View Full Version : On the ROAD Again...the adventures of Murphybrown and party headed to Spyderfest

04-23-2015, 07:16 AM
Good Morning All:

Yes, Yes, YES. On the road again. Left Tuesday around noon from Chelan. For the first time in my several years of traveling to MO for the Annual Spyderfest I am ryding with a fellow Spyder owner, Dave aka lwrydr, his first trip to Spyderfest and his wife didn't want him going alone. Oh dear Dave may have just been in better "hands" alone!

We stopped Tuesday afternoon in CDA, ID and spent the evening with my family. Always an enjoyable time..Dean is an excellent cook and he did himself proud with his cooked all day spaghetti sauce and to die for salad...

Left Weds. a.m. around 7:30 (enough time to stop at Dutch Bros Coffee and get my start to he day. Tom aka showies from Spokane area met In CDA with the good news/bad news. He made it to meet us and the bad that there was storm ahead and he decided against ryding with us to St. Regis. His bad news turned into good news for us...apparently that storm that we could see in front of us stayed right there as we never had a drop of rain...stopped at St Regis for fuel for both spyders and ryders. Dave's ryde likes to get fed more often than mine (yea 1330 engine!!!)..so we did a very easy...took several breaks...401 miles. Had one threatened storm so we fueled up and suited up...yep the squall lasted a couple miles with side winds. BUT the good news I got to "beta" test that New RAIN X Plastic stuff. Hey it works...NICE...huge improvement as I had used it on both my windshield and face shield.

Arrived Livingston...gave motel directions to Dave and his GPS..he says aaaaaa that yellow sign right there!!! We had stopped right in from of the motel's sign!!

Highlights of yesterday's ryde from Dave: OMG did you see that (he was in lead)...that was a first for me!!! He got MOONED. :yikes: lol His other highlight was egads my butt is TIRED!!!

My highlights? Nothing new here, but I always am sooo grateful to be ryding and then right behind that is the awesome people we get to meet and interact with. Second highlight. This little low priced motel (Parkway) room was spotless with big soft fluffy towels and ironed sheets...that's right ironed sheets!!!!!

OK getting ready to head to Douglas, WY...gonna put another layer of toughness on Dave's butt...see you next time...

Ryding safe and loving life....
Oh yes for you that are wondering....so far so GREAT on trailer...I have measured tread depth twice. No change and both tires the same. By 500 miles I would have been looking to replace right tire with the left not to far behind...so I started with "yea, we'll see if it is fixed" to this morning progressed to "cautiously optimistic"!!!!:clap:https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif

Purple Guy
04-23-2015, 07:45 AM
Keep your ride blog coming Murph!
Always love reading about your adventures!

Ryde safe & have FUN! :yes:

04-23-2015, 07:45 AM
HEY there Lady!!! I missed a whole bunch of your note and adventures so didn't see what kind of trailer you have. And are you moteling it or camping it all the way. Or half and half. Hope you get to come up to Cuba when you get into Mo. We have our Spyder Jam 10 to 13 June this year. Would love to see ya and hear all about the latest adventures. Take care and keep the rubber on the road.

04-23-2015, 07:57 AM
That is great news on the trailer!!! :thumbup:

I will be heading out monday with Firefly. See you soon and ride safe.

On a side note, it snowed here yesterday. :( Everyone knows I love the snow, but come on, it's time for sun and warmth.

:yes::yes::yes::yes: SPYDERFEST 2015 :yes::yes::yes::yes:

04-23-2015, 08:01 AM
:thumbup: :2thumbs:

04-23-2015, 09:16 AM
You've made that trip several times, it is probably nice to see it through a newbie's eyes this time. And I'm glad to know your trailer is going as it should.

What town is that nice, inexpensive hotel in - the one with the ironed sheets. I will try to make that on my route to your place in June.

Can't wait to see you at the 'fest!

Cruzr Joe
04-23-2015, 09:42 AM
GO MURPHYBROWN, Love to read about your journeys.

Cruzr Joe

04-23-2015, 10:05 AM
Glad to hear you are travelling again.

I followed the saga of your tire eating trailer last year, but missed out on the final result.

I presume you got a new one along with your new Spyder.

What finally happened to the "faulty" trailer?

04-23-2015, 10:14 AM
Murphybrown, Ride safe, and nice to hear that your trailer is ok, and no issues.
Keep us posted on your way to SF:yes:
You GO GIRL! Deanna

04-23-2015, 10:33 AM
Good Morning All:

Yes, Yes, YES. On the road again. Left Tuesday around noon from Chelan. For the first time in my several years of traveling to MO for the Annual Spyderfest I am ryding with a fellow Spyder owner, Dave aka lwrydr, his first trip to Spyderfest and his wife didn't want him going alone. Oh dear Dave may have just been in better "hands" alone!

We stopped Tuesday afternoon in CDA, ID and spent the evening with my family. Always an enjoyable time..Dean is an excellent cook and he did himself proud with his cooked all day spaghetti sauce and to die for salad...

Left Weds. a.m. around 7:30 (enough time to stop at Dutch Bros Coffee and get my start to he day. Tom aka showies from Spokane area met In CDA with the good news/bad news. He made it to meet us and the bad that there was storm ahead and he decided against ryding with us to St. Regis. His bad news turned into good news for us...apparently that storm that we could see in front of us stayed right there as we never had a drop of rain...stopped at St Regis for fuel for both spyders and ryders. Dave's ryde likes to get fed more often than mine (yea 1330 engine!!!)..so we did a very easy...took several breaks...401 miles. Had one threatened storm so we fueled up and suited up...yep the squall lasted a couple miles with side winds. BUT the good news I got to "beta" test that New RAIN X Plastic stuff. Hey it works...NICE...huge improvement as I had used it on both my windshield and face shield.

Arrived Livingston...gave motel directions to Dave and his GPS..he says aaaaaa that yellow sign right there!!! We had stopped right in from of the motel's sign!!

Highlights of yesterday's ryde from Dave: OMG did you see that (he was in lead)...that was a first for me!!! He got MOONED. :yikes: lol His other highlight was egads my butt is TIRED!!!

My highlights? Nothing new here, but I always am sooo grateful to be ryding and then right behind that is the awesome people we get to meet and interact with. Second highlight. This little low priced motel (Parkway) room was spotless with big soft fluffy towels and ironed sheets...that's right ironed sheets!!!!!

OK getting ready to head to Douglas, WY...gonna put another layer of toughness on Dave's butt...see you next time...

Ryding safe and loving life....
Oh yes for you that are wondering....so far so GREAT on trailer...I have measured tread depth twice. No change and both tires the same. By 500 miles I would have been looking to replace right tire with the left not to far behind...so I started with "yea, we'll see if it is fixed" to this morning progressed to "cautiously optimistic"!!!!:clap:https://ssl.gstatic.com/ui/v1/icons/mail/images/cleardot.gif

Hi Karyl,
Wish Via and I were riding with you too. I really miss the long haul to Spyderfest. Ah well, hopefully next year. Ride safely and have a ball.

Ride in comfort,
Seal Floorboards

04-23-2015, 10:38 AM
great to see this post and know your on the road to yet anothe spyderfest...:yes::yes::yes: hope that trailer is fixed and glad you have a ryding buddy..good luck may the weather be great keep the wind to your back...:thumbup:

04-23-2015, 12:51 PM
Can't wait to see you in MO. Have fun

04-23-2015, 12:58 PM
Thank you for starting our day off great. Drive safe. :yes:

A little Wille Nelson and "On The Road Again."

https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=AwrSbgp3MjlVVlcA925XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEydD JyYzZ2BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjAwMjdfMQRzZWMD c2M-?p=on+the+road+again+song&back=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%3Fp%3 Don%2Bthe%2Broad%2Bagain%2Bsong%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fp%3D1&fr=%26fr%3Dyfp-t-250-s&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DWN.0 OKbvWg4wkKU6xDIq6Ruxg%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymotion.com%2Fvideo%2Fxa jxzo_willie-nelson-on-the-road-again_music&tit=Willie+Nelson+%26quot%3BOn+The+Road+Again%26qu ot%3B&l=2%3A24&vid=aed2a461641c263081543a0904b824b0&sigr=12dog8b6c&sigb=1267th58q&sigt=11bculqa1&sigi=11v69hihp

04-23-2015, 01:38 PM
Enjoy the ride! We will see you Tuesday. Glad the trailer is tracking straight and true. Cheers!

lil rabbit
04-23-2015, 02:15 PM
good read MB, I will see you in MO as I arrive on Monday via plane..... Wish I could have traveled with you but maybe next year.... have a safe journey and I always enjoy your adventures blog.... :yes::yes::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

04-23-2015, 06:32 PM
You've made that trip several times, it is probably nice to see it through a newbie's eyes this time. And I'm glad to know your trailer is going as it should.

What town is that nice, inexpensive hotel in - the one with the ironed sheets. I will try to make that on my route to your place in June.

Can't wait to see you at the 'fest!

Parkway Motel...mgr name is Vanessa

04-23-2015, 06:56 PM
Well....my ryding partner and I were to the "stick a fork in it stage" so stopped a little short of our goal, (Douglas WY). Staying outside of Casper, WY. Started day in rain gear...lots of rain and wind...can definitely say the Rain X Plastic does a greatly improved job of "shedding" rain drops. A basic uneventful day and very nice ryding.
Some of you folks were asking details on trailer. Here is the short version. Last year when I purchased the '14 I also got the 622 trailer. Unfortunately my trailer reallllly liked tires...like 6 sets in less than 2500 miles. Bottom line after a summer of travel with blow outs - flats- tires bald ... BRP choose to totally remake the trailer. No they did not replace. Basically saved the shell and had dealer totally rebuild..that was done at the end of my ryding season. So this trip to SF is the first real test...I now have about 1100 miles on the rebuilt trailer...the tires have not registered any tread depth change (I just checked before I posted this). The before picture would be the right tire would burn off quicker than the left....I am feeling hopefully optimistic...but will be totally in agreement with BRP that it is FIXED when I get back home from this trip (approx miles 2800) and trailer tires are remaining GOOD. I am grateful to BRP and Pitbull because they got behind this issue 100%. Sure like having the trailer...love extra shoes and hats and my own coffee snob making stuff!!! OK dinner time and this merry ryder is headed to "happy snooze land"....500 miles tomorrow...:yikes:

04-23-2015, 06:58 PM
Parkway Motel...mgr name is Vanessa

What town?

04-23-2015, 07:35 PM
Patti, the heading said Livingston, MT.

04-23-2015, 08:02 PM
Great to hear BRP came thru for ya. Keep the updates coming. It's great reading.

04-23-2015, 08:21 PM
Well....my ryding partner and I were to the "stick a fork in it stage" so stopped a little short of our goal, (Douglas WY). Staying outside of Casper, WY. Started day in rain gear...lots of rain and wind...can definitely say the Rain X Plastic does a greatly improved job of "shedding" rain drops. A basic uneventful day and very nice ryding. Some of you folks were asking details on trailer. Here is the short version. Last year when I purchased the '14 I also got the 622 trailer. Unfortunately my trailer reallllly liked tires...like 6 sets in less than 2500 miles. Bottom line after a summer of travel with blow outs - flats- tires bald ... BRP choose to totally remake the trailer. No they did not replace. Basically saved the shell and had dealer totally rebuild..that was done at the end of my ryding season. So this trip to SF is the first real test...I now have about 1100 miles on the rebuilt trailer...the tires have not registered any tread depth change (I just checked before I posted this). The before picture would be the right tire would burn off quicker than the left....I am feeling hopefully optimistic...but will be totally in agreement with BRP that it is FIXED when I get back home from this trip (approx miles 2800) and trailer tires are remaining GOOD. I am grateful to BRP and Pitbull because they got behind this issue 100%. Sure like having the trailer...love extra shoes and hats and my own coffee snob making stuff!!! OK dinner time and this merry ryder is headed to "happy snooze land"....500 miles tomorrow...:yikes:

04-23-2015, 11:24 PM
This is the easy trailer test, the true test will come when we travel to Alaska. See you Tuesday.

04-24-2015, 04:20 AM
Have a great time at Spyderfest this year...........unfortunately we will not be making it this year. I had surgery yesterday and will be on "bed rest" for 2-4 days and off the :spyder:for at least two weeks.:gaah: We will miss seeing you this year, have enought fun for all of us!:yes::ohyea::yes:

04-24-2015, 04:40 AM
If you can't find the Rain-X plastic water repellent locally, you can get it from amazon. Good to hear that it works well. It looks like I might need it on the way to Spyderfest.

04-24-2015, 12:51 PM
Patti, the heading said Livingston, MT.


​(You don't have to yell.)

04-24-2015, 10:21 PM
Murphybrown, Ride safe, and nice to hear that your trailer is ok, and no issues.
Keep us posted on your way to SF:yes:
You GO GIRL! Deanna

:agree: :2excited::agree: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :yes::yes::yes::yes:SEE YOU THERE , K.................Mike :thumbup::thumbup:

04-25-2015, 07:57 PM
Good Evening Everyone:

Only reason for the missed days is because my internet availability was totally like NOT...one of the side 'bennies' of my economy motel rooms!!! The old adage: You get what you pay for does apply here.

Where have I been and what have I been doing. Well last time I shared...we had a successful ryde to Livingston, MT. after stopping at my daughter & fam in CDA. ID. Our goal was to make it from Livingston, MT to Douglas, WY. Dave, the fellow spyder ryding with me called it a day at Kaycee, WY. A verrrrry little town with OK hunting camp type motel...but they had hot showers, place to make my coffee and clean bedding. BUT we were up and rolling at daybreak because we were going to make it to Broken Bow, NE (come hell of high water...hell didn't come but there was water and forms of water!!). It was going to be a 500 mile day so left early...stopped at a great diner in a town where (I forgot town name)..the high school mascot name is HERDERS!!! Walked into the diner and there were all the local farmers solving the world's problems..and we knew we were in the right place. Yep great food. After that at our next fuel stop..fellow local customer says "it's a coming..." I say what...he points out the winder and says the storm. Hey didn't look that bad to us, so we didn't gear up. Well, folks here to tell ya that there farmer dude he knew of which he spoke!!! We did get the rain gear on in time. But then all billy hell hit: For a long 10 minutes..it poured buckets, hail the size of pencil eraser and strong wind from the left.

Bet your asking...idiots pull over....ahhhhh no place to get out the storms path...this is NE and flat is how you describe that farm land. My head/helmet sounded like I was target practice on a .22 range...the hail bruised the back of my left hand and I had my mid weight gloves on. Dave was even worse off as he does not wear a helmet with a face shield...

The reallly good news is we survived and made it into Broken Bow....after 10 hrs + of ryding and yep said "all is good".

Up later this morning...took time to fix my "snob" gourmet coffee before we left...leisurely ryde to St. Joseph, MO. Biggest weather challenge was wind...but the Spyders are designed for stability...just that our necks & heads not so much!!! St. Joseph is such an area rich in history with the Pony Express....took the wrong exit entering town BUT because of that the adventure of ryding through historic homes and buildings...beautiful just beautiful.

Tomorrow we will have a short ryde on a couple back roads into Springfield, MO. It has been fun having a ryding buddy and tomorrow we go our separate ways. Me to my budget "digs" and Dave to one of the host hotels. Hey I get to crash the parties at the host hotels NICE I say verrrrrry NICE.

Weather report for Spyderfest. AWESOME..

murphybrown and lyrwdr

04-25-2015, 08:00 PM
What town?

It was the heading!!!

04-25-2015, 08:33 PM
Glad you are ahead of it. We're in Ogden, UT, found the trailer lites not working, found a blown fuse, just before the heavens opened up.

04-26-2015, 01:20 AM
Squared Away is on the way! Left Sin City at 0930; actually a day early to stay ahead of the front. 600 leisurely miles later, ABQ. Should be in OKC tomorrow for dinner. Leaves us a couple hundred on Monday morning. Thinking Branson for Monday dinner/hotel. Bikes are running great, wind and weather not ideal. Had 37 and rain, wicked winds, filthy spray. Tell again why we washed the bikes before the trip??? Spyder was WFO into a massive headwind, maybe 75mph. Was pulling a trailer, too. Steady as a rock. Loving the ride. SpyderAnn is formidable! Sena is acting up. Otherwise, all Squared away!

04-28-2015, 06:28 AM
Good Morning All:

Not much in the world of Adventure the last couple days...but will share "some" of what I have been up to. Now somethings come under the heading "to much information" so will keep those secrets close to my heart.

Arrived in Springfield on Sunday afternoon with a great ryde (albeit chilly--but I got the clothes to counter that...only took me 4 hrs to realize I was reallllly getting cold and needed to put on a couple more layers: what took so long? well dang those weather prognosticators told me it was going to warm up!!! NOT...can you believe they told me wrong??)..

I rode the back road from St. Joseph, MO to Springfield...awesome farm country...fields freshly worked (mighty rich soil)...new born calves, lambs...just luv it. The smells, the sounds...nothing better.

Got into motel (same one I have stayed at for last 3 years...nice surprise for this budget traveler...rooms were retrofitted since last year. NICE. So move all my stuff in and get my "nest" made for the next week. Shortly other ryders started arriving. AND that is the main reason I enjoy coming to Springfield/Spyderfest every year. THE awesome people...Jim yells at me comes over...steak & chicken going on grill!!! John greets. And on and on...Yep it is pretty dang nice to be around such awesome folks.

Monday morning I was at dealer when they opened...to get a couple warranty items taken care of..and now that is where you start getting hugs and giving hugs..folks this crazy time called Spyderfest doesn't even start until Weds. The phone starts ringing, the texts...saying we are here where are you...yep special, very special people.

Last year I met a fantastic young man...stayed in contact through out the year. He has found him the love of his life and so we connected and went to dinner. Ahhhhh young lovers, eager to start their lives together. You remember those days, don't you...with a little brain strain I could remember...NICE evening.

Today is 9 a.m. Spyder and trailer to TricLED vendor (Reggy Tan) to add just a couple more lights!! So I leave my Spyder & trailer with him...he gives me his RT to ryde and a group of us are going on a "surprise" ryde with the leaders being 2 great gals who live locally and are taking a small group of us to "some place they really like". Tonight North To Alaska folks that are also here will meet for dinner.

Weds is the official kick off to Spyderfest. Vendor village opens (yep I am a salesman's delight..so they will be looking for me!!!)..Having some special enhancement done to Studley...will share AFTER done..

OK time to get second cup of coffee..and get ready to GO..

Oh yea...weather report is awesome for rest of week...there will be lots of ryding in the Ozarks area...activities galore. Yep if someone get bored at Spyderfest...I would be saying hmmmm...personal problemo!!!

Gotta go..


LIFE IS GREAT...choose to live every moment to the max..
