View Full Version : BRP owes me a check!

09-09-2015, 01:04 PM
I've had my 2012 SE5 RT for about a month. Who knew that when I purchased this thing a simple stop at the gas station would turn into a 30 min conversation explaining about the spyder. I'm glad I done a lot of research before buying. I've had people ask to sit on it or the best one's "let me take it for a spin". Really! I've read about it on here but never thought it would happen to me. I came outta Walmart and a woman was sitting on my spyder getting her picture take. I stayed calm and it turned into another long conversation. I'm sure am not the only one going through this. But I will admit I like having something that few people have. So I guess I'm a unofficially spokes person for BRP. Hope it pays well lol.

Cruzr Joe
09-09-2015, 01:06 PM
The "ROCK STAR" syndrome comes standard with a Spyder.

Cruzr Joe

Bob Denman
09-09-2015, 01:09 PM
:agree: We actually are the best Ambassadors for our chosen bikes. :thumbup:
After a while, you learn how to escape after what is a reasonable amount of time...
(I have had folks offer to buy me lunch, if I let them take it out for a ride...:D)

09-09-2015, 01:13 PM
The attention is pretty kool!! :2thumbs:

09-09-2015, 01:57 PM
It's fun being a Rock Star/Ambassador. I actually know of two instances where our gas station conversation turned into another new :ani29: owner.

When I bought my 2014, my dealer gave us a weekend at a nice resort on his dime. We were not expecting anything, but it was indeed a nice gesture.

Bob Denman
09-09-2015, 02:18 PM
When I bought my 2014, my dealer gave us a weekend at a nice resort on his dime. We were not expecting anything, but it was indeed a nice gesture.

It's easy to be a Rock Star, when Love is in the air! :D :2thumbs:


Although I DID get a pretty nice bottle of Courvoisier; to sweeten the deal!

09-09-2015, 02:32 PM
someone did that when I had my Harley and I asked them for the keys to there car. They looked at me like I was nuts. I went on to tell them I wanted to go sit in there car and touch things. The look on there faces was priceless.. :ohyea:

09-09-2015, 02:37 PM
Is it a positive thing or a curse..:roflblack: glad you took the time. The truly interested are fun to deal with but there are others. I've be lucky to never have found anyone on my spyder but have seen signs they were there. Those standing and looking I offer the opportunity, if time permits, especially the kids. I am on the new side but it has not stopped in my three years.....and the pay is all in the smiles...:ohyea:

09-09-2015, 02:49 PM
Funny, that's how I actually ended up an owner. Stopped at the gas station one day to gas up the Terrain and a guy rolled up on his GS right next to me. 30 minutes we're exchanging numbers and I'm going home to "ask permission" from the wife. Turned out the guy lived around the corner from me and brought his Spyder over and let me take it for a spin around the block a few times. Needless to say about 2 weeks later I'm the proud owner of a Spyder (same year/model as his, btw).

I love the attention I get on it, but I'm not quite sure how I'd react to finding someone sitting on my baby when I come out of the store.

09-09-2015, 03:01 PM
Hi Gene,

Re: Those standing and looking I offer the opportunity, if time permits, especially the kids. I am on the new side but it has not stopped in my 1 1/2 years.....and the pay is all in the smiles...

A little edit to make it like my experience.

And, I could have not said it better,

Jerry Baumchen

09-09-2015, 04:14 PM
I think people think that its like an amusement park and just found something new to touch,take pictures and sit on the :spyder2:.

Ex Winger
09-09-2015, 04:34 PM
I stopped at a Timmes for a snack.Came out 3 women looking at my rt.The big girl says she wouldn't,t be cought dead on a 3 wheeler.I had to stop myself saying it does have a weight limit,Got on rode of not saying a word:banghead:

09-09-2015, 06:13 PM
I have had several experience worth remembering. I have no problem with people looking all they want. Also happy to answer questions that are reasonable. Sometime the conversations do become long.

This week I was a bit cruel. I was at Timmies and I could see my Spyder from where I was sitting inside. A couple was looking very close at my Spyder. The gentleman grabbed ahold of the left handle grip and did not let go. I got out my remote and set off the alarm. Everyone in the restaurant look out at them to see what the noise was about. They quickly walked away.

A couple months ago a couple where looking at my Spyder and asking lots of questions. All at once the fellow said he would not buy one of those because rotary engines are not very reliable. :shocked: I was about to tell him it was a V-Twin and changed my mind. Ignorance is bliss you know.

Last year a couple came up to me in a restaurant and started asking questions. The women told me she would love to have a Spyder just like mine and would get a skin tight leather batgirl suit to wear while riding it. Just take my word for it, she would have looked very good in that outfit. It was extremely difficult but I did not comment on that. Her significant other was a rather large muscular fellow.

09-09-2015, 06:54 PM
haha Batgirl! So cool! I can just imagine....wish I would look good in it, but the bulges would not cooperate haha oh well.....

Border Rider
09-09-2015, 07:17 PM
Traveling around VT, NH, and Maine this summer got questioned a lot about the:spyder2:. I like it when it's a harley guy. I let let there ladies sit on the back and then show them all the storage compartments. To the guys
I say, you would never let me sit on your bike.

09-09-2015, 07:48 PM
We've all been there at one time or another. We had the first Spyder in our county. The attention, at first. was great. Then it got tiresome. At times down right nasty. My first encounter with nasty was coming out of a restaurant and finding little kid footprints all over the seat, and something sticky on the grips. Then, coming out of Lowes one afternoon, there was a group gathered around the Spyder and one very large gentleman sitting on the seat. They were all talking, pointing, laughing. I walked up and said "nice bike". The big guy say's "not really a bike". "POS jap junk". Then I told him to "get his fat ass off of my bike before I jerk you off of it". He got off and said "sorry man, didn't know it was yours". I asked him if he would set on a Harley that wasn't his. He said, "no way man". He left pretty quickly. But for the most part, it's been good. I find that since the Spyder has become more popular, there seems to be a drop in the gawkers and haters. We still get looks and comments. People taking our picture as we ride down the highway. I still let the little, big eyed kids set on mine as does the wife. When I had my RTS, I took folks on short rides, usually around the parking lot. Even had one very nice lady (read that HOT) tell her husband she was going home with me. My wife put the skids on that. :opps: But the best compliment came from someone I would never have even expected. A 1%. It was a short "nice ride man". That was it, nothing else. The light changed and away we went.

So ryde on. Roll with the gawkers, the haters, the know-it-alls. Be proud of your ride. Oh, and don't count on a check from BRP. I settled for two $25 dollar gas cards from my dealer when a friend bought two Spyders in one day.

09-09-2015, 07:57 PM
Here in southern New Mexico there are only a few and do get a lot of lookers and questions but one thing most all ask is "how Much". When I tell them, MSRP, they say nice and leave.

09-09-2015, 08:02 PM
It always happened to all of us.:yes::yes::yes:

09-09-2015, 08:25 PM
BillyBovine and ExWinger you guys need to stay away from Timmies. :roflblack:

09-09-2015, 08:53 PM
BillyBovine and ExWinger you guys need to stay away from Timmies. :roflblack:

What an awful thing to say to Canadians. :roflblack:

Big F
09-10-2015, 12:51 PM
The "ROCK STAR" syndrome comes standard with a Spyder.

Cruzr Joe

that just happened to me last night at Quaker Steak & Lube's bike night.. a very nice guy came up to me on my Spyder and started asking questions about this and that. After about 10 minutes I excused myself and said I had to leave???????
we should all get some consulting fees from BRP as this happens everywhere frequently...