View Full Version : Why the dislike?

12-02-2015, 08:54 AM
I am sure this has been covered by previous threads. But I am still trying to understand why some of the two wheel motorcycle community has such disdain for the Spyder and those who ride them. I follow the Spyder on Facebook, and it's clear that some of those who dislike the Spyder do so just for the sake of arguing. But other, it seems, truly do not understand that weather or not you have to ride a Spyder due to failing health, safety concerns or physical limitations, it is the CHOICE of the owner/operator to ride what he/she likes. And the comical comment such as "You're not a real biker if you ride one of those tricycles..", and the like, usually elicits a giggle from me when I click on the person's profile to reveal their hobbies, likes and image they share with the world.
To each his own, I say. But I would not force what I feel is right or wrong on anyone.

Bob Denman
12-02-2015, 09:04 AM

If you worry too much about what other folks are thinking...

...You're spending too much time looking in your rear-view mirrors.

12-02-2015, 09:13 AM
yeah, those types worry more about portraying an image than anything else. go to a bike night at your local Harley dealership and just sit, and observe.

12-02-2015, 09:16 AM
another thing I don't understand and really don't care about either, is the fact that lifelong friends act differently towards you when you give up two wheels for three if it's not a conventional trike. not really friends at all are they.

12-02-2015, 09:46 AM
another thing I don't understand and really don't care about either, is the fact that lifelong friends act differently towards you when you give up two wheels for three if it's not a conventional trike. not really friends at all are they.

True friends don't care what or if you ride.
To heck with them.
Ride away.

Pirate looks at --
12-02-2015, 10:03 AM
Who cares!:yes:

12-02-2015, 10:08 AM
Who cares!:yes:

with all the similar threads on this subject, looks like quite a few :banghead::banghead:

Pirate looks at --
12-02-2015, 10:28 AM
Hope they get over it! Just Ryde and have fun. Before long those other riders will ask you more and more about your bike and invite you on rides with them. ENJOY THE RYDE!

12-02-2015, 10:36 AM
i don't understand, i bought my spyder because i wanted to be cool not for any other reason & i don't regret my decision.

12-02-2015, 10:43 AM
my friends sometimes pick on me, but if you dish it out like i do, then you know you have to take it when it comes back at you. as far as other riders go, screw the ones that don't like it, and talk to the ones that do

12-02-2015, 11:23 AM
Heh heh heh Vader said force.

12-02-2015, 11:31 AM
Heh heh heh Vader said force.
We have a winner!:thumbup:

12-02-2015, 11:31 AM
Remember the biker gang image that Harley has fought so hard to erase..?? Can you image all the grief the other brands got and still get from them for being rice burners etc. Do you even have a clue how many folks bought harleys not because they liked them but to just fit in..?? As I see it it is envy for the most part. They are in a place they can't get out of so rather than do something about it they rag on it. Had many customer during the years that had harleys for the weekend rides with the friends but commuted during the week on a suzuki while the harley was being fixed for the next weekend ride. Then you have those with Ferraris, Lamborginis etc who never get out of second gears...:roflblack: never let it bother me and I never engage them either it's to sad to see them struggle with their position......

12-02-2015, 11:44 AM
Honest opnion (they have such a crappy life, they have to dislike anything you or anyone enjoys, so they can "subconsciously" feel they are better than you. Because they cant enjoy anything.) Psycho drama bs. :lecturef_smilie: SAD

12-02-2015, 12:01 PM
They don't like us because we took their "Cool Factor."

12-02-2015, 12:07 PM
Some people feel validated by what others think. It is the 'Herd' or 'Pack' mentality. When someone rides something else (like a Spyder), and enjoys it a great deal, it threatens to pop their bubble.

In a room full of balloons, the pin gets all the attention.

Ride what you like and enjoy it to the max. Like a pothole, these haters are only a temporary pain in the neck! :ohyea:

12-02-2015, 12:19 PM
People have always had the "Us" and "Them" mentality. If you don't fit into their concept of what something is "Supposed" to be, then you become a "Them".
I'm sure we've all had this occur to some degree after becoming a Spyder owner. But if you just keep on keeping on, many of the shallow will find the deep end....

I am not one of those conformist sheep and I truly enjoy not following the pack. I will continue to ryde the road less traveled.


Bob Denman
12-02-2015, 12:25 PM
In a room full of balloons, the pin gets all the attention.
:shocked: But why do they always act like such pricks? :roflblack:

:shocked: Sorry...

