would equal almost 32 million US each, or almost 45million CDN. Luckily, Canada does not have taxes on lottery winnings. :thumbup::thumbup:

Bob Denman
01-12-2016, 08:16 AM
If you win, I hope that the party that is thrown; is EPIC!! :D

01-12-2016, 08:41 AM
Wife and I won $4.00 also.

First thing we'd do, my nephews widow and his kids would be set up nicely.:pray:
Pay off siblings mortgages. Buy my brother a home as he lost his.
College funds set up for nephew and nieces
Help out some long time friends.
Ya, I'm sure there will be some epic party's, well epic in my minds eyes. :roflblack:.
Then find the most gun friendly, low tax states and leave "andy land" quick.

Bob Denman
01-12-2016, 08:52 AM
:shocked: If you can do all of that with just four bucks; you are an AWESOME wizard!! :bowdown:


01-12-2016, 09:14 AM
I invested wisely. Bought 2 tickets for tomorrow's 1.4 billion. :thumbup:

Bob Denman
01-12-2016, 09:35 AM
I hope that you win! :thumbup:

(As long as I'm invited to the parties... :D)

01-12-2016, 09:55 AM
Of course. Wounder if I could resurrect the "Top Shot" TV show course. Now that would be fun...:yes:

Bob Denman
01-12-2016, 02:36 PM
It's up to One and a-half billion today... ;)

I might have to start feeling bad for all of you folks, when I'm the one holding the winning ticket! :joke:

01-12-2016, 02:44 PM
I'd feel bad for me too if you won. But I'd be happy for ya. :D. Picked up a couple tickets from two different stores. I'm sure my wife has gotten a few also.
My stepbrat works for Cumberland Farms(convenient store for those that never heard of 'em) and had a guy come in and got $500 in quick picks.:shocked:.

Bob Denman
01-12-2016, 02:50 PM
On the off-chance that my single ticket isn't the winner :shocked:; I'm pulling for you! :2thumbs:

Cruzr Joe
01-12-2016, 03:30 PM
I would immediately setup a company/trust fund (whichever works best), hire my three kids to be senior vice presidents allow them up to one million dollars a year as expenses, pay them $200,000.00 a year salary.

Hire my 3 Grandsons as advisors with a $25,000 expense account (renewable as i see fit) pay them a salary of $100,000 a year as long as they stay in school and earn reasonable grades.

Give all my nieces & nephews and my siblings a huge bonus.

Donate a healthy sum to The Arkansas Children's Hospital

Take care of a few buddies.

Me & Momma would go for a Spyder ryde and decide what to do from there.

Cruzr Joe

Bob Denman
01-12-2016, 03:43 PM
Gee Dad,
I always knew that you were a really smart guy! :D

01-12-2016, 07:44 PM
https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/12524295_1057004730989268_679803742098973976_n.jpg ?oh=662b9e001002b08664ef8957c5e3be72&oe=57049E3E

Bob Denman
01-13-2016, 01:30 PM

01-13-2016, 01:41 PM
Gee Dad,
I always knew that you were a really smart guy! :D

You rotten fibber, you!! You know full well that Joe is much younger than you! :ohyea:

Bob Denman
01-13-2016, 01:44 PM
He only ACTS much younger than me! :thumbup:
:shocked: Scary; isn't it? :roflblack:

01-13-2016, 06:01 PM

Bob Denman
01-13-2016, 06:48 PM
:shocked: imagine that... :shocked:

01-13-2016, 09:50 PM
Talk about luck!
Remember the thread where Joe said he wasn't handsome or smart or talented, then forgot where he was going with that? Add 1.5 billion, and none of those things matter! Even the forgetfulness. When regular people forget, they have senior moments. When billionaires forget stuff, they are eccentric!

01-13-2016, 11:35 PM
Talk about luck!
Remember the thread where Joe said he wasn't handsome or smart or talented, then forgot where he was going with that? Add 1.5 billion, and none of those things matter! Even the forgetfulness. When regular people forget, they have senior moments. When billionaires forget stuff, they are eccentric!

Well it's safe to say I'm not eccentric..:banghead:

Bob Denman
01-14-2016, 07:56 AM
They can afford to be eccentric; they've got "People", to help remember the stuff! :D

Me: I'm just forgetful... :opps:
Did you know that the memory is the second thing to go?

I forgot what the first one was! :yikes: