View Full Version : Is this possible for the Spyder?

Roadster Renovations
07-19-2015, 03:32 AM

This would eliminate flat tires for us!

07-19-2015, 04:24 AM
Is why it proably wont happen!:banghead:remember seeing this on discovery channel few years ago, (concept)test were good but tire was horribly loud, could not find a design that would not chop the air, some bikcycles & wheelchairs use a lightweight poaris foam tire, but again not @ speeds & or weights required of vehicles. & sarcastly, states cant charge the $8 disposal fee they do now PER TIRE, & other fun taxes:barf:

07-19-2015, 06:11 AM
Nice concept. My guess is that it will be a very expensive tire, if it even makes it into general release. I base this on how expensive run flat tires are compared to the conventional tire. Another consideration is the ride quality. One of the "cons" of the run flat tire is that they have a harsher ride than a conventional tire of the same size and air pressure. Ask any Corvette owner about this dilemma.

Bob Denman
07-19-2015, 06:45 AM
It's a neat idea... :thumbup:

...That's not yet ready for the market. :shocked:

We saw this technology about 8 years ago for military off-road applications; it never seemed to take that last leap to the consumer's table. :gaah:
As it currently is designed; there would be a lot more noise and vibration. They would need to dial an acceptable portion of that out of the equation. Difficult: NOT impossible! ;)

07-19-2015, 07:10 AM
MICHELIN here in the Upstate of South Carolina has been working such a design for some time now... they call it the: TWEEL... for 'tire' & 'wheel'...
i wonder if there is a White Wall version is in store....

07-20-2015, 08:09 AM
it reminded me of the tweel tire being developed for the past 10 years, good for off road agricultural but not up to car or m/c standards....yet.
it is also very 'squishy'

07-20-2015, 10:15 AM
:popcorn::popcorn:'ing but will it happen...:dontknow:

07-20-2015, 11:05 AM
i don't see tweel making it to on road car, off road, rock climbers & maybe beach