Deer Slayer
12-02-2015, 12:53 PM
I am sure this has been covered by previous threads. But I am still trying to understand why some of the two wheel motorcycle community has such disdain for the Spyder and those who ride them. I follow the Spyder on Facebook, and it's clear that some of those who dislike the Spyder do so just for the sake of arguing. But other, it seems, truly do not understand that weather or not you have to ride a Spyder due to failing health, safety concerns or physical limitations, it is the CHOICE of the owner/operator to ride what he/she likes. And the comical comment such as "You're not a real biker if you ride one of those tricycles..", and the like, usually elicits a giggle from me when I click on the person's profile to reveal their hobbies, likes and image they share with the world.
To each his own, I say. But I would not force what I feel is right or wrong on anyone.

Most are posers in pirate costumes. Grain of salt, it really makes no difference, it is your ride. Enjoy...

12-02-2015, 01:03 PM
another thing I don't understand and really don't care about either, is the fact that lifelong friends act differently towards you when you give up two wheels for three if it's not a conventional trike. not really friends at all are they.

My answer to the original question; because they are arrogant ass ho_es !

I too have had good friends that we use to ride 2 wheels together. I saw a big change when they got a Harley and got into the Harley culture. Leathers, grew beards, tatoos...the whole shabang. My Japanese bike was no longer any good. 3 wheels....forget it.

As said by others.....dont be concerned about it. They have something wrong inside their head...you dont. :thumbup:

12-02-2015, 03:18 PM
Life is too short to give a :cus: about what others think of what one rides.

12-02-2015, 03:23 PM
I don't need no stinking permission from anyone when I ride my :spyder2::ani29:. I wont criticize another's ride...but cannot control what they think about me or my ride.

The undone version of the one finger salute does come to mind though.

12-02-2015, 03:27 PM
People are just afraid of something new and different. It might be better than what they already have.

12-02-2015, 03:33 PM
My cousin told me she would never ride a Spyder that she has a Harley. When I visited her I saw her Harley had an inch of dust on it!!!! I told her that it looks like she doesn’t ride a Harley either. My Aunt told me that she feels very nervous on the Harley and doesn’t ride it much.

12-02-2015, 03:45 PM
I see it all the time, but have noticed lately that some of the same spyder riders turn around and dis those that drive slingshots, I say who cares as long as it keeps you in the wind and having fun, I decided after all my years riding motorcycles I don't want to ever be a biker, I just want to have fun LOL.:2thumbs:

12-02-2015, 03:45 PM
let me make a couple of observations, both my own previously to purchase, and other riders in my circle of friends & acquaintences:

1) that the purchase price is insanely high...I'm ask how much does a new spyder cost...I own a Limited and when I answer that mine is the top of the line machine and it retails for $32k and real price is high $20's, they get glassy eyed and compare it to purchasing a top of the line Accord. But the accord doesn't need an extended warranty that is necessary to purchase for a Spyder at another $800-1000.

2) the reputation, especially on the 998cc when considering a used purchase, is unreliability and a prayers one can be found with an extended warranty attached. Everyone seems to know about grenaded clutches and engines.

3) Spyders are trikes...they think in the same vein as HD trikes and Goldwings with trike kits. The price of those are similar to a Spyder, but those are "geezer mobiles". And they are unsafe. Many base it on the reports of roll overs and deaths riding the Dragon on trikes. One has to point out and convince them the faster, renegade Spyder CAN NOT be tipped or rolled over, and it's a sporty machine that will make the driver feel young.

12-02-2015, 04:36 PM
All my riding friends, some of which I've been riding with for over 20 years, love my Spyder. I have never heard a negative comment made, other than in jest. Yeah, there're some hard core Harley riders who won't wave back, but that's only because they don't like anything that's not a Harley. Some of the Goldwing and BMW riders are a bit snooty, but that's just their nature.

I personally don't give a crap what anyone thinks. I ride what's best for me, and what gives me the most value for my money. That's why out of 5 motorcycles I've owned, I've never purchased a Harley.

Just ride and enjoy.


Rogue Hawk
12-02-2015, 05:33 PM
Some two wheelers feel threatened by the Spyder because they see it's obvious advantage. So I assume anyway, they fear the Spyder will 'Take Over'.

12-02-2015, 05:41 PM
Do not despair. Let the naysayers say what they will. Their time will come when they too will have to make the decision if they want sit on the porch and watch the riders go by or get a "tricycle" and continue to ride. I had that idenentical situation. I have been riding two wheelers since 1966 (1966 Honda Super 90). This past summer my FJR1300 sat in the garage in Nrew York. Due to some medical issues I can no longer push it around the garage with confidence. I was pretty bummed out. When we got to Florida for the winter I had an epiphany. I rode a friend's 2013 RT Ltd. Two days later I bought a 2015 RT.

