View Full Version : Spyder at bike night

05-18-2015, 08:30 PM
The wife and I decided to take the spyder to a local bike night, their first of the year and usually pretty much Harley's and cruisers. We got there and before I could even back into my parking spot I had 2 people lined up to check it out and 1 woman sitting on it telling her husband he needed to buy it for her, she loved it and said she was tired of dropping her bike.
the only thing I still have an issue with is the hardcore HD crowd that shoots dirty looks and just don't get it, they look down on me like I can't ride and don't deserve to be there

Bam Bam and Pebbles
05-18-2015, 09:25 PM
F.E.I.T.C.T.A.J. :yes: Hint...The last 6 stand for...... if they can't take a joke.

05-18-2015, 09:35 PM
It all has to do with jealousy, envy, and that fact the :spyder2: makes you a rock star.

Don't worry about what others think. We don't need a specific motorcycle to make us a rider or not.

I never disrespect another's ride--but that's just me.

05-19-2015, 06:41 AM
I have had a lot of comments from HD riders and most of them are positive. I have even been asked to ride with some of them. I think their pride and macho attitude get in the way sometimes.

Bob Denman
05-19-2015, 06:57 AM
If you need public approval for your bike; you might need a different hobby. :shocked:

...Or a whole lot of different bikes! :thumbup:

05-19-2015, 07:13 AM
If you need public approval for your bike; you might need a different hobby. :shocked:

...Or a whole lot of different bikes! :thumbup:

That is well put Bob.

As I have said in the past the TRUE hardcore older HD drivers are cool and curious. The younger "yuppy types" (although that is an old generalization) are into defining themselves by the bike they ride. That is sad.

I will continue to enjoy my positive ryde and let others enjoy their negative lives.

05-19-2015, 07:20 AM
I agree :clap::clap:100%

05-19-2015, 07:28 AM
maybe i didnt say this, i dont care what other people think because now my wife rides with me every day and thats what i want but i just find people to be so stuck in thier ways its funny

05-19-2015, 07:34 AM
i know i'm cool, don't care what others think:yes:

Bob Denman
05-19-2015, 07:35 AM
That's cool. :thumbup:
The problem is theirs: not yours! :D

05-19-2015, 07:53 AM
i know i'm cool, don't care what others think:yes:

Never met you so I take you at your word. HOWEVER, that yellow is real cool. :)

05-19-2015, 08:33 AM
had our new f3s at chatterbox for first bike night of the season, two weeks ago. well over 150 bikes there. nojoke it got picked as bike of the night. :firstplace: i really don't care what harley guys think, i'd rather be riding our spyder!! :2thumbs::2thumbs:

Deer Slayer
05-19-2015, 08:53 AM
I never worried about the "Fantasy World of Harley Davidson" in 58 years of two wheel riding. Never cared for the uniforms. :shocked:

Rogue Hawk
05-19-2015, 08:53 AM
The wife and I decided to take the spyder to a local bike night, their first of the year and usually pretty much Harley's and cruisers. We got there and before I could even back into my parking spot I had 2 people lined up to check it out and 1 woman sitting on it telling her husband he needed to buy it for her, she loved it and said she was tired of dropping her bike.
the only thing I still have an issue with is the hardcore HD crowd that shoots dirty looks and just don't get it, they look down on me like I can't ride and don't deserve to be there

The HD fateful don't even accept the V Rod, so don;t worry about them.

05-19-2015, 08:55 AM
Rode "Metric" bikes for years the hardcore HDer will look down on them also. But, DILLIGAF ? Nope.

Bob Denman
05-19-2015, 09:02 AM
had our new f3s at chatterbox for first bike night of the season, two weeks ago. well over 150 bikes there. nojoke it got picked as bike of the night. :firstplace: i really don't care what harley guys think, i'd rather be riding our spyder!! :2thumbs::2thumbs:

:congrats: :clap::2thumbs::bowdown:

05-19-2015, 09:06 AM
The wife and I decided to take the spyder to a local bike night, their first of the year and usually pretty much Harley's and cruisers. We got there and before I could even back into my parking spot I had 2 people lined up to check it out and 1 woman sitting on it telling her husband he needed to buy it for her, she loved it and said she was tired of dropping her bike.
the only thing I still have an issue with is the hardcore HD crowd that shoots dirty looks and just don't get it, they look down on me like I can't ride and don't deserve to be there

So how do they treat someone on a Harley Trike?

05-19-2015, 09:17 AM
Like they say....

You can please all of the people some of the time.

You can please some of the people all of the time.

But you CAN'T please all of the people, all of the time.

