View Full Version : I don't feel so good...

12-01-2008, 11:46 PM
Times are very difficult in my business right now, I think we are in a depression, or at least I am, an everyone in my industry is...I'm praying :pray: that things turn around soon, :pray: or I might have to do the unthinkable. I don't even want to say it!!! (sell)
Under tremedous pressure...but family always comes first...

Tim Harman
12-01-2008, 11:52 PM
Times are very difficult in my business right now, I think we are in a depression, or at least I am, an everyone in my industry is...I'm praying :pray: that things turn around soon, :pray: or I might have to do the unthinkable. I don't even want to say it!!! Under tremedous pressure...but family always comes first...

Things will get better soon. I am praying with you. A lot of people are really hurting out there. Wife and I help serve Thankgiving dinner at our church Sunday. I was shocked at how many came to eat. 25% more than last year.

12-02-2008, 12:07 AM
Times are very difficult in my business right now, I think we are in a depression, or at least I am, an everyone in my industry is...I'm praying :pray: that things turn around soon, :pray: or I might have to do the unthinkable. I don't even want to say it!!! Under tremedous pressure...but family always comes first...

You're in my prayers Motza. I pray for you and our nation to recover from this situation. Hang in there brother.

12-02-2008, 12:14 AM
You're in my prayers Motza. I pray for you and our nation to recover from this situation. Hang in there brother.
Hey... maybe I sell my wife that would save me alot of money.

12-02-2008, 12:21 AM
:hun: i hope she doesn't read this stuff :( LOL

12-02-2008, 12:47 AM
Paying taxes, keep it for yourself, just don't get caught! :doorag:

bone crusher
12-02-2008, 02:06 AM

Hang in there...we're all in this together and we'll all make it out okay...

12-02-2008, 03:42 AM
Paying taxes, keep it for yourself, just don't get caught! :doorag:

and if you do get caught... you just might get free board and room.. :))

12-02-2008, 09:34 AM
Its official bro. The government / media admitted yesterday that we have been in a recession since last december after months of saying the economy was OK, just going through a few minor bumps. :banghead: Some states (like mine) have been going through it for 6 - 12 months longer than that. I'm praying with you that things will start to change for the better in the coming year.

Take care and God bless.

12-02-2008, 10:20 AM
I don't think any of us feel too good right now. I did see something about how bad is was in the early 80's and I guess I was too young and dumb to remember that but I do remember paying 21% on a bike loan I had back then and I didn't care because I was riding my new bike to work. :doorag:

I would hope that things will get better but it may be some time before it does. I've bought some stuff I really didn't need but wanted and the way I see things is if everyone quits spending money it's only going to get worst. I guess I've always been a glass is half full kinda guy. Hang in there, we'll get through this. :doorag:

12-02-2008, 08:21 PM
I don't feel so good either - in fact I am as mad as heck at the world w/ this mess.

Just hang in there - nothing lasts forever and that means this too shall pass. We all gotta cut corners and I'll tell ya, I'd rather not eat than sell my :spyder:but that's only cuz I don't have any mouths to feed anymore -they are all grown. But it will pass, not sure when but I'll keep you in my prayers and hope you don't have to sell it.

12-03-2008, 09:52 AM
Hang in there Motza it is just not good out there right know nobody is buying :cus: and the media is scaring the :cus: out of everybody and that makes matters worse especialey are friends here in the Rustbelt :pray:

12-03-2008, 11:39 AM
When things are bad I try to make the best of it and look for opportunities. If you have your own business, it may be a good time to rethink how you sell your products and services and build lasting client relationships. At home, it may be time to ask everyone to make sacrifices and simplify your life. Try to identify all the entities that could give you help and relief. Don't cheat on your taxes but see if there are tax opportunities. I'm sure you will get trhu this. Build some positive by trying to identify opportunities.

John in PA
12-03-2008, 07:20 PM
If you've had a significant downturn compared to previous years, you may be able to do an income averaging (accountant needed!) to pay significantly less tax from a previous year or years, generating a credit or refund to be applied to this year. Might be a question for your tax preparer. I'm pretty sure there's a way to file an amended return for a previous year or years.