12-02-2015, 06:08 PM
Poser asks why I ride a Spyder, I ask him if he likes what he rides, when he answers, I tell him I like what I ride. Most of them can't come up with anything that continues the conversation.


12-02-2015, 06:23 PM
Move to Hawaii. We're all just bruddahs here. 2 wheels, 3 wheels, scooters, whatevas. It no mattah.

The Aloha Spirit lives and we all have a mutual respect for one another.

Lucky we live Hawaii!

Illinois Boy
12-02-2015, 07:24 PM
I am sure this has been covered by previous threads. But I am still trying to understand why some of the two wheel motorcycle community has such disdain for the Spyder and those who ride them. I follow the Spyder on Facebook, and it's clear that some of those who dislike the Spyder do so just for the sake of arguing. But other, it seems, truly do not understand that weather or not you have to ride a Spyder due to failing health, safety concerns or physical limitations, it is the CHOICE of the owner/operator to ride what he/she likes. And the comical comment such as "You're not a real biker if you ride one of those tricycles..", and the like, usually elicits a giggle from me when I click on the person's profile to reveal their hobbies, likes and image they share with the world.
To each his own, I say. But I would not force what I feel is right or wrong on anyone.

Look... this occurs no matter the vehicle. Drive a Ford, make fun of Chevy. Ride a motorcycle, make fun of a trike (and a Spyder IS as trike).

I own a Spyder, and a Harley. I ride other brands also, and fly airplanes. As a matter of fact, I ride/drive/fly all kinds of things built by all kinds of companies. It happens with each and every one of them from those who are not driving, riding or flying what you are at the time.

I hear Harley bashing on here constantly. So Spyder owners are not, as a whole, without guilt in these situations. Sorry, but they are not. I can easily pull posts by the dozens on here containing negative comments of other vehicles. I would find it humorous if it wasn't so sad in reality.

I am like you, I do not make comments like you describe, no matter what. I can only hope others would look at themselves and stop it if they do.

What someone "rides" is not what makes them a better person; it is their actions and words; and only their actions and words.

12-02-2015, 07:33 PM
Thanks everyone for the input, I really enjoyed reading the replies.
I really don't mind who ride or drives what. If someone waves, I wave back. If someone flips me the bird, I laugh. I was lucky enough to score a second chance on life and there is no way what someone says about my GS, or any other Spyder, will ever wipe the perma-grin off my face.

12-02-2015, 08:23 PM
I've never gone along with the crowd and never owned much less ever rode a Harley in my 45 years of owning and riding motorcycles. Fitting in has never been much of a deal to me. I haven't yet owned a Can Am Spyder but yet I am welcomed here. I have demo rode four of them, the last being a 2015 F3-S back in April. I decided at that time I wasn't quite ready to go to 3 wheels and purchased a new 2015 Indian Chieftain. It's is the nicest motorcycle I've owned so far and I've owned 17 bikes prior to this one. It's also the last two wheeled motorcycle I will ever own because of the aging process and it's effects on my legs and joints. I currently have my eye on the new 2016 F3 Limited and F3T and that Spyder will be on my bucket list and will be demoed as soon as my dealer gets one. Just enjoy what you ride and ignore the others as fitting in is completely unnecessary.

12-02-2015, 08:28 PM
MY friend excuse of buying harley triglide instead of a spyder is he said he didn't like the paddle semi auto. He said he like the clutch more control and I said Spyder have clutch model too. He hugh hugh hugh quitely.:roflblack:

12-03-2015, 12:45 AM
[QUOTE=Illinois Boy;1067006]Look... this occurs no matter the vehicle. Drive a Ford, make fun of Chevy. Ride a motorcycle, make fun of a trike (and a Spyder IS as trike).

I own a Spyder, and a Harley. I ride other brands also, and fly airplanes. As a matter of fact, I ride/drive/fly all kinds of things built by all kinds of companies. It happens with each and every one of them from those who are not driving, riding or flying what you are at the time.

I hear Harley bashing on here constantly. So Spyder owners are not, as a whole, without guilt in these situations. Sorry, but they are not. I can easily pull posts by the dozens on here containing negative comments of other vehicles. I would find it humorous if it wasn't so sad in reality.

I am like you, I do not make comments like you describe, no matter what. I can only hope others would look at themselves and stop it if they do.

