View Full Version : Knee Grabber Pads for my RT?

06-11-2015, 03:58 PM
Use your knees on the sides of the seat to help secure yourself on tight-fast corners.

I read this in the Do's and Don'ts. I have made the comment to everyone around me (no one rides a motorcycle here, it is just me only) that I find myself grabbing the bike with my knees and holding on with them. I am glad I found this in the Do's and Don'ts. I thought I saw somewhere someone selling some kind of knee pads just for this? Am I right? If so where? I think that will be great for me, I am not huge, just 5'6" about 150lbs female so it might be helpful?

Thanks again!

06-11-2015, 04:16 PM
You might find a trio of things to do simultaneously most helpful in taking turns. First, lean forward and into the turn; second, press down hard on the outside peg or floorboard and third grab the tank with your knees. Leaning forward/inward and pressing down with the outside leg will do the most to counter the centrifugal force that wants to lift the inside wheel and pitch you off to the outside of the turn. Grabbing the tank with you knees will help you feel one with the Spyder. Seems to help me in the fast, tight twisties. Begin slowly and increase your speed always staying in your comfort zone. Be safe.

06-11-2015, 04:55 PM
Thank you, haha I call going forward as "making myself smaller" I find I naturally move forward inclining into the area below the handlebars and towards the curve. Like you say. What I haven't done I think (I might but not know it yet) is put the weight onto the outside footpeg. I will work on this part! As to grabbing the motorcycle with my legs, yes I do do that! I would like there to be some kind of knee spots though hehe, just me being a woman probably! Thank YOU so much for the advice. Very helpful!

Lew L
06-11-2015, 05:06 PM
+1 on pressing down with the o/s foot. Discovered this on my own---- kinda like countersteering on two wheels. It really helps.


06-11-2015, 05:18 PM
Thank you Kaos, but I have never rode a regular motorcycle, this is my first, so I don't have past experience to draw on, but I appreciate the help!

06-11-2015, 07:46 PM
It's a lot harder for me to press with the outside foot but I think so " knee pads" or contact patches would be great. I really enjoy getting forward and into turn and my knees are glued to tank so they would be useful

06-11-2015, 08:50 PM
On a motorcycle I used Stomp Grip traction pads
Downside is that they are very grippy, and unless you wear leathers or riding pants, they wear out jeans.

Others are TechSpec traction pads, which look and feel like the back of computer mouse pads. Those are much easier on the knee and riding in casual pants.

06-12-2015, 12:15 AM
Worse case add some Velcro to the bike and your pants.