View Full Version : deluge of rain in the NW

chuck gross
11-15-2015, 08:13 PM
Well the deluge of rain here in the NW finally stopped and we actually saw a little sun today :)
so I decided to take the STL out for a spin it was about 48 degrees out and partly sunny it was nice to get out. :thumbup:
lots of rivers at flood stage the Snoqualmie flooded out the Carnation Duvall area great for duck hunters I guess?
I had one little spot where I had to cross about 4 inches of water on the road for about 50 yards I watched a car go through it ahead of me
so I went slow and had no issues. :ohyea:

11-15-2015, 08:55 PM
glad you were fearless and jumped at the first chance for a ryde. Sounds like you found some high roads to travel..:2thumbs: hope there are more in your future..:thumbup: