View Full Version : Angels for Anastyn

09-14-2015, 04:07 PM
One of my co workers is on deployment with his Navel Unit for a year. Just after he left one of his little kids(Anastyn or Annie) was diagnosed with AML a rare and particularity aggressive form of Leukemia. Saturday we did a charity ride to help pay for all the expenses that insurance doesn't cover,like flights home for Dad care for the other 3 children transportation etc etc etc. About 80 bikes showed up and took a beautiful ride through the Mt Nebo Scenic Byway and lunch afterword. I was on the only Spyder there,I wish there had been more. Annie was there and running around outside like she had never known a sick day in her life. Flags lined the street and the Ephraim Fire Dept had their big ladder truck there to hang a large flag out over the street for us to ride under. Another flag was raised on the pole in front of Annie's house and the whole crowd recited the Pledge of Allegiance in honor of Jared her father in the Navy. Not a dry eye in the group. All in all a great day and it was so good to see Annie running,playing and laughing. She still has a couple of more rounds of Chemo to go thru but so far what they have done seems to be working.

Bob Denman
09-14-2015, 05:07 PM
Thanks for this report. We'll keep her and her family in our thoughts and prayers... :pray::pray:

09-14-2015, 08:29 PM
GOD BLESS !!!!!!