View Full Version : Riding with spouse

10-04-2015, 09:51 PM
So I finally got a spyder. I got the F3 and it was no easy feat talking my wife into letting me get one. She has taken a few short rides with me around town and seems to enjoy it. I would LOVE for her to get her own F3 and her and I do some longer rides......even day rides would be fun. I live out in the middle of nowhere in Montana and there are tons of places to ride out here where there is virtually no traffic. My question is to those of you who ride with your spouses or significant others. Do you ride two up or on separate bikes? What are the pros and cons of both and what do your partners prefer? I would love nothing better than to get my wife a spyder next year and for us to ride to the Glacier national park or the black hills or beartooth pass etc. Thanks for any info or insight you can give me. If I can't get my wife to ride with me I guess I will have to wait until my 10 yr. old boy is old enough to ride......He LOVES riding with me now. Anybody ride with their kids??

10-04-2015, 09:57 PM
My wife always wanted to be chauffeured. She wanted her camera, and drink, and intercom.
Because I was responsible for BOTH our safety, I took the driving responsibility seriously.
With one machine you cut risk in 1/2, for breakdown OR accident.
I know you folks will work it out. Happy Ryding.

10-04-2015, 10:03 PM
The only downside to having your spouse ride his/her own machine is your gas mileage gets cut in half. But I'm fine with that!

10-04-2015, 10:07 PM
you say it was tough getting this one by her...what was the objection..?? Ryding double and each on their own are totally different. It will depend mostly on the wife. Mine loves ryding with me and does it well. Talks about driving but thats it. Looks like you both need more travel time before you get another...:dontknow:

10-04-2015, 10:32 PM
you say it was tough getting this one by her...what was the objection..?? Ryding double and each on their own are totally different. It will depend mostly on the wife. Mine loves ryding with me and does it well. Talks about driving but thats it. Looks like you both need more travel time before you get another...:dontknow:

What are the main differences as you see them?

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10-04-2015, 10:37 PM
You said that you would love for her to have her own Spyder but how does she feel about it? If she isn't excited about it on her own, you can love it all you want but it isn't going to change how she feels.

10-04-2015, 11:24 PM
I used the sneaky method. Got Akspyderlady on the :ani29: by having her ride with me. We did 10,000 miles that summer. By summers end, I got her to try riding the :spyder2: herself. Fortunately, I had two wheels for myself at the time.

The next season I traded in the two wheels and got her a :ani29: for herself.

We both have extra padding and it was sometimes uncomfortable for me and my bad back for us to ride two up. A :spyder2: for each solved our problems.

As mentioned above, the only problem we now have is twice the gas for all our rides. If money is not an issue, separate :ani29:'s are the way to go IMO.

10-04-2015, 11:28 PM
Only one downside to my wife riding as a passenger... She can see the speedometer. Nuf said. :(

10-04-2015, 11:38 PM
Only one downside to my wife riding as a passenger... She can see the speedometer. Nuf said. :(

Have a little fun if you dare. Switch the speedo from miles to KM prior to boarding. When your going 62 mph the speedo will say 100. If your on those famous 50 mph Kauai roads--should be about 90 KM or so.

10-05-2015, 12:07 AM
If we are going long distance my wife prefers to follow in the car and then ride in the area when we get there. She will ride short trips with me but not longer ones. When we were shopping for our Spyder she talked about being able to drive it herself but other then run it around the block once that hasn't happened.So I would say that be sure the wanting the 2nd Spyder is her idea not yours.

10-05-2015, 12:43 AM
My wife and I ride two up, though she has her endorsement and can ride if needed. But she prefers to stay on the back.

Bob Denman
10-05-2015, 06:37 AM
I've been trying for years to get my Missus into the "Front Chair"...
She's also happy being Chauffeured around, and I've had to accept that. :2thumbs:
If she had her own bike; I'd worry about her... probably the same way that she worries about me, when I'm out of sight.... :shocked:

Gray Ghost
10-05-2015, 07:01 AM
My wife and I both own two wheelers. And we own a Spyder. Sometimes we ride separately, sometimes we ride two up on two wheels, sometimes we ride two up on three wheels. When we ride two up sometimes I am in front, sometimes she is. It all comes down to personal choices. When we first started off, she told me that she would never be able to ride her own. I eventually got her to take the MSF course because learning how to ride a motorcycle would make her a better passenger and give her knowledge of how to take care of the situation should I be incapacitated for some reason. She completed the MSF course and immediately asked when we could go to a bike store.

Vt. Rider
10-05-2015, 07:09 AM
My wife has always enjoyed being the passenger. She has her own snowmobile and ATV and has her endorsement for the Spyder. She has driven the Spyder and does like it, but not enough to have one of her own, which I wish she would. Then I could go back to 2 wheels.
Had a GL1800 for 13 years and rode all over the country. She would read, sleep or just enjoy the scenery. She also understands that riding a machine solo is much easier than two up......yet she wants to stay on the pillion.

10-05-2015, 07:13 AM
My wife has no interest in riding her own bike, regardless of brand. Give your spouse or sig other a chance to figure that out, before pressuring them to ride. Not everyone wants to be their own driver.

10-05-2015, 07:43 AM
My wife was fine riding two up and then decided it would be a good idea if she got her indorsment incase I got sick or hurt when we were touring. Her girlfried had a sprder and they went out to some abandon parking lots and she taught Ellie how to ride as my wife had never riden a motorcycle by herself, she had crashed her bicycle several years ago and ended up in the hospital and had no desire to ride two wheels. after putting 1,200 miles on our RTS she took it in for an oil change and bought her own. So she started riding at 64 a year ago last August and has 22,000 miles on her RTS Limited. So the morale of the story is dont let your wife take your bike in for an oil change. And she get to shop for cool stuff to wear !
http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=117437&stc=1 http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=117438&stc=1

Bob Denman
10-05-2015, 07:53 AM
My wife has no interest in riding her own bike, regardless of brand. Give your spouse or sig other a chance to figure that out, before pressuring them to ride. Not everyone wants to be their own driver.

:agree: Although she will admit that she wishes that the ride was warmer back there... :D
I keep telling her that she only needs her permit, to take the ride from up front! :thumbup:

10-05-2015, 08:14 AM
Thanks for all the replies!! I guess the moral of the story is gonna be to be patient and let the wife decide for herself if she wants to get her own bike or not. In the meantime I will try to enjoy the spyder as much as I can by myself and with her when she wants to go for a ride.....:yes:.

10-05-2015, 08:23 AM
So I finally got a spyder. I got the F3 and it was no easy feat talking my wife into letting me get one. She has taken a few short rides with me around town and seems to enjoy it. I would LOVE for her to get her own F3 and her and I do some longer rides......even day rides would be fun. I live out in the middle of nowhere in Montana and there are tons of places to ride out here where there is virtually no traffic. My question is to those of you who ride with your spouses or significant others. Do you ride two up or on separate bikes? What are the pros and cons of both and what do your partners prefer? I would love nothing better than to get my wife a spyder next year and for us to ride to the Glacier national park or the black hills or beartooth pass etc. Thanks for any info or insight you can give me. If I can't get my wife to ride with me I guess I will have to wait until my 10 yr. old boy is old enough to ride......He LOVES riding with me now. Anybody ride with their kids??I tried riding two up with my wife but something happens in the rear of the bike when i do. I get a terrible squawk and whine when she is back there. I haven't figured out what it is yet

Red RT-S
10-05-2015, 08:23 AM
We bought our Spyder 3 years ago and at the time my wife suggested we get an SE5 so that in the event she wanted to drive that would be possible. Since then she has never even tried to drive it, much less think about getting her endorsement. Maybe that will change (but I doubt it) since I got sick on our trip earlier this summer and we ended up spending a few days in Branson while I was in the hospital. She had to take a cab back and forth to the hospital from our motel. One of the reasons she said she might learn to drive was so she could drive in case I was someway incapacitated. So I will repeat what others have said; before making the investment be sure she is 100% on board with it and you are not making the purchase to satisfy yourself. That being said, we ride 2-up on an annual trip of from 3K-7K miles in addition to some local rides. She sleeps or just enjoys the scenery. Sleeping isn't a real problem (she has arm rests to hold her in) but it can be a bit annoying having her helmet hit the back of mine and having her leaning forward against me.

10-05-2015, 08:24 AM
My wife was fine riding two up and then decided it would be a good idea if she got her indorsment incase I got sick or hurt when we were touring. Her girlfried had a sprder and they went out to some abandon parking lots and she taught Ellie how to ride as my wife had never riden a motorcycle by herself, she had crashed her bicycle several years ago and ended up in the hospital and had no desire to ride two wheels. after putting 1,200 miles on our RTS she took it in for an oil change and bought her own. So she started riding at 64 a year ago last August and has 22,000 miles on her RTS Limited. So the morale of the story is dont let your wife take your bike in for an oil change. And she get to shop for cool stuff to wear !
http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=117437&stc=1 http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=117438&stc=1
Totally off the subject; what type of dog trailer do you have??

Bob Denman
10-05-2015, 08:29 AM
Thanks for all the replies!! I guess the moral of the story is gonna be to be patient and let the wife decide for herself if she wants to get her own bike or not. In the meantime I will try to enjoy the spyder as much as I can by myself and with her when she wants to go for a ride.....:yes:.

Try letting her take an active role in choosing your destinations and routes. :thumbup:

Pirate looks at --
10-05-2015, 10:05 AM
So we both share the front seat. When we bought the Spyder I told my wife that I wouldn't buy it if she would not share the driving duties. Now we find the front seat is a bit crowded. We keep thinking about another Spyder........just not sure we have another $30,0000.00 lying around!:roflblack::roflblack:

Bob Denman
10-05-2015, 10:30 AM
:D You don't have to have the money laying around; that's what good credit ratings are for! :thumbup: :roflblack:

Pirate looks at --
10-05-2015, 10:46 AM
My problem is that I have really good credit and I could pick up the phone and buy one.....still have to make those monthly payments!

Bob Denman
10-05-2015, 11:01 AM
:shocked: Paying it BACK?!? :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflb lack::roflblack::roflblack:

10-05-2015, 11:28 AM
I'd love my wife to get her own machine..... But at this point I'm happy she at least let me have mine. Anybody have young kids they ride with? Like 16-18?

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10-05-2015, 11:50 AM
I did it a little different for my wife. She didn't want me on cycles as I was looking for a new one after taking a few years off. I was looking for something fun and she actually suggested a Spyder. That was music to my ears and when I started looking I was originally thinking 2 up. However, I knew she had told me in her past she always wanted to ride so I took a chance. When I settled on the one I wanted(F3-S/Special Series/Triple Black), I decided to order 2 without telling her. She took it like a champ and is super excited. I felt that if I asked her she would immediately prefer the one but I felt that if I took that option off of the table, she would get excited and she sure did. She just needed to know that she could get her license on the Spyder which she can do here locally. Now I catch her on the computer looking at riding gear all of the time....

10-05-2015, 12:13 PM
I did it a little different for my wife. She didn't want me on cycles as I was looking for a new one after taking a few years off. I was looking for something fun and she actually suggested a Spyder. That was music to my ears and when I started looking I was originally thinking 2 up. However, I knew she had told me in her past she always wanted to ride so I took a chance. When I settled on the one I wanted(F3-S/Special Series/Triple Black), I decided to order 2 without telling her. She took it like a champ and is super excited. I felt that if I asked her she would immediately prefer the one but I felt that if I took that option off of the table, she would get excited and she sure did. She just needed to know that she could get her license on the Spyder which she can do here locally. Now I catch her on the computer looking at riding gear all of the time....

Wow!!! You are a brave man!! Hope that works out well for you!!

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10-05-2015, 12:31 PM
I'd love my wife to get her own machine..... But at this point I'm happy she at least let me have mine. Anybody have young kids they ride with? Like 16-18?

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back in the 2 wheel days all of my kids rode with me and took trips with me from time to time. Some of them liked it and some did not. Only 2 of them have picked it up and then not nearly as much as their Dad.

10-05-2015, 12:44 PM
I'd love my wife to get her own machine..... But at this point I'm happy she at least let me have mine. Anybody have young kids they ride with? Like 16-18?

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My wife and I have our own bikes , but this summer we had a wonderfull trip with my son and grandaughter down the California coast a trip of 1,265 miles my son has been on two wheels for 20 years but his wife did not want their daughter on one as she does not like the danger. Some how my son talked her into thinking of lettig her ride on the Spyder and she agreed. We had a great week long trip down to SoCal and then they flew home. My grandaughter (11) has a great trip to remember with her dad.

10-05-2015, 01:00 PM
Have a little fun if you dare. Switch the speedo from miles to KM prior to boarding. When your going 62 mph the speedo will say 100. If your on those famous 50 mph Kauai roads--should be about 90 KM or so.

Now that would be fun, right up to the point at which she jabs me in the ribs. :(

10-05-2015, 01:01 PM
My thought has always been is i don't want the added responsibility. My wife asked to learn to ride my spyder so i could take my Yamaha and we could put our daughter on back of the spyder and go for a family ride. I declined because she has no riding experience and i would be so concerned about her i would probably crash myself. We used to Scuba dive together but it sucked the fun out of it having to set up everything twice, carry everything twice and then spend the entire dive worried about her. plus i would never let a new rider put our daughter on the back. Now if your wife has tons of riding experience then it would be a different story and i would probably do it. But for now we enjoy going 2 up on it. Its the whole reason i bought the spyder, i would have just stuck with my yamaha but she wanted to ride with me and that is not a 2 up bike. i had a cruiser also which was great but figured the spyder so much safer so i sold the cruiser and picked up a used spyder. Hats off to the guy that bought 2 by the way and if he wants to adopt me let me know :)

10-05-2015, 02:02 PM
My thought has always been is i don't want the added responsibility. My wife asked to learn to ride my spyder so i could take my Yamaha and we could put our daughter on back of the spyder and go for a family ride. I declined because she has no riding experience and i would be so concerned about her i would probably crash myself. We used to Scuba dive together but it sucked the fun out of it having to set up everything twice, carry everything twice and then spend the entire dive worried about her. plus i would never let a new rider put our daughter on the back. Now if your wife has tons of riding experience then it would be a different story and i would probably do it. But for now we enjoy going 2 up on it. Its the whole reason i bought the spyder, i would have just stuck with my yamaha but she wanted to ride with me and that is not a 2 up bike. i had a cruiser also which was great but figured the spyder so much safer so i sold the cruiser and picked up a used spyder. Hats off to the guy that bought 2 by the way and if he wants to adopt me let me know :)

Good points..... Maybe I should be careful what I wish for.....[emoji15][emoji15]

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Bob Denman
10-05-2015, 02:12 PM
My thought has always been is i don't want the added responsibility. My wife asked to learn to ride my spyder so i could take my Yamaha and we could put our daughter on back of the spyder and go for a family ride. I declined because she has no riding experience and i would be so concerned about her i would probably crash myself. We used to Scuba dive together but it sucked the fun out of it having to set up everything twice, carry everything twice and then spend the entire dive worried about her. plus i would never let a new rider put our daughter on the back. Now if your wife has tons of riding experience then it would be a different story and i would probably do it. But for now we enjoy going 2 up on it. Its the whole reason i bought the spyder, i would have just stuck with my yamaha but she wanted to ride with me and that is not a 2 up bike. i had a cruiser also which was great but figured the spyder so much safer so i sold the cruiser and picked up a used spyder. Hats off to the guy that bought 2 by the way and if he wants to adopt me let me know :)
So what you're saying, is that including your Wife in activities as an active participant is more trouble, than it's worth? :shocked:
That can't possible sit well with her...

