View Full Version : junior member

02-23-2015, 08:16 PM
I know I'm a junior member but it would be nice to occasionally post on here or read other post without people making flippant comments or being sarcastic. Razing between friends is one thing but for new sypder owners who post honest yet sometimes stupid or redundant questions seems like some of the comments aren't necessary. Like the old saying should say if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say don't say anything at all. Just my two cents. Still love my spyder.

02-23-2015, 08:50 PM
I know I'm a junior member but it would be nice to occasionally post on here or read other post without people making flippant comments or being sarcastic. Razing between friends is one thing but for new sypder owners who post honest yet sometimes stupid or redundant questions seems like some of the comments aren't necessary. Like the old saying should say if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say don't say anything at all. Just my two cents. Still love my spyder.

Thats part of the price you pay when you tune in, get involved or have an opinion. Life everywhere is like that. Roll along with it and do not take everything so seriously. All the posts on here are just someone else's opinion anyway. Don't be shy, let's hear your opinions. In other words this is not Rocket Science nor are there any Rocket Scientists on here that I know of. A lot set themselves up to be one. None of us are.

This is supposed to be fun and informative although some get a little carried away.


02-23-2015, 08:59 PM
But give it time. Hang in there and don't let a few comments get you down. I went through it as many have. Once you get to know us you will understand us and can communicate with whom ever you choose but a better place for everything spyder you won't find...:thumbup:

02-23-2015, 08:59 PM
Haven't been on Spyderlovers all that long myself. Occasionally you will see a string go crazy with unnecessary input and self-promoting comments, even to the point of arguments and name calling. When you see those, it's best to just read and don't get involved in the insanity of others. On the other hand, during the short time I've been on this forum, I have read so many great posts that helped me become acquainted with my Spyder!! Most on here are helpful, and knowledgeable, and would probably give you the shirt of their backs if you needed it. Like everywhere in the world these days, there are those few that like to dirty things up. As the other poster said, don't take things too seriously, and enjoy what benefits you will gain from being a member of Spyderlovers. You won't regret it!!

02-23-2015, 09:08 PM
I agree
I believe some people do because they don't think before commenting.

Words od wisdom

02-23-2015, 09:16 PM
what you have expressed seems to happen on every message board no matter the purpose of the board. I often think those who make the smart aleck type comments have emotional frustrations or a complex and this becomes their opportunity to show their superiority. But I have noticed on this board, more often than not, someone usually posts an appropriate response. Be patient, ignore the "smart mouths", and just hang in.

02-23-2015, 09:21 PM
Nattylightlover I just read all of your posts and I don't see where you have been treated badly. You did have three posts, I think they were all today, in which you said that you were too lazy to search for answers yourself. Even though that is something that can draw the ire of us senior members you were treated nicely.

Searching is easy and you will lean a lot. Good luck. Edit: Searching is easy and you will LEARN a lot!

02-23-2015, 09:27 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18ya0-OZ58s Have a laugh!

02-23-2015, 09:39 PM
Nattylightlover I just read all of your posts and I don't see where you have been treated badly. You did have three posts, I think they were all today, in which you said that you were too lazy to search for answers yourself. Even though that is something that can draw the ire of us senior members you were treated nicely.

Searching is easy and you will lean a lot. Good luck.

Just askin, I could stand to loose a few pounds.

02-23-2015, 09:42 PM
Ann, I'm not that delicate of a flower. And yes I said I didn't want to pour through forums reading irrelevant stuff, when someone familiar could copy and paste. I have had more than 3 post dating back to 1.5 years ago when the spyder bug really bit me. I have seen people trashing people's price on the for sale page, random tangents on totally off topics, and about 3 or for common denominators that comment on everything and include many emoticons, I was just saying it can get old and hard to sift through.

02-23-2015, 10:00 PM
Just askin, I could stand to loose a few pounds.

Haha, me too. If I figure it out I will let you know. :roflblack:

Ann, I'm not that delicate of a flower. And yes I said I didn't want to pour through forums reading irrelevant stuff, when someone familiar could copy and paste. I have had more than 3 post dating back to 1.5 years ago when the spyder bug really bit me. I have seen people trashing people's price on the for sale page, random tangents on totally off topics, and about 3 or for common denominators that comment on everything and include many emoticons, I was just saying it can get old and hard to sift through.

What you are saying is that your time is more valuable than someone else's? You want someone else to pour through forums to search for you? Then, as you call it, simply cut and paste. I understand that you think some people are out of line and you might be right but you should at least try to do your own research before expecting others to do it for you.

02-23-2015, 11:07 PM
I'm going to let it go at that, said my piece, best of luck to everyone out there.

02-23-2015, 11:19 PM
Thats part of the price you pay when you tune in, get involved or have an opinion. Life everywhere is like that. Roll along with it and do not take everything so seriously. All the posts on here are just someone else's opinion anyway. Don't be shy, let's hear your opinions. In other words this is not Rocket Science nor are there any Rocket Scientists on here that I know of. A lot set themselves up to be one. None of us are.

This is supposed to be fun and informative although some get a little carried away.


Jack - I'm a rocket scientist. I try to take a break every now and then to work motorcycle suspension and occasional brake stuff...

Tom in NM
02-23-2015, 11:38 PM
Ann, I'm not that delicate of a flower. . . . . . . I was just saying it can get old and hard to sift through.

. . . . . and I just got a big chuckle on how most of the posts in this thread illustrated what he said. I especially liked the condescending & clueless ones, really, you just have to shake your head and wonder.

Yup, it would be nice if there was more 'curation' going on here, but that is hard work and time consuming and as some who have tried will tell you it is not really appreciated and a Forum like this isn't the structure to make it useful.

And yes, it is like that old joke's punchline, "There must be a pony!" It is just that you have to go through a lot of horse-**** to find it. It does get old.


02-24-2015, 12:09 AM
Jack - I'm a rocket scientist. I try to take a break every now and then to work motorcycle suspension and occasional brake stuff...

I knew there had to be one among us!;) So that means your never wrong--right?

Tell us what projects you have worked on. I flew with Sig Herman for many years. His Father was one of the German scientists brought over with Von Braun and they worked together developing our space program.


02-24-2015, 12:12 AM
HEY! I love natty light too... in fact I'm drinking one right now. :doorag:
AND I know exactly where Troy is... enjoy your Spyder on Hwy 47! :clap:

02-24-2015, 12:18 AM
I'm usually one of the first people to help others out on Spyderlovers even when I know that you could all find the stuff yourself so I don't think his post was directed at me. I was trying to point out to the OP that when you state in your post that you are too lazy to look it up you are not exactly going to make friends that way. I can't blame someone for being snippy and letting him know that there are already 10,000 posts on tires.

I guess for people like that Facebook is probably the place for you to go. You can't search at all so you don't even have to give the excuse that you are too lazy. But you also will likely get answers from people who don't have a clue as to what they are talking about.

02-24-2015, 12:22 AM
Some times people get a little touchy


02-24-2015, 01:57 AM
So that means your never wrong--right?

Tell us what projects you have worked on. I flew with Sig Herman for many years. His Father was one of the German scientists brought over with Von Braun and they worked together developing our space program.


No, we have our days too. That's why its just the facts; very few get to state opinion and get away with it.

Yes those where the early years, but we have come far and have regressed. Seems we can't make a space qualified engine anymore. :banghead: All I can say as all my work is unspeakable on this open forum...


Cruzr Joe
02-24-2015, 02:05 AM
If someone asks a question and someone else answers the question with no other narrative ......................................... this would be a boring board.

Was that rude???

Cruzr Joe

Cruzr Joe
02-24-2015, 02:09 AM
And don't forget that if you don't like someones comments ............................. you can put them on ignore and you will not see their comments anymore.

Cruzr Joe

02-24-2015, 06:04 AM
Remember that many of us are crotchty old men with opinions on almost anything. All is intended in good fun or with positive intent.

Big F
02-24-2015, 09:01 AM
I agree
I believe some people do because they don't think before commenting.

Words od wisdom

I agree with your comment. That is why the good Lord gave us two ears and one mouth - we should listen twice as much as talk... Unfortunately, there are a lot of people in this world that have that ratio reversed???????????????

02-24-2015, 09:42 AM
Know what you mean, but there are really a lot of good people on this site ,only looks bad when the few idiots we do have ,come out from there hiding spot .:banghead:

02-24-2015, 03:52 PM
I know I'm a junior member but it would be nice to occasionally post on here or read other post without people making flippant comments or being sarcastic. Razing between friends is one thing but for new sypder owners who post honest yet sometimes stupid or redundant questions seems like some of the comments aren't necessary. Like the old saying should say if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say don't say anything at all. Just my two cents. Still love my spyder.

A-waah, Waah, A-waah, Waah.........

Is this the type of comment you had in mind?

Cruzr Joe
02-24-2015, 04:27 PM
A-waah, Waah, A-waah, Waah.........

Is this the type of comment you had in mind?

:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:, I think you understand him.

Cruzr Joe

02-24-2015, 04:33 PM
I usually try to keep it gentle with new posters. After they get broke in...:yikes: :roflblack::roflblack: :yes::yes:

02-24-2015, 04:50 PM
A-waah, Waah, A-waah, Waah.........

Is this the type of comment you had in mind?

Does that go with campfires, and roasted marshmallows?

Tom in NM
02-24-2015, 05:03 PM
A-waah, Waah, A-waah, Waah.........

Is this the type of comment you had in mind?

. . . . is that damn Dislike Button when you need it? :p


02-24-2015, 07:03 PM
How do you ignore users? I'm using Mobile if it makes a difference thanks for the information.

Tom in NM
02-24-2015, 07:54 PM
How do you ignore users? I'm using Mobile if it makes a difference thanks for the information.

. . . But, if you are online and click on their name in a posting, it will take you to their profile. Under their picture there will be several things you can click - Ignore is the one you want. When you click it, it will ask you if you are sure, then click Yes or No.

While you can still see that they posted a comment in a thread, it will not have any content - if you are just curious or into self abuse roulette, there is a button on the blank post that will let you read what they posted. You will also not receive any Private Messages from them.


02-24-2015, 08:43 PM
Thank you to everyone posting. I am having so much fun reading.:clap::yes::popcorn:

02-24-2015, 08:57 PM
Lot smoother reading now.

02-25-2015, 06:13 PM
man i love this site and everbody in here,see you at spyder fest drags.:thumbup::2thumbs:

Cruzr Joe
02-25-2015, 06:21 PM
Yeah, Spyderfest here we come.

Cruzr Joe

02-25-2015, 07:34 PM
i think this site is one of the better ones. I have run into some extremly helpful people here. There is always going to be people bitching about this or that but its a message board, If some dude from rural maine calls me a bunch of names or whatever its not going to affect me. I will say the search is not as effective as everyone says, you get way too many threads that dont apply in my opinion. And really hasnt ever topic been covered? if no one repeated any topic there would be no new posts at all.