What someone "rides" is not what makes them a better person; it is their actions and words; and only their actions and words.[/QU

I have not heard any Harley bashers only comments one on one confrontations with Harley riders negative comments to other bike owners. Is that bashing?

mr z
12-03-2015, 02:35 AM
Remember when cars came out with automatic transmissions? Who in the world in their right mind would ever drive one of those? I wonder if the 2 wheelers realize just how many 3 wheelers there are.

12-03-2015, 02:55 AM
..."You're not a real biker if you ride one of those tricycles.."...Aha! The perfect opening for this logical response: "Of course I'm not a real biker. The Spyder's a trike, so I'm a real triker!"
Just say it with a friendly smile and let him carry on. :D

12-03-2015, 03:08 AM
...I was lucky enough to score a second chance on life...Second chance! (http://www.nderf.org/NDERF/NDE_Archives/NDERF_NDEs.htm) ;)

12-03-2015, 03:19 AM
...I hear Harley bashing on here constantly. So Spyder owners are not, as a whole, without guilt in these situations. Sorry, but they are not. I can easily pull posts by the dozens on here containing negative comments of other vehicles. I would find it humorous if it wasn't so sad in reality.I am like you, I do not make comments like you describe, no matter what. I can only hope others would look at themselves and stop it if they do.

What someone "rides" is not what makes them a better person; it is their actions and words; and only their actions and words.I'm really glad I read this thread. I could be one who's guilty of bashing rides, but I don't want to be. You've inspired me to resolve to never do that.
Thank You both for that! :bowdown:

12-03-2015, 06:35 AM
Had my first negative comment a few weeks ago at a local rally - "Nice looking but wouldn't you prefer a proper bike". The guy was riding some sort of modern cruiser, was in pristine new 'biker' gear and I'd seen him wobble around feet-down in the car park 10 minutes earlier so replied before I could stop it "Nice jacket, did you get it when you got your licence?". Smile, frown, and off he went. PS: My jacket has clearly been around the block quite a few times.

12-03-2015, 11:18 AM
I was out riding around, stopped by 3 harleys here in Mexico, they do the whole leather gear thing and everything, they looked at me, saw I was a woman (not that means anything) and after buying some ice cream I heard one of them say (so I could hear it) that he would buy 3 harleys before he would spend the money on one of those (pointing at my bike). I didn't say anything at all, and maybe I should have, but not being the conflictive type, but I thought to myself "you say that because you could not afford one Spyder....haha). He obviously had envy. I ride alone here because there are just not many others here, occasionally I get with other spyders....on a special trip.

jerpinoy, Mine is a standard RT, hope you friend likes his trike haha, I have to laugh when people ask me "your bike is automatic right" haha, I let them know it is just as Standard as any other Motorcycle....they have their bubble burst, and have a loss of words, I guess they think a woman can't ride a standard? Weird to me....

12-03-2015, 11:25 AM
I chuckle when i see some guys in town in their "colors" riding their Harley's.. Like they are some big biker gang.. Let people judge me, what do i care! I LOVE my Spyder WAY more than any other 2 wheel bike I have owned. It is what I choose to ryde! If people on 2 wheels pass me and don't waive back...that is their hangup not mine. My girlfriend and I have had more fun riding the Spyder and we have made a lot of memories! that is what matters!!

Rogue Hawk
12-03-2015, 02:15 PM
Remember when cars came out with automatic transmissions? Who in the world in their right mind would ever drive one of those? I wonder if the 2 wheelers realize just how many 3 wheelers there are.

I also wonder what horse carriage riders thought about the self-propelled carriage?

12-03-2015, 08:32 PM
I rarely get negative comments. But I just figure most of the negative commenters are just posers. It's their problem, not mine. I'm (almost) 65...I doubt many of these so-called riders will still be riding when they hit that age.

Dan McNally
12-03-2015, 09:01 PM
I didn't buy my Spyder for others to enjoy, but for me to enjoy - and I refuse to let the opinion of an adult with the emotional maturity of a 16 year old bother me, one bit. Mature adults don't care what you ride - and the opinion of immature idiots doesn't matter.nojoke

12-03-2015, 09:50 PM
They just don't like old people who "whine" too much. :joke: Seems to me you are doing exactly on this site what you are blaming others of doing! Get over your diaper rash and ride more with people you like and who like you----or should I say people like you. Anyway, don't be so sensitive about what your riding be proud of it. In the 70's it was called do your own thing. :)


Vt. Rider
12-04-2015, 07:48 AM
1. I don't consider my Spyder to really be a "bike". A "trike", yes.

2. I've ridden for almost 50 years, and never considered myself a "biker", even when I owned a Harley. I was always a "motorcyclist".

