View Full Version : Triple bypass

10-03-2015, 10:26 PM
Has anyone gotten back on their spyder after triple baypass heart surgery? If so how long did it take?

10-03-2015, 11:04 PM
That is a question you should be asking your doctor.

10-03-2015, 11:17 PM
My father in law had a triple bypass he was very weak for six months but his breathing was better but the meds kicked the s]-[it out of him. Part of the slow recovery was that they took arteries from both legs to patch the damage around the heart valves so both legs had to heal too and because of the blood thinners it was slow progress.

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10-04-2015, 01:09 AM
this one is for our medical staff...:roflblack:nojoke Who knows we may have someone who has made it back...:thumbup: nothing you pop back from easily...

10-04-2015, 01:16 AM
I did and still do
mine was Dec. 31 1995
I dont want to ever have to do that again
BUT it saved me so I could ride again
you must change your life, diet, and get off
the couch and be active, at that time I was
still riding my GoldWing almost every day.

Has anyone gotten back on their spyder after triple baypass heart surgery? If so how long did it take?

10-04-2015, 06:33 AM
Dave's story is a great example, but you MUST listen to the guy who did the bypasses.

10-04-2015, 07:57 AM
Best of luck to you.
My Dad had his done. After changing his lifestyle a bit, it served him well for over 20 years.

I thought this thread was about the cat bypass on a triple.......................

10-05-2015, 12:40 AM
I did and still do
mine was Dec. 31 1995
I dont want to ever have to do that again
BUT it saved me so I could ride again
you must change your life, diet, and get off
the couch and be active, at that time I was
still riding my GoldWing almost every day.
Thanks for your reply.
How long did it take you to be riding again. I am trying to decide on selling or waiting to ride again.

Peter Aawen
10-05-2015, 03:55 AM
Donec, talk to your medic about it, but I wouldn't be selling or let it stop me from riding, altho it is your choice.

My last round of surgery happened to coincide with a buddies triple bypass surgery, he was back on his m/bike sooner than I was, (about a month after surgery) but then his was 'only' heart surgery; I had a shoulder removed, customised, & re-built with some after-market parts!! :p It took me a tad more than 6 weeks just to get out of the cast, let alone develop enough strength to lift & move my arm enough to hold the handlebars; so it ended up taking about 10 weeks (which was more time than it took me to get back in the saddle after a brain aneurysm!) But that 10 weeks was still about 8 months less than the orthopaedic surgeon thought it'd take me - I hadta work the physio & occ therapists hard tho!! Gotta make em earn their dough!! :thumbup:

10-05-2015, 02:41 PM
Donec, talk to your medic about it, but I wouldn't be selling or let it stop me from riding, altho it is your choice.

My last round of surgery happened to coincide with a buddies triple bypass surgery, he was back on his m/bike sooner than I was, (about a month after surgery) but then his was 'only' heart surgery; I had a shoulder removed, customised, & re-built with some after-market parts!! :p It took me a tad more than 6 weeks just to get out of the cast, let alone develop enough strength to lift & move my arm enough to hold the handlebars; so it ended up taking about 10 weeks (which was more time than it took me to get back in the saddle after a brain aneurysm!) But that 10 weeks was still about 8 months less than the orthopaedic surgeon thought it'd take me - I hadta work the physio & occ therapists hard tho!! Gotta make em earn their dough!! :thumbup:

Thanks for that post. The dr. I have don't have a clue what a spyder is or want to know. Your post says it may be worth waiting on selling. Thanks again.

10-05-2015, 02:46 PM
Thanks for your reply.
How long did it take you to be riding again. I am trying to decide on selling or waiting to ride again.

I would recommend on holding off on selling. Looking at that :spyder2: may give you encouragement and help to get back in the saddle sooner.

Wishing you a quick recovery. Thoughts and :pray::pray: go with you.

10-05-2015, 03:06 PM
Thanks for your reply.
How long did it take you to be riding again. I am trying to decide on selling or waiting to ride again.

I get questions like this all the time (although for hip and knee replacements), and I say everybody's healing time is different. It also depends on how active you were prior to the surgery.

Good luck with your surgery, and I agree with the others to hold off selling.

10-05-2015, 03:14 PM
two thoughts here. Number one is you can sell anytime and with winter coming on you might get a better price later. So if you decide later that recovery will take longer then you had hoped you can put it for sale then. 2nd thought is that this might be a good time to sell and then as you recover think about joining the 1330 club.

Either way good luck and God Bless you and your doctors for a full and speedy recovery.

10-05-2015, 06:58 PM
With the Triple Bypass a return to the Spyder is perfect. A quadruple bypass would require you to ride 4 wheelers only from now on. Seriously though you will make a complete comeback in time and want to get back out there. I have had three heart surgeries, have a artificial heart valve and a pacemaker. I take blood thinners and that is why I ride three rather than two. Don't sell the Spyder or you will likely be very sorry later. Best of luck and God bless.:doorag:

10-05-2015, 07:29 PM
Has anyone gotten back on their spyder after triple baypass heart surgery? If so how long did it take?

but I rode my 1800 GW at about 10 weeks after my triple by-pass and decided to get a Spyder. Had I waited another four weeks I would probably be on my 'Wing even yet. As it is I have ridden a few 2 wheel bikes, and will not go back to two wheels on a permanent basis. That occurred just before my 76th birthday.

