View Full Version : Wisdom if the List, Please

07-31-2015, 11:59 AM
1. The bracket that raises my windshield up and down cracked and broke. I tried super strength epoxy, did not work, but I did not glue myself to anything. This means I broke even.
2. Using empty soda/pop cans as a temporary fix did not work.
3. Nice man at the new shop in town did a temporary fix for me, despite having his arm in a sling. Ordered the part, and I went happily off on a trip with my girl posse.
4. 2nd day out, an abrasive "beeping" starts when I parked the bike. Ran into the hotel and searched Spyder Lovers forums for the problem. Guessing that my parking brake was shot, maybe because I turned it on when I hadn't stopped yet.
5. Cruising around the next day, started to have what I thought were clutch problems. Difficult to get into neutral while the engine is on. Difficult to shift when warming up. The electronic readout would read 5, or E, or check engine (once). Once the bike was warmed up, returned (mostly) to the original state.
6. Yesterday, woke up, hopped on the bike and rode up to my Doctor's appointment. Returned, too. Later that evening I hopped on the bike, waited for the instruction to read the safety instructions, pressed the doohickey, turned the key and pressed the start button. No click, no sad "grr, gr". And the readout disappeared. So I hook up the charger, wondering why a 3 month old battery would fail. Bright blue flashes of the dumb ass lights under the bike that previous owner installed answered that question, or so I thought. In other words, I had inadvertently turned those lights on and left them on, causing the battery to run out. Turned them off, went to bed.
7. This morning, the charger said "charged", so I unhook, hop on and get the same reaction as #6.
8. Totally befuddled now. Got it on the charger.

I know this is a long post, but hope springs eternal. Any suggestions? Last work done was installing Lamont's drink holder. I also used my GPS briefly, but unhooked it and all the wiring before this started.


Bob Denman
07-31-2015, 12:08 PM
:shocked: This sounds as if you've got a Plate-full of troubles to work on...
The windshield strut:
This can't be fixed; you'll need to have your dealer order the replacement parts for it...
Alternately; there are some stainless steel replacement struts available on E-Bay.
(If your dealer is willing to take the unit apart; something that they're NOT supposed to do! :shocked:)
skipping ahead...Check your battery connections; they've been known to loosen-up, and cause this to happen.
I'm not sure about the parking brake or the clutch...but I hope that I've got you going in the right direction for the other two!
Good Luck! :thumbup:

07-31-2015, 12:12 PM
on the shifting start by checking your oil condition and level. The twins 998cc engines use oil and need checking every 500 miles at least. I check it after each long ryde, follow the proceedure in the manual for that. If it is an semi automatic check the shift arm pinch bolt as well.
As for the battery, being a 2010 that discharge from the lights may have been it's demise and you should replace it. If the second charge gets up have it load tested to see if it will last but I would go ahead and replace it...once the computers reset your codes and warnings should clear...:thumbup:

07-31-2015, 12:13 PM
Have you checked the oil? How about your clutch fluid?

07-31-2015, 12:16 PM
I bought an off-brand battery inadvertently for my 2010 Spyder RT and it died in about 3 months. I didn't leave anything on. Drove to a store. Parked and when I came out... NADA... well one click and then blackness. Tried to jump but it wouldn't start. Battery was toast.

Bob Denman
07-31-2015, 12:17 PM
In the older "ESSEMS"; didn't you have to worry about some O-rings deteriorating? :dontknow:

07-31-2015, 08:30 PM
You are awesome and I appreciate the advice. :bowdown:
I went outside to check the connections - actually to find my tools so I could start.
The charger said it was only partially charged. That's funny, it was on the charger longer this time than last night. (I am a short sleeper.)
I decided to give it a try; it started right up. Turned it off and it started right up again. Rode around the neighborhood, turned it off and it started right up. Went to Chipolte's and it started up again. The line at Chipolte's was very long, by the way. I had a chicken burrito and guacamole with chips.

Thinking that between the decorative blue lights and an error in my initial charging yesterday, most of the problem is gone. I'm gonna stick close to home with the Spyder until I can get the connections checked when the windshield is fixed. I checked the oil, btw, it was good. I might replace the trans fuel this week.

Got to go before the ice cream store closes. Oh, I mean it's time for another check of my Spyder's starting ability.