10-05-2015, 02:26 PM
we have done nearly 25,000 miles of two up riding in the last three years. even hit beartooth and chief joseph out in your neck of the woods. the wife doesn't want her own spyder. says she'd just as soon see the scenery and enjoy the ride. I love having her as a passenger and once we get the shock situation figured out on the new f3 we will continue to be happy campers!!:thumbup::thumbup:

10-05-2015, 03:36 PM
So what you're saying, is that including your Wife in activities as an active participant is more trouble, than it's worth? :shocked:
That can't possible sit well with her...

I kinda wondered about that, too. It seems the problem rests with him, not her.


Bob Denman
10-05-2015, 05:10 PM
:shocked: I'm not assigning any blame...

My motto has become:


10-05-2015, 08:08 PM
My wife has no interest in driving.

Loves to ride and be tail fluff.

Love to have her along , just can't ride as agressive:banghead:

If i was to scare her she wouldn't go period.
I know what some of you may be thinking but i wouldn't do that to anyone let alone my wife:lecturef_smilie:

3 Wheel Rider
10-05-2015, 08:34 PM
The only downside to having your spouse ride his/her own machine is your gas mileage gets cut in half. But I'm fine with that!

That's not the only downside, you also have twice the cost for machine purchase, insurance, maintenance, FARKLES, etc.

If riding her own isn't was she wants to do, then I wouldn't force the issue. I'd just enjoy the time she was willing to ride even if its only on the back every now and then.

10-05-2015, 09:24 PM
My wife and I have separate bikes. She feels the same way I do about riding on the back. No way. She likes her own control and freedom as do I. Having her on the back isn't nearly as sexy as I thought it would be. It is just hot and annoying. I can't relax because I am focused on her and she can't either because she worries about me.

10-07-2015, 06:58 PM
From a women's point of view I had no idea how much I would enjoy riding my own bike. Have been on back of my husband's HD's for about 15 years. We had talked about it of & on but I needed 3 wheels. He guided me to the Spyders & I bought a 2013 rs used & loved it & a year later test road F3 & had to have it. Love that damn bike! I was out by myself today and road over 175 miles. At this point I do not want to be on the back. Give her time encourage her to ride yours. I will say if I would have road the F3 first I think it would have scared the crap out of me LOL! But riding has pushed me out of my comfort zone! Doing this makes my life so much better! Also encourage her to join GOS on facebook as that is one of the things that made me want to ride my own. Just my thoughts! Enjoy your bike!

10-07-2015, 07:06 PM
From a women's point of view I had no idea how much I would enjoy riding my own bike. Have been on back of my husband's HD's for about 15 years. We had talked about it of & on but I needed 3 wheels. He guided me to the Spyders & I bought a 2013 rs used & loved it & a year later test road F3 & had to have it. Love that damn bike! I was out by myself today and road over 175 miles. At this point I do not want to be on the back. Give her time encourage her to ride yours. I will say if I would have road the F3 first I think it would have scared the crap out of me LOL! But riding has pushed me out of my comfort zone! Doing this makes my life so much better! Also encourage her to join GOS on facebook as that is one of the things that made me want to ride my own. Just my thoughts! Enjoy your bike!

Thanks for the input ..... Much appreciated.

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10-07-2015, 07:22 PM
My wife picked out my Spyder for me after she had told me that when the Harley was gone there would be no more motorcycles. Although she still has her license, she has no interest in being the driver. Even if it is her own.

