View Full Version : how do I add pictures

09-13-2015, 09:10 AM
How do I put picture of my bike on bottum of postes and one under name on left.

Bob Denman
09-13-2015, 09:18 AM
If you go to the home page, and look on the LH side of the screen; you'll see a link for "User CP"
Hit it! :thumbup:
On the next screen you seen, scroll down on the left side until you see "Eidt Signature"
Hit it! :thumbup:
Once you get into this area; you'll have box where you can add some words of wisdom, a description of your bike, or even pictures...
Just follow the instructions in there, and remember to save your changes!
Good Luck!

09-13-2015, 09:20 AM
go to settings upper right. Then go to edit avatar for the ID picture and edit signature for the bottom of your post. In each you will have to choose and up load pictures from your computer. If they don't upload they may be to large so resize them...:thumbup:

09-13-2015, 10:08 AM
A picture of your Spyder would be great. But also include in your signature the model, year, transmission and mods. In the future if you ask a question. Then this info is already there and comments are more accurate based on this info.

09-13-2015, 10:12 AM
Bob Denman told you how to add a signature which appears below your posts and Chupaca's instructions are for the Avatar which appears to the left of the post.