View Full Version : Please Help a Fellow SpyderLover out

04-25-2015, 05:47 AM
Hi folks,
I am still in the running in the MaxJax photo contest and moving up towards first place. Only 26 votes out at the moment and I could sure use you help. http://bit.ly/1FJax6O. Thanks in advance. If you are feeling particularly helpful The Road Warrior Foundation has has some tickets available for the F3 raffle to be held at the end of May. Only $25 a ticket and only 4000 tickets being sold. Better odds than the lottery and you are helping a great cause.



Tom in NM
04-25-2015, 10:19 AM
Hi folks,
I am still in the running in the MaxJax photo contest and moving up towards first place. Only 26 votes out at the moment and I could sure use you help. http://bit.ly/1FJax6O. Thanks in advance. If you are feeling particularly helpful The Road Warrior Foundation has has some tickets available for the F3 raffle to be held at the end of May. Only $25 a ticket and only 4000 tickets being sold. Better odds than the lottery and you are helping a great cause.

www.roadwarrior.org (http://www.roadwarrior.org)


That is a great picture, I know that image will pop into my head from time to time and provide a chuckle.

I hope you win. Heck, with that lift, you could fit another Spyder in your garage, by stack parking them! Cool.

Unfortunately, I can't vote for you since NOT being on Facebook is a condition of my parole. Hopefully, other less-socially-challenged SpyderLovers

But, I did go and by a raffle ticket for the Road Warrior Foundation fundraiser - I agree, it is a great cause! Everybody involved ( from the riders to the organizers and sponsors ) have my admiration and thanks.

Good luck! and thanks for the chuckles.