10-05-2015, 07:37 PM
Tell your doctor that you have a three wheeled motorcycle and that will help him/her provide advice to you. Your sternum needs to heal.... (6-8 weeks) no undue stresses on that. Prolonged standing (greater that 15 minutes) or prolonged sitting (more than one hour) is a big issue.

Discuss this at lenght with your doctor. Once the doctor understand that what a spyder is and you will get better information.

Thanks for that post. The dr. I have don't have a clue what a spyder is or want to know. Your post says it may be worth waiting on selling. Thanks again.

Deer Slayer
10-05-2015, 08:08 PM
Is there Spyder parking at the hospital? Just kidding, all the best and heal soon. I held off 5 weeks after sholder surgery. Just you and the Doc. :cheers:

10-05-2015, 09:38 PM
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I guess I'll wait a while and see what happens and try to get the dr. more involved.

10-18-2015, 06:40 PM
Well I talked to the DR. and he said due to other health problems he doesn't think my chest can handle the physical stress of riding a spyder. Says he rode one and recommends selling mine.

So when I get payoff and pay down I will be posting an ad.

I wonder if a regular motorcycle/scooter trike would give such an upper body workout? Any ideas?

Deer Slayer
10-18-2015, 07:29 PM
Let your chest heal. Then look at your options. Good luck.

10-18-2015, 07:37 PM
Don't even want to think about it after all the body parts I have had replaced or removed. Hope all goes well and you are headed for a speedy recovery.


10-18-2015, 07:44 PM
I wouldn't sell quite yet give yourself some time to think it over. I had quintuple bypass surgery 20 years ago and am still riding. The worst thing you can do is sit around you have to keep moving change your diet and exercise. You should try riding when you feel ready. Good Luck in what ever you decide to do.

10-18-2015, 07:50 PM
That is a question you should be asking your doctor.


10-18-2015, 07:51 PM
Slow down
Wait and see

But support you whatever you decide!

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10-18-2015, 08:06 PM
I have a Goldwing trike and a Burgman 650 scooter with a trike kit and they both are a bit harder to steer than the Spyder at least the RT my sister in law has.

10-18-2015, 08:32 PM
I have had a quadruple bypass 14 years ago and 8 stints.
I went back to full time after 8 weeks after bypass.
The Spyder does not bother my chest.
I do not think your Doctor rode the Bike properly.

Peter Aawen
10-18-2015, 08:39 PM
Donec, Can I be so rude as to ask what other health problems you have that means your chest won't handle the workout of riding a Spyder?? Why does the Doctor THINK this'll be an issue? Does he KNOW any good reason you can't or shouldn't, as opposed to 'thinking' that?

I do know & acknowledge that everyone heals differently, & that you might not really be up to it, but hey, if you WANT to keep riding, I'd be finding a Dr that will advise you on how best to achieve that, not one who keeps telling you not to or that it can't be done!! I was only 28 years old the first time I was told that the brain, spinal, & other skeleto-muscular damage I'd received meant I would never walk or hold my kids again, & never get out of a hospital bed again; so I sacked those Drs & found some who had a better attitude, Drs who helped me return to full active duty & a full family life. Back then, going thru rehab I met a lot of really determined people who weren't going to let some pretty horrific damage & injuries slow them down, & they didn't!! Now that I've retired (again!!) & am spending more time with others with similar issues, I've met even more determined people; quite a few of whom are far worse off than me who were told all these things they could never do again but just decided that they WOULD do what they wanted & not what some Doctor told them they couldn't!! Like me, most of them have since found Doctors who are prepared to help & encourage them in achieving anything they want to....

From what I can see, having 'health issues' doesn't necessarily mean you hafta stop doing things or let them become restrictive 'health problems' unless you are prepared to let them.... Along with having supportive Medico's, your state of mind & approach are all-important to how you tackle this; rather than being told or thinking of what you CAN'T do, they & you should be thinking about what you should tackle as your next challenge in regaining the ability to do as much of everything you previously did as is possible, and getting back to doing all the things that you WANT to do!!

It's your life, LIVE IT as much as you can - Doctors are astounded every day by the things some people do when as far as the medical world 'thought' they couldn't or shouldn't be able to!! Do you WANT to keep riding your Spyder?? What exactly is stopping you?

Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh, but it IS your life, it's up to you to make of it & do as much or as little as you want - the Doctor is really only there to help you achieve whatever you can! :thumbup:

10-18-2015, 09:27 PM
Wish I could help, but I've been told I don't have a heart. I would suggest not making any quick decisions, everyone heals differently and at a different speed. By spring you might feel great and want to ride again. Besides, spring always brings more buyers if that is what you decide to do.

10-18-2015, 09:32 PM
Thoughts and prayers that you will be up and riding in no time:pray::pray:.

10-18-2015, 11:24 PM
A gentleman had the same procedure and upon returning to his home, he suggested to his wife that it had been a long time sine they were intimate. The wife kept saying that she was afraid that he might have another incident and declined. In frustration the gentleman went to his doctor and asked him to write a letter to his wife assuring her that there wasn't a problem.

The doctor wrote the letter and read it to the gentleman,

Dear Mrs. Smith, this to assure you that Mr. Smith is healthy as a 20 year old he could make love 2-3 times a nite if so desired.

Mr. Smith listened to the letter and asked the doctor if he could make one small change to the letter? "Certainly, what would you liked changed" Mr. Smith said "Would you be so kind as to make it "To whom it may concern"

Ride when you feel like you can!!