Deer Slayer
10-07-2015, 07:29 PM
My wife has vertigo. She has never ridden with me in 58 years. She does support my riding. She gave me a Goldwing for Christmas in 2003! Yes she has a sister! Oh how I wish she could see all the thing I see. Even at a very low point, when I totaled my 2008 Wing on a deer in California, she had found 5 replacement Wings before I could fly home. How I love this woman!:cheers:

10-07-2015, 07:35 PM
So I finally got a spyder. I got the F3 and it was no easy feat talking my wife into letting me get one. She has taken a few short rides with me around town and seems to enjoy it. I would LOVE for her to get her own F3 and her and I do some longer rides......even day rides would be fun. I live out in the middle of nowhere in Montana and there are tons of places to ride out here where there is virtually no traffic. My question is to those of you who ride with your spouses or significant others. Do you ride two up or on separate bikes? What are the pros and cons of both and what do your partners prefer? I would love nothing better than to get my wife a spyder next year and for us to ride to the Glacier national park or the black hills or beartooth pass etc. Thanks for any info or insight you can give me. If I can't get my wife to ride with me I guess I will have to wait until my 10 yr. old boy is old enough to ride......He LOVES riding with me now. Anybody ride with their kids??

We each have our own RS Spyders!! I enjoy driving my own bike. Before the Spyders we each had scooters!! So we have really trad3d upto better bikes and experiences. We drove from Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada to Johnson Creek Wisc.for the Rendezvous. This was my first long distance trip. I can hardly wait to go on more road trips 👍

10-08-2015, 10:45 AM
We bought our Spyder RT 4 months ago. Hubby drives and I ride behind him. I have carpal tunnel and driving is a challenge for me to go far even in our truck. We
have Bluetooth equipment for long rides. It works well. We don't normally use it for around town. I like rides that are around 45 mph. We have one such
ride from our town over to another one that is about 30 miles away. It goes through farmland, some smaller towns and past some new developments.
I don't know that I'd like to be a driver (if I had the ability). One reason we have GPS is because I have a knack for getting us lost. I'm happy to be a one Spyder couple.

10-08-2015, 10:57 AM
So I finally got a spyder. I got the F3 and it was no easy feat talking my wife into letting me get one. She has taken a few short rides with me around town and seems to enjoy it. I would LOVE for her to get her own F3 and her and I do some longer rides......even day rides would be fun. I live out in the middle of nowhere in Montana and there are tons of places to ride out here where there is virtually no traffic. My question is to those of you who ride with your spouses or significant others. Do you ride two up or on separate bikes? What are the pros and cons of both and what do your partners prefer? I would love nothing better than to get my wife a spyder next year and for us to ride to the Glacier national park or the black hills or beartooth pass etc. Thanks for any info or insight you can give me. If I can't get my wife to ride with me I guess I will have to wait until my 10 yr. old boy is old enough to ride......He LOVES riding with me now. Anybody ride with their kids??

My spouse rode 1,300 miles as a passenger, Middle of September 2013 thru middle of November 2013.
"Baby" came out of hibernation on March 31 of 2014 and she got her license on May 24, 2014. Through yesterday she has logged 19,000 miles as "Rider in Command". :yes:

For 15,000 of those mile I rode my Vstar 950T, but for the last 4,000 I have been on my own 2015 RTS. :clap:

10-08-2015, 11:05 AM
My spouse rode 1,300 miles as a passenger, Middle of September 2013 thru middle of November 2013.
"Baby" came out of hibernation on March 31 of 2014 and she got her license on May 24, 2014. Through yesterday she has logged 19,000 miles as "Rider in Command". :yes:

For 15,000 of those mile I rode my Vstar 950T, but for the last 4,000 I have been on my own 2015 RTS. :clap:

Had your wife ever rode a motorcycle before? I'm hopeful I can get my wife to at least drive a little bit and get a little excited about it....[emoji39]

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Bob Denman
10-08-2015, 11:24 AM
My wife has vertigo. She has never ridden with me in 58 years. She does support my riding. She gave me a Goldwing for Christmas in 2003! Yes she has a sister! Oh how I wish she could see all the thing I see. Even at a very low point, when I totaled my 2008 Wing on a deer in California, she had found 5 replacement Wings before I could fly home. How I love this woman!:cheers:

:clap: You truly are a VERY lucky Guy!! :2thumbs:

10-08-2015, 12:16 PM
After Demo riding a 2014 RTS we decided to buy one trading in my cruiser that I could no longer ride due to medical issues. She has her own 2 wheeler and on local or short rides (Under 300 miles) she often takes hers. For trips we ride 2 up on the Spyder and alternate driving since I had the tri-ax handlebars installed at time of purchase so the bike could be adjusted to fit her. By alternating one doesn't get as fatigued and makes things more enjoyable for both to be able to just sit back and enjoy for awhile. We both have MC endoresments and have been through the 3 wheel course. I am as comfortable with her driving as she is mine. We are already booked to attend the Deadwood 3 wheel rally next July and that will be the longest trip we have done so alternating driving will help alot. My wife shares my love of MC and we have spent many happy miles together.:clap:

10-08-2015, 12:36 PM
my wife just loves to sit in the back and look around,point out when i miss a turn and fall asleep when she is supposed to be telling me where to go.
so pretty much the same as when we are in my truck

10-09-2015, 02:27 AM
Although my wife has her motorcycle endorsement she rather ride with me. Lately we have been discussing getting her a bike but the only stipulation I have is that it has to have the 1330 engine with a SE6 tranny. So that limits her choices to the F3 or a version of the RT. The dealership I bought our RTL has a 2015 black F3 that is sharp and a Pearl White RTL, Also a 2015. They are reduced about 3K each and come with the 3 year warranty. With my back, I pretty much prefer the RTL that we have. It is a 2014 cognac in color. She likes the F3 but also likes the comfort of the RTL, so it is a waiting game for now. We have a lot of fun riding together so I am not sure she will ever come out and say she wants one of her own. Now that I said that, she will tell me tomorrow she wants one. Lol

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10-09-2015, 10:18 AM
Try letting her take an active role in choosing your destinations and routes. :thumbup:

That's never a problem here. My wife tells me where to go all the time! ;)


Bob Denman
10-09-2015, 10:22 AM
I know what you mean... :shocked: My Missus enjoys her role as "Navigator" a bit too well... :banghead:

10-09-2015, 10:51 AM
Two up and" Yes Dear I'll turn here". Lol

10-09-2015, 10:51 AM
I guess I owe my good times on a Spyder to my wife Camille. She has ridden with me on her own M/C for years and has her endorsement. When my knees began to bother me a lot we had several friends with Spyders and Camille kept bringing up the Spyder thing. I finally bought one and It did take me a while before I began to appreciate it for what it is. I still love and ride two wheels. Just bought another 2015 BMW R1200R and love it.

Camille and I took our HoneyMoon on a GoldWing to YellowStone park and she did not start to ride her own until 2003, a Harley. We swap off driving on long trips and I do not mind riding behind her. She uses good "judgement" which is tantamount in this game. She has no interest in buying her own Spyder. I wish she did but I certainly enjoy having her along even as a passenger or to spell me with the driving duties.


Bob Denman
10-09-2015, 11:01 AM
When she reminds you of just how lucky you are to be married to her; she's absolutely right!! :clap: :congrats: :2thumbs:

10-09-2015, 02:20 PM
After ryding 1 year on the back of our 2014 RTS, my wife wanted to drive more. I did not want to increase my ryding on the back, so we added a 2nd Spyder to the family...a 2014 ST Limited. Maria misses the closeness of ryding 2-up (must be due to my awesomeness), but loves the view from driving her own Spyder. She has control, which she loves, but the view from behind my giant helmet was not ideal. We just completed a 1,600 mile trip to Arkansas from Omaha, NE...she had her MC license for 3 weeks, so it was baptism by fire. She's conservative, understandably so, but I have full confidence in her abilities.

Her driving was her idea. I think this was key to our success. We love it and truly enjoy the Spyder experience.


chuck gross
10-09-2015, 02:26 PM
that is why I let my Wife get a Spyder first then it was a piece of cake to get mine! and who doesn't like cake. :ohyea: