View Full Version : Owners Event Info you've been waiting for

02-04-2015, 09:19 AM
Post your questions here and I'll do my best to answer them asap :doorag:



02-04-2015, 09:25 AM
Thanks for the info :thumbup: Pretty cool.

I see the deadline for submitted events is Feb 25.

Any idea when they'll announce the seven they will sponsor?

I'm going to have to start planning now if I'm going to make that Quebec run in 2017.

Whoops. Never mind; I clicked the enclosed link and found "

BRP will contact the winners via phone by March 6, 2015

That's a neat way to go with it. Should help spread it out so more people can attend events closer to where they live.
And give excuses for more road trips across the country

02-04-2015, 10:12 AM
Thanks BRP!

02-04-2015, 10:13 AM
Murphybrown, let's nominate the North to Alaska. LOL

02-04-2015, 10:18 AM
This concept could be interesting. About the only thing, I disliked about previous events (missed the last two) was the lack of other vendors, even thou I realize why. Honda got in the same situation with the Honda Homecoming at Marysville, Ohio (since cancelled). People were trying to hold Honda resposible for a vendors product, so they moved the vendors off site. BRP controlled entry to the event so I would believe they could be held legaly responsible as a company.
Now about the good things about the Owners Event and Spyderfeast (two big events/more once) I have attended), I am limited to a million words and that is not enought tell all the good things about them
Ride safe and have fun

Grandpa Pete
02-04-2015, 10:22 AM
Seem's I have to start brushing up on my Francais:thumbup::thumbup:

02-04-2015, 10:23 AM
Thanks for the info :thumbup: Pretty cool.

I see the deadline for submitted events is Feb 25.

Any idea when they'll announce the seven they will sponsor?

I'm going to have to start planning now if I'm going to make that Quebec run in 2017.

Whoops. Never mind; I clicked the enclosed link and found "

BRP will contact the winners via phone by March 6, 2015

That's a neat way to go with it. Should help spread it out so more people can attend events closer to where they live.
And give excuses for more road trips across the country

Valcourt is just too far away for those that live in the west coast, hopefully one of the 7 events ends up somewhere over to the west side, washington, oregon, etc.

02-04-2015, 10:34 AM
Let's nominate SITR annually held in August in the Eureka, CA area, a great ride location for the western USA Spyder riders.


02-04-2015, 10:48 AM
Very disappointing decision. If they don't feel they have the ability to hold put on a quality event they can hire companies that excel in that area. They now lose control of their message and image. They must have cut their marketing budget big time to have to go this route. Based on the submission requirements (none) this is just a popularity contest for dollars.

02-04-2015, 11:09 AM
Hope the MOGANG gets an app in, they do such a fantastic job of helping Len put on a great event. Looking forward to Spyderfest. Penny:ani29:

02-04-2015, 11:11 AM
I agree, very disappointed. Was told the event would be announced by end of December and it is now February and no event. I was hoping for a location to ride to with other spyders. Now it seems that they don't want to put on the event this year, or 2016. I for one don't want to ride to Sturgis with 600,000+ other bikers and pay too much, it is a nice area to ride and a great place to have the event, just not at the same time. I would like to have seen 3-4 events around the country set up by BRP, NE, SE, CENTER, WEST. pick a place in each quadrant and have the event. To invite yourself to an event that someone else has already started and worked to get going seems a little bold and lazy.

Hey, I hear you are going out to eat supper tonight, I think we will join you. This is what it sounds like to me.

I am very disappointed, after waiting since DECEMBER, to now find out that is basically cancelled. If I wanted to go to the New York, Missouri, or California gathering, to name a few, I would go to them and I do.

02-04-2015, 11:12 AM
I am not sure I like this. Guess we will wait and see. Looks like they are still doing the Daytona day though. Hmmm.

02-04-2015, 11:18 AM
thanks for posting. About time they came up with something. Not great but there you go...:ohyea:

02-04-2015, 11:28 AM
So glad we did the owners event last year and plan to attend Spyderfest this year.

Very disappointing that BRP essentially cancelled the owners events.

02-04-2015, 11:29 AM
warp10 and Hawk....I have been in contact with Troy at Coyote Powersports and given them all the information...Last year Coyote Powersports put on an excellent event...October Texas Hill Country riding...can't be beat.....Troy and Scott are on this.....Ride the Three Sisters...Texas style


02-04-2015, 11:32 AM
Texas hill country is a great ride. :yes:

02-04-2015, 11:57 AM
Except for 2017 in Canada, BRP is getting out of holding an annual event and instead tagging along on established get togethers.

02-04-2015, 12:04 PM
Murphybrown, let's nominate the North to Alaska. LOL

I'm down with that! It would be a rolling event!!