3. The people the OP are complaining about probably just don't want those with something other than two wheels to include themselves in their group (after all, three wheelers weren't invited to join them).

4. Some people want to have an identity that's particular to something they have or an activity that they do, and don't want it to be diluted by others who do or have something similar, but not quite the same.

5. If we want to be included in the "biker" (two wheels) group, then we as "trikers" should allow quads (ATV) riders to be identified with us. And then if we do, then maybe the 6 wheelers (Polaris Ranger, Kawasaki Mules, John deere Gators) will want to be included also. It' just spirals outward, out of control, and becomes a source of irritation.

6. We ride because we enjoy it. Open air, great smells, different sensations, just good for the soul.

7.No need to argue or fight...no hard feelings....and no, I don't want to be a biker. I ride a Spyder...and that's good enough for me.

8. And no......no "bikers" allowed .

12-04-2015, 11:31 AM
Originally, I was intending to get input as to why some feel the need to express their dislike for something, on a page dedicated to that particular thing. Can-am has a Spyder page on Facebook, which I follow, because I own ine. And it's an intrest of mine. Such as the numerous fishing related sites I also follow.
What I couldn't wrap my head around was the need of some non-spyder owners to leave negative and hateful comments, which I do not see on,say, one of the fishing sites..no one saying "That 5 lb bass you caught sucks"
I wanted to try and figure out why on earth if you don't like something would uou search out a group that does, and trash them. Low self esteem? Jealousy?
But when certain individuals, who present themselves as representatives of a national orginization and then goes about using hateful speech, I wonder if those people are truly troubled individuals.
I've always been an individual who prides myself on be me. I don't feel the need to point out faults in others. I live my life. My way. And i consider myself pretty accepting of the uniqueness of those I meet.
Do what you like, and love what you do.

Bob Denman
12-04-2015, 11:35 AM
Some folks just can't watch a Parade...

...without wanting to piss on it! nojoke

It's just that simple!

12-04-2015, 04:19 PM
In the last few weeks I have had 3 invites to join bikers. First one I was introduced to a biker through a friend and we chatted for a while about Sandra and his motorcycle, I will be riding with him next year and he is going to show me some good riding routes. The second one was when I went to Halfords to buy screamer disc lock the sales assistant has a Harley and he has invited me to join him and other Harley riders at "Squires Café". And the third invite is an old work colleague of mine who is also a Harley owner and I will be joining Dave and his other friends next year.
Its a pleasure to be invited to ride with other Spyder and Motorcycle/Harley owners.;)

12-05-2015, 05:07 PM
In the last few weeks I have had 3 invites to join bikers. First one I was introduced to a biker through a friend and we chatted for a while about Sandra and his motorcycle, I will be riding with him next year and he is going to show me some good riding routes. The second one was when I went to Halfords to buy screamer disc lock the sales assistant has a Harley and he has invited me to join him and other Harley riders at "Squires Café". And the third invite is an old work colleague of mine who is also a Harley owner and I will be joining Dave and his other friends next year.
Its a pleasure to be invited to ride with other Spyder and Motorcycle/Harley owners.;)

Having said that....There's nothing like the number of wannabe "bikers" with attitude in the UK as there is in the US.
I really couldn't give a toss about them as I have more miles on two wheels than they'll ever have riding on Sundays for three hours (as long as it's dry)!
I regularly stop by at my local Harley dealer for a coffee and you would not believe how many of their customers take a genuine interest in the Spyder.
I came out one afternoon and there was a woman sitting on it! She thought it was the shop's demo machine and she wanted to buy the F3 like NOW!!
So I gave her a card for the nearest Spyder shop and she went away happy...ish!

12-05-2015, 05:45 PM
[QUOTE=Bob Denman;1066872]:shocked: But why do they always act like such pricks? :roflblack:

They are follow on the "Get Drunk & be Somebody" platform I 've own'd two harleys for for over a adecade---harley owners are the only group that think they use their harley bike boost their image--their bikes suck compared to the Yamaha & Suzuki's I've owned.

Don't let their low self image bother you----it's all they have :-(

Bob Denman
12-05-2015, 06:12 PM

Does this look familiar?? :roflblack:

12-05-2015, 06:57 PM
I'm always polite and I apologise.
that's along the line of:

I'm sorry, but you appear to be under the misconception that I give a rats' ass of your opinion.

...and yes, I've had 2 Harleys but I never got the group mentality and I always wondered why everybody was wearing Harley logo clothing.

12-05-2015, 07:09 PM
You got a point on the Slingshot disses. I love the Spyder think it looks cool and get alot of complements! :spyder2::f_spider::spyder::spyder: