View Full Version : Can a spyder replace a motorcycle?

12-01-2008, 10:28 AM
Hi all:

I just crashed my motorcycle. 5 broken ribs and a broken collarbone. I should be OK in 5-6 weeks as it's been 3-4 already. I'm thinking of giving up riding for family reasons. Then I heard about the spyder. I have a few questions:

Is a spyder safer than a motorcycle? Is there any known single vehicule accidents, crashes or deaths?

Is it as fun as riding a motorcycle? Does it give you the same satisfaction and feeling of freedom?

Can you use it on gravel roads. Could one use it to go to Alaska and Yukon? Could you go up the Dempster with it?

Thanks for sharing your experience with me.

12-01-2008, 10:47 AM

Sorry to hear of your spill. :shocked:

yes it could replace a motorcycle for all the above reasons. I still love bikes too but the Spyder is no less fun and you still get the open air feeling you do on a bike. With close to 25K on my Spyder I would be hard pressed to give it up. It should be able to handle just about any thing you throw at it and if the weather gets ugly i much rather be on my Spyder than my bike. :doorag:

12-01-2008, 10:54 AM
Sorry to hear about your accident. :(

The answer to all of your questions is yes.

Yes, I think it is safer as it can't just tip over on you, its larger so more easily seen by other drivers and three wheels can help keep you upright and in control on some bad road surfaces that would cause a two wheeler to lay down.

There have been at least two reports of accidents on Spyders. One was a collision with a deer, which happens with any type of vehicle. The other was a fatality when a woman rider lost control of her Spyder on a turn and crashed. I don't think we ever heard any details (mechanical, rider error, road conditions, etc.) as to why that accident happened.

I think its very fun to ride and I get a lot of the same feelings of freedom as I would on a motorcycle.

It can go on gravel but it still feels a little squirrelly on loose gravel. At least one rider has taken their Spyder to Alaska or the Yukon.


12-01-2008, 11:13 AM
Yes, I think it is safer as it can't just tip over on you, its larger so more easily seen by other drivers and three wheels can help keep you upright and in control on some bad road surfaces that would cause a two wheeler to lay down.

This is exactly what happened to me. I lost control in a construction zone where the top layer of asphalt had been ripped off. Either I caught an edge or a pothole.

Thanks for the info.

12-01-2008, 11:17 AM
Just keep in mind that on gravel roads, there is a danger of the gravel getting stuck on the drive belt and causing damage. There have been reports of this happening.

12-01-2008, 11:48 AM
Hi all:

I just crashed my motorcycle. 5 broken ribs and a broken collarbone. I should be OK in 5-6 weeks as it's been 3-4 already. I'm thinking of giving up riding for family reasons. Then I heard about the spyder. I have a few questions:

Is a spyder safer than a motorcycle? Is there any known single vehicule accidents, crashes or deaths?

Is it as fun as riding a motorcycle? Does it give you the same satisfaction and feeling of freedom?

Can you use it on gravel roads. Could one use it to go to Alaska and Yukon? Could you go up the Dempster with it?

Thanks for sharing your experience with me.

I replaced my Kawasaki Concours with my Spyder, not because of any problems with the Kawi, but just because I like the Spyder. I am using it for the same purposes as the Concours.

Although you could use the Spyder on gravel roads, I try to avoid them as much as possible. They are pretty tough on any vehicle, and the Dempster Highway is a very rough road. You will beat a Spyder up pretty badly on it, and I would be concerned about chunks of gravel getting lodged in the drive belt and sprocket.



12-01-2008, 11:49 AM
Just keep in mind that on gravel roads, there is a danger of the gravel getting stuck on the drive belt and causing damage. There have been reports of this happening.
Yes, gravel could cause some difficulties from a mechanical standpoint. A much more stable ride in the loose stuff, however. If the rear wheel breaks loose, the VSS will take over and regain traction. Understand that BRP does not recommend riding on unpaved roads, but we all have done so. They also do not recommend riding through standing water or inclement weather, but we do that too.

I was surprised to see that some Spyders have made it to Alaska and back. Lots of gravel. mud, and ruts to contend with. The Spyder is not built for that, but apparently survived. Biggest problem I see there, or in construction zones, is the lack of ground clearance, and the wide, triple track, which makes it harder to avoid obstacles. No more squeezing through a clear space a foot or two wide.

The Spyder is a capable machine, and incredibly stable and safe. It does have limits, but probably not as many as the BRP engineers and lawyers seem to imagine. I am not ready to give up my many motorcycles, but wouldn't want to be without the Spyder, either. If I had to choose one, it would be a hard decision. If it was a Spyder or nothing, no contest. Only you can tell whether it will fit your needs. After you heal, and the weather permits, take a test ride and decide for yourself. I think you will be pleased, as long as you aren't looking for a dirt bike.

12-01-2008, 12:31 PM
...I just crashed my motorcycle. 5 broken ribs and a broken collarbone. ...

Is a spyder safer than a motorcycle? ...

Is it as fun as riding a motorcycle? ...

Does it give you the same satisfaction and feeling of freedom?

Sorry to hear about the accident. Been there, done that (on two wheels).

Yes, probably more so.



After 27-28 two-wheelers, I am planning to sell my Valk next spring if that reinforces those statements.

12-01-2008, 12:44 PM
Yes, yes, yes.... the Spyder is a safe ride (much safer than a two-wheeler) as much as how fun it is to ride. While you are not able to test ride one as of yet, check out their website and find out the special features it has. Get well soon and welcome here......welcome. (Take the advice of the other members here about riding in the gravel. It might just cause you more problems for the Spyder.)

12-01-2008, 01:06 PM
:2thumbs:welcome Get back on the road as soon as you can :thumbup:

12-01-2008, 02:47 PM
From what I've seen, the Spyder is not only safer than 2 wheels, it's safer than the trike conversions, 2 wheels in front gives more stability, and the VSS (nanny), however much some of us complain about it, does a good job when we get carried away in the twisties. Ryde one, you'll like it.

Jeff in Dallas
12-01-2008, 03:22 PM

Sorry to hear of your accident. Take the time to heal!

When I first bought my Spyder I thought it was a perfect compliment to my bike - an 08 Harley Ultra Classic (totally decked out). Riding a Spyder is not like riding a bike so I thought having both was fine.

The more I rode the Spyder, the less I drove my car. The Harley was only seeing action on the weekends, instead of most every day. Last month, I sold the Harley. It was a fantastic ride, but I just didn't ride it often enough. And, the more I rode the Spyder, the less I felt I was missing anything by not riding the bike.

IMO, the Spyder is 95% of the fun of riding a bike but 20 times safer. I enjoy riding much more now that I can focus more on my surroundings instead of looking for every black spot on the road. It's great to not be concerned with where you park or if you're in stop and go traffic. And, not being concerned with where you put your feet down allows you to enjoy stopping instead of it always having the potential to get a little interesting!

For me, the Spyder is a freeing experience. I may have another 2 wheeler some day, but I don't think I'll ever not have a 3 wheeler. I just hope more companies jump on - would love to see more competition.

12-01-2008, 03:54 PM
Jbim, sorry to hear about your biff. I know exactly how you feel. 15 months ago I broke collar bone/6 ribs/vertebrae/torn ACL. Don't try to rush back too soon.

I'm also looking at getting a Spyder for the same reasons as you, though I may wait until pay off my truck before taking the plunge. Wealth of info here & great peeps.

Welcome aboard!

12-01-2008, 06:02 PM
Hi all:

I just crashed my motorcycle. 5 broken ribs and a broken collarbone. I should be OK in 5-6 weeks as it's been 3-4 already. ...... Prayers for complete healing :pray: !!
I'm thinking of giving up riding for family reasons...... Did the same thing for 12 years (kids were small, mom stayed home)

Is a spyder safer than a motorcycle? ....... Why yes!!!
Is there any known single vehicule accidents, crashes or deaths? ... Guy in Florida hit a curb and flipped injuring himself. Never did find out the details. There is a picture somewhere of a Spyder rider who hit a deer square on - you won't believe the picture!! He walked away without serious injury!! 'nuff said!!

Is it as fun as riding a motorcycle? .... IMHO - no way!!
Does it give you the same satisfaction and feeling of freedom? .... Somewhat. If I could only have one, it would be a motorcycle.

Can you use it on gravel roads. Could one use it to go to Alaska and Yukon? Could you go up the Dempster with it? ........ Not sure? I would, however!

Bottom line .... back to your original statement about "family reasons". The Spyder would be the best of both worlds and still give you the degree of safety you are looking for a whole lot of satisfaction (smile factor!!)

Let us know what you do.

12-01-2008, 06:25 PM
Get well soon, definately safer. Love this machine, best of riding to you.

12-01-2008, 07:25 PM
Sorry about your accident and I'm glad you are healing.

The Spyder replaced my Harley. Although I love two wheels, I feel ALOT safer on this! Never crashed my Harley but I had a couple of stupid drops and that alone scared me. That machine was too heavy for me and I never rode alone for fear I might drop it and not be able to pick it back up. I could ride but when it came to slow speed stuff - that stressed me out big time. I don't have that worry w/ my Spyder.

Greg H.
12-01-2008, 07:37 PM
:) Get Well. And; I'm glad you're positive so soon about riding again. :thumbup: The Spyder is wonderful.

I had a nasty motorcycle crash 30 years ago. And, this is the first time that I have ridden since. It's a wonderful feeling!

Can the Spyder replace a motorcycle? Damn right it can! :cheers:

12-01-2008, 08:43 PM
Sorry to hear about your accident and hope you heal quickly.

I went from 3 motorcycles in my garage down to 1 and the Spyder. My observation is that there is no question that the Spyder is safer. I live in Florida and ride year round, definitely makes it safer in our heavy rains to be on the Spyder as opposed to 2 wheels. We also have a lot of blue hairs in my area and in the time I've been riding the Spyder I haven't had one single close call with another car, which is a regular occurence when on 2 wheels.

I will say however that while I love the Spyder I do find myself missing 2 wheels if I don't ride my other bike enough.

12-01-2008, 08:56 PM
I will echo the others - yes it will replace a bike - I no longer have any two wheelers. Yes it is safer - it can't fall down if you forget to put your feet down, since you never do that anyway. It will take very few miles to get used to a foot brake and not leaning. The fun factor.....more than makes up for the lean factor imho. And you will join a more loyal family than you could imagine. This family is tight and open with each other - honest and supportive - if in doubt, ask Lamont, he probably knows best of our family support during low times. Welcome Spyder Lover to a new way of riding the open road, be it sport, or touring!:thumbup:

12-01-2008, 09:04 PM
Welcome, Jbim....sorry to hear of your accident but glad you're healing. I agree with everything everyone says about the safety and fun aspects of ryding a Spyder.
Just this week I took out two of my two wheelers because I hadn't ridden them for a couple of weeks because I was having sooo much fun on the Spyder. I really enjoyed the two wheel experience and came back from each ride telling my husband what fun it was and how I always forget what great riding the bikes provide. BUT I find myself still inclined to pick the Spyder each time I go to the garage to suit up for a ride. I look at the two wheelers and feel I need or I should take them out because they are fairly new (2007 & 2008) and as such I should be riding them. But if I didn't have any other bikes in the garage and just the Spyder, don't know that I'd ever miss anything else. It can be the most relaxed, easy going ride because you don't worry about the gravel, road surface, etc. nearly as much. You don't worry about weight, slow speed manuervers in tight places, etc. yet you can take it out and be as aggressive as you want through corners and have as much power as you would ever need (and speed). You definitely need to find a dealer and take one out for a test ride and put it through it's paces.

12-01-2008, 10:48 PM
The Spyder did replace one of my bikes and the other one is for sale. It replaced an 1800 Goldwing. Living in Oklahoma crosswinds are common, and after a no fun ride with 30 mile per hour wind, plus gusts, I bought the Spyder. The Goldwing was actually dangerous when passing a truck in high winds, too much surface area I suppose. The Spyder is so low and sooo much more stable I only feel the wind blowing my body and not the Spyder. Besides the wind factor the Spyder is way faster through the turns, easier to ride on ultra slow speed stuff and just plain more fun to ride. The wing had actually become boring at times. The only ride as much fun is my big bore 4 wheeler, which is similiar to riding a Spyder. My wife now wants one so she can get off the back of my rides and her 250 scooter. ( she already does great on mine ).:clap:

12-01-2008, 11:24 PM
I love my Spyder, but if your inclined to go roughing it, check this out. http://www.Brudelitech.com (http://www.Brudelitech.com)
"The Leanster" Watch the Gravel and Snow video, no disrespect to use Spyder owners, just something alittle more off road.

12-02-2008, 10:46 AM
Sorry to hear about your accident. I feel for you. Had a similar experience when I hit gravel with my 2 wheeler. I was laid up for awhile. Then my kids gave me a hard time about getting back on a motorcycle so I gave up the street bike and switched to dirt bikes/ATV's for a few years....until the spyder. Now I only have the spyder and absolutely love it! My kids quite hassling me about riding and now everyone is happy. Spyderwoman3

12-02-2008, 10:46 PM
Hey Motza, yea that is a very interesting ride, I like the way it leans, but not sure how it would be on true off road riding, singletracks and quad doubletracks. Saw it when visiting the websites on reverse trikes. Quite a variety of styles and manufacturers, but the Spyder is the only one in "mass" production by a major manufacturer.