View Full Version : Revive an old argument

04-30-2015, 02:51 PM

04-30-2015, 02:55 PM
having seen many bike accidents i am a helmet believer. heck i went down at 10 mph and totaled my helmet out. so even if i am in a state with no helmet law i wear mine any way

04-30-2015, 02:56 PM
I...won't ryde far without one...:lecturef_smilie:

04-30-2015, 03:02 PM
I don't see any Argument here, if some one does not want to use a helmet that just shows
how much he values his head... off hand, I'd say not much....
I have ridden for well over 58years and have had a get off or 2 and the helmet saved my head
every time....
Ride Safe
" use a helmet"
Motorcycle Dave
PS have fun at SPYDERFEST


04-30-2015, 04:08 PM
For me, its ATGATT. I don't want to be in a position where I really "need" the helmet and its not there for me.

Those that do not want to use a helmet--it is their personal choice.

Bob Denman
04-30-2015, 04:41 PM
ATGATT here also... :thumbup:

...But this should be a common sense issue; NOT a law! :gaah:

04-30-2015, 08:56 PM
This has been going on for awhile and it always gets shot down. Personally, I wear a helmet all the time and would even if we didn't have the law.

04-30-2015, 09:15 PM
I (according to people on this specific forum) don't have common sense.

I wear shorts when its hot and I'm riding.

I'm the only guy on a motorcycle (if you call this thing such) that wears bright clothing.

I mean no black...the only color in a motorcycle clothing store. really???

Can't stand black clothing, nor do i wear it.

I wear shorts.

I wear sneakers.

I'm the oddball rider you wave to then say "what the heck?".

Maybe I don't have much sense thinking....I am very aware of everything when I drive....when I ride...I feel everything.

I smell everything. I feel every crack in the road. I'm aware of every moment. I enjoy every moment of my ride.

Very few people know what i'm speaking of. They wish they knew. They say one day I will learn. One day I will slide or die on the pavement.

Perhaps. But i am super aware whether I'm driving a muscle car at 160mph or cruising on the Spyder, I pay attention every minute, every corner, every crack in the road.

Not being bold, not being obnoxious, just some things in life we do at full bore and driving/riding is my thing....ask my wife, ask my kid...

I'll die behind the wheel...as well as I've lived behind the wheel.

Now I do wear my helmet. I do wear a helmet in my car doing 150 plus MPH (most times)...but if in a state where helmets arent required, I don't have a problem losing it at normal highway speeds (55-65mph).


Bam Bam and Pebbles
04-30-2015, 09:58 PM
I am in complete agreement with Snoopy. Driving and riding is an experience. It is not just a way to get from point A to point B, insulated from everything that is going on around you. I wear shorts, flip flops, and tank tops while riding, and if something happens to me, well, I have had a good ride on this world. I wear a helmet because I have to. But I want to, as Snoopy says, feel and smell everything out there. Just cuz you are breathing, don't mean you are living.


Bob Denman
05-01-2015, 07:25 AM
In my opinion; safety gear doesn't get in the way of the experience. Even a full-face helmet allows you to smell what's going on around you.
And the wind rushing past the ears of an un-helmeted rider obscures most of the sounds anyway.

05-01-2015, 02:18 PM
I am in complete agreement with Snoopy. Driving and riding is an experience. It is not just a way to get from point A to point B, insulated from everything that is going on around you. I wear shorts, flip flops, and tank tops while riding, and if something happens to me, well, I have had a good ride on this world. I wear a helmet because I have to. But I want to, as Snoopy says, feel and smell everything out there. Just cuz you are breathing, don't mean you are living.




05-01-2015, 02:53 PM
SOME OF THE PEOPLE I RIDE WITH WILL TAKE THEIR HELMETS OFF AS SOON AS WE GET TO A NO HELMET LAW SATE, sorry for the caps i was doing something and forgot to change it, i am a typer that looks at the key board and not the screen

05-01-2015, 05:49 PM
Quit yellin' :(


05-01-2015, 10:06 PM
Hi cuznjohn,

Re: i am a typer that looks at the key board and not the screen

I was a typewriter jockey during my time in the military. As we used to say, 'You type religiously. Seek and yee shall find.'

Jerry Baumchen

05-02-2015, 06:14 AM
I always wear one
At 14 yrs old dumped my 305 honda scrambler at about 25mph

Just (happened) to have one on that day
Cracked it front to back but saved my noggin

Now i think about giving up shorts & stuff but prob wont

I am glad it is still a free country
So Ryde on Man

Just dont take my music away-106723