View Full Version : Frame verification and alignment

10-17-2015, 09:23 AM
I know there has been a lot of print, maybe too much, on alignments but I don't recall seeing anything that covers frame alignment/frame issues. If it has been covered please disregard and accept my apologies.

I'm looking for an explanation, from someone a lot more in the know than me, on the current alignment process for the Spyder. I'm not concerned about which tools (i.e. Laser or Hard Fixtures) are used but rather the process with regards to the frame/drive train alignment and frame validation. As I understand it the current process aligns the drive train to the rear wheel and the rear wheel to the front wheels. My confusion/concerns are:
1) Is the drive train aligned to the frame and what is the process?
2) Is the validity of the frame (i.e. bent, manufacturing defect, etc) checked and what is the process?
3) I know there isn't an adjustment for Caster/Camber per say but if it were found to be out of spec would that indicate frame issues?

10-17-2015, 10:02 AM
I think your looking for more than most of us know. Might have to go visit the factory and watch the assembly process cause that may be the only place to see any frame alignment...:dontknow: I did see a post where there was a frame change involved but they only posted so you could see a naked spyder. I think it was on spyder owners (facebook) so they must of had a way of checking unless it was flatout obvious...:thumbup:

10-18-2015, 07:47 AM
I know there has been a lot of print, maybe too much, on alignments but I don't recall seeing anything that covers frame alignment/frame issues. If it has been covered please disregard and accept my apologies.

I'm looking for an explanation, from someone a lot more in the know than me, on the current alignment process for the Spyder. I'm not concerned about which tools (i.e. Laser or Hard Fixtures) are used but rather the process with regards to the frame/drive train alignment and frame validation. As I understand it the current process aligns the drive train to the rear wheel and the rear wheel to the front wheels. My confusion/concerns are:
1) Is the drive train aligned to the frame and what is the process?
2) Is the validity of the frame (i.e. bent, manufacturing defect, etc) checked and what is the process?
3) I know there isn't an adjustment for Caster/Camber per say but if it were found to be out of spec would that indicate frame issues?

Help, please.

10-18-2015, 10:40 PM
I know there has been a lot of print, maybe too much, on alignments but I don't recall seeing anything that covers frame alignment/frame issues. If it has been covered please disregard and accept my apologies.

I'm looking for an explanation, from someone a lot more in the know than me, on the current alignment process for the Spyder. I'm not concerned about which tools (i.e. Laser or Hard Fixtures) are used but rather the process with regards to the frame/drive train alignment and frame validation. As I understand it the current process aligns the drive train to the rear wheel and the rear wheel to the front wheels. My confusion/concerns are:
1) Is the drive train aligned to the frame and what is the process?
2) Is the validity of the frame (i.e. bent, manufacturing defect, etc) checked and what is the process?
3) I know there isn't an adjustment for Caster/Camber per say but if it were found to be out of spec would that indicate frame issues?

Sounds like you suspect frame damage. You should be able to lay a straight edge along the lower main frame member and get an idea if that is bent pretty easily. Even slight bending in the frame members should be apparent if you give it a good inspection.

The dealerships usually align using the frame as reference. This is a very bad way to go as it simply doesn't work. The ROLO laser alignment system uses the rear wheel as reference. The idea being that you want all 3 wheels heading in the same direction regardless of what the frame is doing. This give you a very accurate alignment.

The one caveat I would add is that just because someone has the ROLO alignment system, doesn't necessarily mean you'll get a good alignment. There is some need for experience and understanding of how the system and the Spyder work to get good results from the ROLO system.

As for caster and camber. It's best to hope yours is close if not right on. I believe that you can shim for small out of speck adjustments but beyond that you'll have to replace some pretty major components. I do not believe that BRP offers any shims for this purpose so you'd probably have to make your own or modify someone else's. Maybe someone with more information can answer this one more accurately.

Hope this helps.

Bob Denman
10-19-2015, 05:24 PM
If you're looking for frame damage... :shocked:
These SST frames are pretty easy to knock out of whack! :banghead:
I bent the front half of the one on my 20010 RT, with just a 15 mph impact... nojoke