Hope the MOGANG gets an app in, they do such a fantastic job of helping Len put on a great event. Looking forward to Spyderfest. Penny:ani29:

:agree: But I wonder what kind of strings come with the sponsorship money!

02-04-2015, 12:21 PM
Except for 2017 in Canada, BRP is getting out of holding an annual event and instead tagging along on established get togethers.

That is what it looks like to me also.

02-04-2015, 12:33 PM
Let's nominate SITR annually held in August in the Eureka, CA area, a great ride location for the western USA Spyder riders.


Lets show BRP that SITR can put on a GREAT event and see you all again this August.

02-04-2015, 12:44 PM
Let's nominate SITR annually held in August in the Eureka, CA area, a great ride location for the western USA Spyder riders.

SITR is a great event and I'd "vote" for that! We're already planning to attend.
I was, however, hoping that the "Owners" event could be out here on the Left Coast as a completely separate event! We have so few big events to attend out here (compared to the eastern US), and now this won't be one....It was a long shot, but now a no shot.

02-04-2015, 01:09 PM
Considering the Spyder, it's only fitting BRP would like to be the third wheel!!

02-04-2015, 01:13 PM
Can't click here on a link from a PDF. Have ya got a real link Lamont?

02-04-2015, 01:16 PM
Found it. Never mind Lamont......


02-04-2015, 01:23 PM
...Hey, I hear you are going out to eat supper tonight, I think we will join you. This is what it sounds like to me.

Actually, their inviting themselves along and they're picking up part of the tab.

Better than a poke in the eye or nothing at all.

Just say'n.

I sometimes don't get the since of entitlement. Let's not forget...BRP doesn't have to do any type of 'owners event', they choose to.

02-04-2015, 01:36 PM
Found it. Never mind Lamont......


I just fill out the survey on BRP link and lets show them why SITR should be one of the 7 events they will support.

02-04-2015, 01:44 PM
I sometimes don't get the since of entitlement. Let's not forget...BRP doesn't have to do any type of 'owners event', they choose to.[/QUOTE]

No Entitlement, Just upset that they told us in june that there was going to be an Owners event in 2015 and we would know about it in December. Now it February and they are just now telling us that they will not have one this year. You are right they don't have to have one, but don't tell me you are having one and then cancel it. They knew last fall, or at least by December, that this was the way they were going, not one event, just helping on other rides. It will be interesting to see what, if any strings, come with the money to help with these rides. Since I planned to go on some of these and have been to others with out BRP's money helping, it will be interesting to see how this works out.

02-04-2015, 02:05 PM
warp10 and Hawk....I have been in contact with Troy at Coyote Powersports and given them all the information...Last year Coyote Powersports put on an excellent event...October Texas Hill Country riding...can't be beat.....Troy and Scott are on this.....Ride the Three Sisters...Texas style


Yep, this would make a great choice for one of the sponsored events. Was a great time last year. We plan to attend again.

02-04-2015, 02:44 PM
Thanks Lamont for posting an "official" link and information.

I agree with most off the comments posted above.

Hope this turns out to be better than one event per year--in the long run.

02-04-2015, 02:58 PM
Here's an organization that's trying to make us all happy. If they sponsor their one event ( Owners Event), depending on where it's at, lots of people complain because it's too far for them to travel. Some want it in the NW, some want in in the NE, some want in in the south. Well, you get the picture.

So now they're sponsoring seven events. These will probably be all over the country, throughout the whole year. I would think everybody should be able to attend at least one event, if not more, if they want. This way everybody gets to attend a BRP sponsored event. OK, they may not have top billing, but they'll be there. And they might have something special for us owners.

Remember folks, they don't have to do this for us. They just do. For whatever reason they do, they just do. Be grateful for that and enjoy.

Over the years I've driven a Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Chevy, Pontiac, VW, Dodge and Ford. I don't ever recall any of them having an Owners Event. Maybe BRP is on to something?

02-04-2015, 03:11 PM
Murphybrown, let's nominate the North to Alaska. LOL

i know nothing other than housing could be an issue. Lol lol :roflblack:

02-04-2015, 03:30 PM
The saying "No good deed goes unpunished" comes to mind here.

When they had an owner event people complained that there were no vendors or it was on the wrong side of the map. They can't win. Now they are giving support to event that can and will have vendors and will most likely be all over the country and it's still not good enough for some of you guys. Really the owners event is a big expense with little return. I think this is a smart move on their part. They get to help the owners without the restrictions of corporate. Maybe I'm just a cup is half full kind of a guy.

02-04-2015, 03:42 PM
One more comment.

We should give BRP the benefit of the doubt and see how the new format works out.

IMO, this will spread out the number of locations, and make it possible for more people to attend an event. Some will most likely be pretty much all :spyder2:. Those events that share with other brands is something new.


02-04-2015, 03:44 PM
I agree that BRP gets very little return on its investment in the owner's event. But, by supporting 7 projects, it will get more owner's participation and not have to deal with the lack of vendor thing. And people will most likely have more fun. I look forward to having more choices of places to ride and meet other Spyder owners.

02-04-2015, 03:45 PM
No Entitlement, Just upset that they told us in june that there was going to be an Owners event in 2015 and we would know about it in December. Now it February and they are just now telling us that they will not have one this year. You are right they don't have to have one, but don't tell me you are having one and then cancel it. They knew last fall, or at least by December, that this was the way they were going, not one event, just helping on other rides. It will be interesting to see what, if any strings, come with the money to help with these rides. Since I planned to go on some of these and have been to others with out BRP's money helping, it will be interesting to see how this works out.

I can see your frustration/aggravation point. It is annoying when anyone, be it person or company, says one thing and you go to expecting it only to have that bubble burst when they come back later saying plans have changed and cannot provide all the details that lead up to that decision.

I hope this way does work out. I'd like to see some of these lesser known rallies get some extra funding to help keep them going and make them better.

Really, I'm for anything that'll give me more excuses for a road trip. :D

02-04-2015, 04:13 PM
I for one look forward to the new format, it will give more dealers a chance to grow like Pitbull. Maybe this will help get more ride groups involved.

02-04-2015, 04:20 PM
In my VERY humble opinion... I'm skeptical.

Whereas one single BRP owner's event inevitably and unavoidably left some people unhappy because they could not attend, restrictive vendor rules, etc., I don't see the answer now being *seven* owner's events semi-randomly selected across the country.

Admittedly, I've only been to one OE to date, but the appeal of it to me was it was *the* Owner's Event, with a very large turnout, and the full enthusiastic sponsorship of BRP.

Surely some, perhaps even most, rally-attending Spyder riders will attend more than one event, but I can't help but imagine that attendance at any one particular event will be less, and the BRP involvement diluted (they only have so much marketing money to spend, and now they get to spend it across seven events versus one).

Before, the Spyder community could look at each other and honestly ask, "Hey, will I see you at the Owner's Event this year?" and you'd have instant rapport.

Now, the answer to that question will be, "Ummm, yeah, which one?", as the Spyder community will be atomized across rallies, some well-attended (Spyderfest, Spyders in the Adirondacks), others not so much. For those of us who sadly don't have the time or money to attend more than one or two events, we're now left to figure out which one is worth going to.

For comparison: Harley-Davidson has countless rallies, sponsored or otherwise, but there's only one Sturgis. Now that the Spyder community is maturing, perhaps BRP is "shopping" for which event will become their flagship rally-- let seven flowers bloom? :joke:-- but given the very late announcement and short-turn contest an admittedly cynical interpretation would suggest this smacks of, "We always paid for this expensive thing and didn't get enough in return, YOU guys now figure it out on your own dime, maybe we'll throw you a few bucks and a demo truck."


02-04-2015, 05:06 PM
Here's an organization that's trying to make us all happy. If they sponsor their one event ( Owners Event), depending on where it's at, lots of people complain because it's too far for them to travel. Some want it in the NW, some want in in the NE, some want in in the south. Well, you get the picture.

So now they're sponsoring seven events. These will probably be all over the country, throughout the whole year. I would think everybody should be able to attend at least one event, if not more, if they want. This way everybody gets to attend a BRP sponsored event. OK, they may not have top billing, but they'll be there. And they might have something special for us owners.

Remember folks, they don't have to do this for us. They just do. For whatever reason they do, they just do. Be grateful for that and enjoy.

Over the years I've driven a Nissan, Toyota, Honda, Chevy, Pontiac, VW, Dodge and Ford. I don't ever recall any of them having an Owners Event. Maybe BRP is on to something?

Ford sponsors many owner club events every year. One of the largest is the Mid America Shelby Meet in Tulsa the 3rd week of June every year for over 30 years now. I am sure some of the others do as well.

02-04-2015, 05:08 PM
The saying "No good deed goes unpunished" comes to mind here.

When they had an owner event people complained that there were no vendors or it was on the wrong side of the map. They can't win. Now they are giving support to event that can and will have vendors and will most likely be all over the country and it's still not good enough for some of you guys. Really the owners event is a big expense with little return. I think this is a smart move on their part. They get to help the owners without the restrictions of corporate. Maybe I'm just a cup is half full kind of a guy.

Maybe you are right. We need to give this a chance. Could work out great.

I like others am resistant to change, it comes natural.

02-04-2015, 05:14 PM
I agree that BRP gets very little return on its investment in the owner's event. But, by supporting 7 projects, it will get more owner's participation and not have to deal with the lack of vendor thing. And people will most likely have more fun. I look forward to having more choices of places to ride and meet other Spyder owners.
Big problem here is most Spyder events are on the east side of the country,and this leaves the rest of us left out. SITR is 1300 miles from here and only 100 people attended last year.

