View Full Version : C B radio for 2011 RT LTD anyone installed CB on there spyder hows it working

05-25-2015, 09:20 AM
Thinking about having a BRP cb added on to my spyder any reviews good or bad Thanks

05-25-2015, 09:38 AM
I had the CB/COMM system on my 2010 RT S
For me it was waste of money. The CB transmission distance is very short and the comm system would cut out when using it.
On new RT I went with Sena 20S Bluetooth and a portable cb with a Bluetooth dongle for CB.
The advantage to BRP CB/Comm system is that no batteries to charge. This is just my own opinion

Deer Slayer
05-25-2015, 10:53 AM
I am a cheep old Ham Radio nut. W4EH. I put a hand held cb in the fronk and attached my left over Goldwing head set to it. I use it when riding with radio people.:cheers:

05-25-2015, 08:38 PM
I've had the BRP CB/Communication system in my 2011 RTS since I bought it. It's being moved to my new 2014 this week. We've been satisfied. We ride with Gold Wingers so we all have CBs. This system also lets us talk to each other through our J&M headsets in our helmets.

05-26-2015, 02:40 AM
I had if fitted when purchased the bike 11RTSE5 LTD, had issues from day one. I did some research and it points to the mounting/shielding as had major electrical interference. Tech tried and tried until I got cranky had it all removed and refunded. Recommend do lots of research before pulling the trigger.

Robby :spyder:

05-26-2015, 08:02 AM
I installed the BRP CB/intercom system myself over 5 years ago on my 2010 RT. I guess that would make me one of the first to do it. What a chore it was. Here is a link to a post I made on it: http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/showthread.php?18347-CB-Installation-%28Graphic-Pictures-WARNING!%29

I found several issues with it, and think most are fixed now. There was a problem with the PTT (Push To Talk) button where it would continue to transmit for 2 or 3 seconds after I released the button. It was a programming error in the Spyder's computer. The instrument cluster was replaced to a 2011 model, which was programmed correctly. There was also a problem with the BRP trailer wiring harness which Fred Rau first discovered and told BRP & me about. This problem occurred only when I was pulling the RT-622 trailer. Anytime I would transmit, the CB would transmit a horrible squeal along with my voice. It was loud and painful to those who were receiving my signal, especially of they were using helmet headsets. When not pulling the trailer, the problem was not there. BRP replaced the wiring harness and that problem was resolved. (In addition to the noise, someone noticed that his trailer lights flickered when Fred Rau keyed the mic, which pointed BRP to a connection to the trailer wiring harness that is installed in the RT itself.) I have added a ground strap to the CB itself and run it to a good ground. I also replaced the BRP supplied antenna with one by J&M.

The only person I have used the CB with since adding the new antenna is my wife, who is not an experienced CB'er, but she thinks it sounds OK.

05-26-2015, 08:03 AM
I have the BRP CB installed on my 2014 RT (I had it on my 2013 as well). I am not impressed. Like others I ride each summer on national tours (Country Roads Group Riding) and all of the other bikes are HD's or GW's so I have need for a CB. I do not have a passenger so I'm not concerned about communicating with someone on the Spyder.

I purchased the JM antenna for the Spyder and had my dealer install it. This antenna is supposed to be matched to the CB; I assume it is (JM products are reliable) but have no way of checking the SWR -- though I am a ham.

My biggest complaint is the short range. Obviously, if I am in the mountains riding twisties, I don't expect to be able to hear even the bike in front of me. But it has no range even on the prairies of the Dakotas. I frequently cannot be heard by the tour leader a mile ahead.

A second complaint are the dashboard adjustments; specifically, I struggle with the relationship between volume and squelch. As a ham I have used these for years. With a little play, I find the "sweet spot" between the squelch and the volume and I generally don't think about it again. On this CB, however, I continue to struggle with these functions. If I open the squelch just a tiny bit, I get constant/pulsating noise. But I can hear the other riders in the group. If I lower the volume and increase the squelch the noise will go away but then I can't hear the other riders. I have yet to find the sweet spot and last summer I put almost 9000 miles on a trip through the Canadian Rockies.

When I started riding with this group a few years ago, I was a very satisfied bluetooth rider. I have had both Cardo and Sena units (I prefer Sena) but really had to have a CB to ride with the group.

Their CBs work flawlessly so I know it is possible. Again, I am not a trucker trying to get the signal out for miles. I would be very happy to have a good strong signal for a mile.

Would I have the BRP unit installed if I bought a new bike? Probably not. I would go back to bluetooth and install a portable CB and feed it's output through a dongle.

ken tompkins

05-26-2015, 02:59 PM
Although I originally ordered a CB with my 2014 RT in NOV 13 a recall was ordered by BRP in FEB 14 when the bike was built. Then I read all the problems over the years. Thus I did not get the CB.

Being a diehard Bluetooth user I decided to use the Sena headset (smh10), the Sena SM10 Dongle (wired with Finless adapter - easy to install) for my music and GPS communications AND the Sena SR10 for CB. I use a Midlands portable cb and a Firestick antenna installed on my luggage rack.

Now for my experience with HD riders that I ride with constantly. I have found their sets to be different from bike to bike. Some good and some bad. Recently I discovered if I was on intercom with the wife and one of the CVO Harleys was close and transmitted on their CB my headset would shut off. This was very disconcerting. I wrote to Sena and Wayhit Cheung answered asking me to reset all and if necessary go back to 5.1 firmware from the 5.1.1 which is current. I tried the reset this past weekend. Seemed to work ok however I discovered something new....Do NOT charge the SR10 while using it. This introduced a squeal and noise when I transmitted.

I am hoping to do a full test this weekend (if weather holds out) on a long 6 hour one way ride from CT to PA with the group. In the mean time I hope this helps. I have not given up on bluetooth and cb. Especially knowing that the distance is same with the portable and the BRP CB unit. No need to spend the $1200 or more with labor to install the CB, entertainment cable, cell phone bluetooth adaptor.....

05-26-2015, 07:47 PM
My biggest complaint is the short range. Obviously, if I am in the mountains riding twisties, I don't expect to be able to hear even the bike in front of me. But it has no range even on the prairies of the Dakotas. I frequently cannot be heard by the tour leader a mile ahead.
Do you have your CB set for local or distance? I just found out today there is a setting in the Preferences screen, not CB screen, to toggle the CB between local or short distance setting and distance setting. Check it and let us know. That just may be your problem.

05-26-2015, 07:51 PM
I struggle with the relationship between volume and squelch. As a ham I have used these for years. With a little play, I find the "sweet spot" between the squelch and the volume and I generally don't think about it again. On this CB, however, I continue to struggle with these functions. If I open the squelch just a tiny bit, I get constant/pulsating noise. But I can hear the other riders in the group. If I lower the volume and increase the squelch the noise will go away but then I can't hear the other riders. I have yet to find the sweet spot and last summer I put almost 9000 miles on a trip through the Canadian Rockies.
There are four settings on the CB screen, squelch, CB volume, VOX sensitivity, and intercom volume. Turn off VOX and intercom and see if that helps get a good adjustment. You may be picking up road noise via intercom mode that interferes with CB volume.

05-27-2015, 01:49 PM
WasWinger.....All good suggestions. I followed those settings last summer. The doc, of course, isn't all that helpful. Most of it includes detailed instructions for installation of the unit and the antenna. There are a few, specific directions at the end which I used to set it up a year ago.

Thanks again for the advice.

ken tompkins

There are four settings on the CB screen, squelch, CB volume, VOX sensitivity, and intercom volume. Turn off VOX and intercom and see if that helps get a good adjustment. You may be picking up road noise via intercom mode that interferes with CB volume.

05-27-2015, 05:21 PM
I had the BRP CB installed along with a friend, we travel together a lot. They have worked good but not much distance. I checked today and I was in the short
range setting so set it for long range. Will check with my friend,maybe that has been our problem.

05-28-2015, 09:37 AM
I have had the BRP CB since I purchased my 2011 RT, 30,000 miles now. I ride with mostly HD riders. I have had no issue with the CB. The range is just as good as the HD CB's. The people using the Harley CB's seen to have all kinds of problems. The settings on their radios must be hard to get right. At least with my friends. Many have changed up their head and mike sets to resolve problems but only last a short while. I use the BRP CB all the time and love it. Adjustments are easy and right up front with visuals on screen. The only trouble I can remember was the early sticking of the Talk button but was resolved by a fix. Been good ever since. Happy riding. Bob

Will be at Rendezvous as a vender this year. See you there.

05-28-2015, 01:38 PM
I have had the BRP CB since I purchased my 2011 RT, 30,000 miles now. I ride with mostly HD riders. I have had no issue with the CB. The range is just as good as the HD CB's. The people using the Harley CB's seen to have all kinds of problems. The settings on their radios must be hard to get right. At least with my friends. Many have changed up their head and mike sets to resolve problems but only last a short while. I use the BRP CB all the time and love it. Adjustments are easy and right up front with visuals on screen. The only trouble I can remember was the early sticking of the Talk button but was resolved by a fix. Been good ever since. Happy riding. Bob

Will be at Rendezvous as a vender this year. See you there.

I can second the difficulties HD riders have with CB. One of my friends bought a used CVO Ultra. His CB is off frequency and over powered. AND of course he and his gf can't get it right for intercom so they transmit on their CB to talk to each other. We are waiting for something risqué to be said. LOL