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View Full Version : Late September early October Trip

08-19-2015, 09:45 AM
Hi guys,

I'm in need of some serious vacation time. Been super busy at work and haven't rode much the last two years. I've been thinking about doing a two week trip late September / early October. I have several options in mind, but I haven't decided yet. I'm hesitating between Route 66 or Lake Superior Tour.

Any experience on those rides during that time of year?

Knowing that I'm leaving from WI, do you have any other suggestions?

Anyone interested in tagging along?


08-19-2015, 11:53 AM
Well start slightly earlier and begin at SPYDERQUEST Sept 9-10-11-12 in Lake George NY....................:welcome:...Mike

08-20-2015, 11:12 AM
Unfortunately, I have commitments at work that week and next and can't leave before 9/25.

08-20-2015, 11:31 AM
Texas Hill Country Ryde in Oct 16-17 in Boerne, TX!

08-20-2015, 12:06 PM
Lake Superior Tour is pretty good. I used to live in Duluth MN and Ashland WI--both connected to Lake Superior. Did the tour once. Its all good except for the 300 miles or so through the UP that is more land locked than along side the water. If you detour off the route a bit, the Copper Harbor part of the UP is outstanding--more views of Gitcheegumee.

The views are stunning, especially the MN North Shore part and the Canadian North Shore. You will find the country to be in its fall splendor season. Hope you like yellow, red, and orange--big time.

It can get cool some days. Dress accordingly.

If you do it, make sure you hit Oberg Mountain as you go up MN North Shore. Located near Tofte MN.


https://sp.yimg.com/ib/th?id=JN.vGw58ysfH%2b4kXdEuvL%2bIfA&pid=15.1&rs=1&c=1&qlt=95&w=179&h=119 http://www.northshorevisitor.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/split-rock-lighthouse1-300x200.jpg

Another view from Oberg Mountain (looking at Leveau Mt.) and the Split Rock Lighthouse--North of Two Harbors

08-20-2015, 02:39 PM
Lake Superior Tour is pretty good. I used to live in Duluth MN and Ashland WI--both connected to Lake Superior. Did the tour once. Its all good except for the 300 miles or so through the UP that is more land locked than along side the water. If you detour off the route a bit the Copper Harbor part of the UP is outstanding--more views of Gitcheegumee.

The views are stunning, especially the MN North Shore part and the Canadian North Shore. You will find the country to be in its fall splendor season. Hope you like yellow, red, and orange--big time.

It can get cool some days. Dress accordingly.

If you do it, make sure you hit Oberg Mountain as you go up MN North Shore. Located near Tofte MN.

. . .

That's another one on my bucket list!

08-20-2015, 03:42 PM
Did the tour last year, be sure to go clockwise to keep the lake on your right. May be very cool that time of year. Great ride especially Wawa to the Soo leg.