View Full Version : The Wave

03-26-2015, 10:33 AM

Often we cannot get other riders to recognize us as "real" motorcyclists. There have been many posts here about the protocol of the "WAVE."

Maybe we should all take a lesson from Sweets:


Don't worry - Be Happy - Ryde ;)

03-26-2015, 10:44 AM
Sweets has been around here before. He can probably get a wave from anyone reguardless what hes ryding...:roflblack:

03-26-2015, 10:53 AM
Haha.. that was awesome. I love the eye covers on the dog.

On another note...If they wave then I wave. Takes the guessing and wondering out of the equation.

03-26-2015, 01:40 PM
Love the dog and the wave. :yes::yes::yes:

Now that riding season is upon us...

I usually wave when waved at. I am finding the "usual" going on the last week or so. HD and sport bikes--not to big on the waves.

Akspyderlady is very proactive. She usually initiates waves when she is riding with me. She has not been out on her :ani29: yet. Maybe Saturday.

03-26-2015, 01:41 PM
i ride both 2 and 3 wheels and pretty much give the 2 fingers down low to everyone. I have noticed the waves i get or get back depends on what i am riding and what the other person is riding. Harleys dont wave to much when im on either my sport bike or the spyder but when i used to have a cruiser i got a lot more. I hardly ever see any other spyders so its hard to say what they do. "cant we all just get along" :)

Mazo EMS2
03-26-2015, 03:43 PM
Wow, that dog is better looking than a lot of the HD riders I meet...LOL....just kidding. I'll wave, if waved to, but really, do we all wave at every car we meet when we're driving a car or truck? Nope....so, I don't really get the whole wave thing just cuz I'm on a bike. To each his own I suppose :rolleyes:

Laila's Dad
03-26-2015, 04:52 PM
I honestly wave all the time(not necessarily two fingers down low, but always some type of acknowledgement that I see you). I wave sometimes even when the rider on the other side of the highway can't see me, lol. It's just a habit. I never put much though into a return wave because it never changes my course on the road. Only time i can remember not waving was when I was a new rider and was afraid to take my hand off the bar, lol. Or when I am in a tight curve and need to focus my energy on the issue at hand. Just do what you feel is right, you can only control yourself. Ride On!

Deer Slayer
03-26-2015, 05:13 PM
I wave at ladies in cars that have just given the two thumbs up.:ohyea:

03-26-2015, 06:13 PM
Wow, that dog is better looking than a lot of the HD riders I meet...LOL....just kidding. I'll wave, if waved to, but really, do we all wave at every car we meet when we're driving a car or truck? Nope....so, I don't really get the whole wave thing just cuz I'm on a bike. To each his own I suppose :rolleyes:

Its just a hey we are all part of the motorcycle community, it was one of the things i liked when i first started riding. Seemed like everyone was friendlier than cagers and if you get stuck on the side of the road or whatever another motorcyclist will be the first to pull over and see if you need anything.

Tom in NM
03-26-2015, 06:21 PM
. . . . Sweets is not a BMW rider.

Cool dog!


03-26-2015, 06:38 PM
I wave at all bikes 2 or 3 wheels. I live in the country so I wave at everyone until I get to town than I only wave to bikes.

03-26-2015, 07:34 PM
I wouldn't even think of trying that with MAX.........He has his own trailer ....the fatso :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:.......Mike :thumbup:

03-26-2015, 08:19 PM
Well, I was riding my RT today and got a new wave. It was from a driver of a Dodge (RAM) pickup truck. He was coming in the opposite direction and when he got near me he rolled down his window and gave me a 'thumbs down' wave! I had a special wave I wanted to give him, but I wouldn't lower myself to that!!


03-26-2015, 11:03 PM
Rode HD for 15 years
Waved at everyone
Got 85% back
On the white rt im still waving
Getting same 85%

But in parking lots im getting way way more conversations
Very cool
just get over the crap about
(No one understands us-we are bikers to)
This aint High school
Its way kool
Put on some classic rock or country jam,or watever & have fun

I know im a biker
Need no validation

My 3month old Spyder is my bike
& I just claim all taxes I ever paid built me roads to ryde on

Appreciate all help I have received on this site

03-27-2015, 02:09 AM
Yup cool dog. Also not my idea but I have started keep 3down :)

Deer Slayer
03-27-2015, 08:27 AM
Well, I was riding my RT today and got a new wave. It was from a driver of a Dodge (RAM) pickup truck. He was coming in the opposite direction and when he got near me he rolled down his window and gave me a 'thumbs down' wave! I had a special wave I wanted to give him, but I wouldn't lower myself to that!!

Makes one ponder who puts his boots on for him.:duh:

03-27-2015, 08:42 AM

03-27-2015, 02:12 PM
When I started riding my Spyder I worried if I was being too forward when waiving to motorcycle. But I decided to waive at everyone and let it be their problem if they are offended in some way. I also have had people come up to me to talk about my spyder. I have a black 2013 RTS Limted. They like it but it's not for them usually. Went on a all bike ride last Sunday and even had a few Harley guys talk with me about my Spyder.