Personally, as long as I am pleased with my ride, the rest is just gravy! :ohyea:

05-19-2015, 09:41 AM
A few years ago when I still had my 2008 GS I ran across a young man in his early 20's riding a Gray and black RS similar to mine. He was stopped in a parking lot so I turned around and rode back to chat with him.
He said he was selling the Spyder because all his friends had HD's and made fun of him. I told him if he enjoys the ride... then keep it, etc. Showed him all the mods I had done to make mine bad a$$. I took his name and number down and told him if I ran across anyone looking for a Spyder I'd send them his way.

About 6 weeks later I found out he did get rid of the Spyder and bought an HD, which he crashed into a street sign only going around 30 mph. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Don't give in to peer pressure. Ride what you like.

Pirate looks at --
05-19-2015, 10:02 AM
The wife and I decided to take the spyder to a local bike night, their first of the year and usually pretty much Harley's and cruisers. We got there and before I could even back into my parking spot I had 2 people lined up to check it out and 1 woman sitting on it telling her husband he needed to buy it for her, she loved it and said she was tired of dropping her bike.
the only thing I still have an issue with is the hardcore HD crowd that shoots dirty looks and just don't get it, they look down on me like I can't ride and don't deserve to be there

We don't get too many comments from Harley Riders, they actually like what we Ryde. Maybe that is New York attitude, not Harley Attitude:roflblack::roflblack:. You know what they say 1/2 of all Harley's made are still on the road. The rest mad ie home!

Bob Denman
05-19-2015, 10:04 AM
Let's all keep in mind that Spydaman60's new F-3 just took "Best Bike" down at the Chatterbox bike night, and there were over 150 bikes in attendance! :thumbup:

05-19-2015, 11:44 AM
I get lots of stares when I go to the bike night too. I totally understand it though. Spyders are a rare sighting around here and they're actually pretty ugly looking.

05-19-2015, 12:20 PM
Personally, I have never had any HD hard core people disrespect my :spyder2:'s. Have received nods of approval, and close looks.

We went into a roadhouse for lunch one Saturday. There were about 10 or so HD's parked in front. We went in as usual, and found the local contingent of Hells Angels--patches and all.

They were in the bar and could see our bikes and our riding vests with pins, etc. I thought we may be in a bit of trouble. No problem, they left us alone. They finished their drinks before us, and gave us a look over as they were leaving. We received a couple nods, which we returned. A couple of the riders actually went and gave our :ani29:'s a good look over before they left.

For those who are technical, we are careful not to put patches in the "gang way." No main patch with top rocker and bottom rocker. 1% clubs get offended over that subject.

05-19-2015, 12:25 PM
I did not buy my Spyder to be a part of a group, be accepted or to show off (well maybe show off a little). I bought it because I like it, think it is cool and my wife and I enjoy riding together.

05-19-2015, 12:46 PM
I loved my HD...it was a thing of beauty in my eyes. It was all about the bike not about The Wanna Be 1%ers in their biker uniforms. I have back paddled my HD in reverse more miles then many of them have gone forward. Now a careless cage driver ended my two wheel days. My Spyder has filled the void and enriched my life. I too got snubbed at a local bike night. I just smiled too myself and road off into the sunset. I forgive them for their self centred ignorance.

05-19-2015, 07:05 PM
Most real riders do not care what you ride, but if you ride. The ones that get are the "hardcore the ride 2 k a year, usually but not always Harley and some Wing riders. I had one"hardcore"(Harley) a couple years ago tell me the Spyder was a sissy bike and no real biker would ever ride one. A guy walking with, I knew said, You had think about that. I know Bob, he probably rode more miles last month they you did last year. We rode on New Years Day, Then to top it off, he said check speedometer, His Two year old Spyder has three times the mileage, your 10 year old HOG has. Enjoy your ride and ignore the twits as most above say

05-19-2015, 11:37 PM
Weekend warrior Harley riders look down on anything that is faster, handles better or is more reliable than a Harley. So by definition the only bike they look up to is a 1970's Puch Maxi (though not the Luxe model as that's a bit quick:-))

Enjoy your Spyder and remember they are obviously having to compensate for some other deficiency.

05-20-2015, 12:30 AM
Last week a group of us went out and escorted a group of roughly 70+ riders on their way to Rolling Thunder. We escorted them through town ending at the VFW for a BBQ for them. After I finished backing up my RT into a parking spot an HD rider with his wife ask me if it was difficult riding in reverse all the time because of the two wheels in front. I told them no it's way to fast to ride forward. We all laughed and went in and had a bite to eat. Just stay positive, enjoy the great ride on your Spyder. Every day there are more of us!!

Weekend warrior Harley riders look down on anything that is faster, handles better or is more reliable than a Harley. So by definition the only bike they look up to is a 1970's Puch Maxi (though not the Luxe model as that's a bit quick:-))

Enjoy your Spyder and remember they are obviously having to compensate for some other deficiency.