There appearance at seven functions will be a very milked down version of what they had in Durango. It simply was the best you will ever see not to mention the wonderfull riding we had. Beats the hell out of any flatlander spot in the East!


02-04-2015, 05:19 PM
Big problem here is most Spyder events are on the east side of the country,and this leaves the rest of us left out. SITR is 1300 miles from here and only 100 people attended last year.

There appearance at seven functions will be a very milked down version of what they had in Durango. It simply was the best you will ever see not to mention the wonderfull riding we had. Beats the hell out of any flatlander spot in the East!


If this doesn't work out, a single owners event in Durango the following year would be good if it was known early enough for people to make arrangements, I would probably go, last year I didn't see the info soon enough, my bad sounds like I missed a good one.

02-04-2015, 05:26 PM
If they sponsor/participate in 7 events like they did at Spyderfest, I'm thinking it is probably a really good thing. Now will they send a semi truck load of clothing and accessories and their top mechanics to Spyders in the Redwoods, or to Spyder Rendeveous or Palooza like they did to Spyderfest? Probably not, but if they help out in some way those smaller events could become something big.

While I am disappointed that there will not be an Owner's Event this year I am hopeful that this new format will make more of the events worth attending. Everyone is on notice that you have 2 years to get your passport ready and learn a few French phrases.

Cruzr Joe
02-04-2015, 05:31 PM
I don't have a problem with any of this except for the fact that if I want to join the fun at Daytona i have to register on FaceBook .................:mad:............... HELLO .......:mad:.......... I Don't do FaceBook. (Several others on here don't do FaceBook either).

There need to be an alternative to registering for the Daytona event.

Cruzr Joe

02-04-2015, 05:33 PM
thanks for the heads up lamont. spyderquest application is going in today. (ron is filling it out now) I see this as a very big deal. after having two spyderquest events "under the belt"and growing as fast as we have, it becomes difficult to keep growing without help, both in numbers of bodies, and secondly financially. what could be better than having brp behind us with a little financial assist and a little publicity coming out of brp direct! I love it, and I challenge those that question it, to call an event of choice and volunteer to help out on that event. when you see what it takes, you might change your mind!! (i'm not trying to start anything, i'm just trying to say thank you brp for the chance to become a sponsor aided event) :2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs:

02-04-2015, 05:36 PM
I don't have a problem with any of this except for the fact that if I want to join the fun at Daytona i have to register on FaceBook .................:mad:............... HELLO .......:mad:.......... I Don't do FaceBook. (Several others on here don't do FaceBook either).

There need to be an alternative to registering for the Daytona event.

Cruzr Joe

They used google last year, Facebook only had the link to the google form.

02-04-2015, 05:45 PM
Oh My!! Is this going to be a good thing? A bad thing? Oh My!! I guess since I don't know I'll just have to take a 'Mental Health' ride on my Spyder and hopefully figure it out. I'll be back when I know for sure!!!! :roflblack: Please folks, don't be so serious! Life is too short, and Spyder riding is just too good to worry about these things.

02-04-2015, 06:22 PM
Oh No....does this mean I won't win the European trip for 2016...I was already making plans....what do I do now........my heart was set to win.......

02-04-2015, 06:24 PM
Oh No....does this mean I won't win the European trip for 2016...I was already making plans....what do I do now........my heart was set to win.......
guess you'll have to buy a lotto ticket instead?

02-04-2015, 06:31 PM
If this doesn't work out, a single owners event in Durango the following year would be good if it was known early enough for people to make arrangements, I would probably go, last year I didn't see the info soon enough, my bad sounds like I missed a good one.

​I am a definite if that ever happens. Too bad the Spyder dealer in Durango does not pick up on this and start a Rally. Great dealership.


02-04-2015, 06:35 PM
Oh My!! Is this going to be a good thing? A bad thing? Oh My!! I guess since I don't know I'll just have to take a 'Mental Health' ride on my Spyder and hopefully figure it out. I'll be back when I know for sure!!!! :roflblack: Please folks, don't be so serious! Life is too short, and Spyder riding is just too good to worry about these things.

Thanks for bringing me back to earth!

​Jack "The rally Rat"

02-04-2015, 06:57 PM
One of the largest motorcycle events in the USA, and BRP spyder can only do A DAY at Daytona...
As a relatively new owner of a 2013 RT Limited I was expecting to see a week long promotion etc...

I still own my BMW, and BMW has a week long event (Daytona) ---- not so much for only owners but the Company is there doing their sales pitch...

so i guess we'll cruise around and maybe bump into other spyder owners.

ride safe

02-04-2015, 07:11 PM
My question is regarding FB and the Daytona Owners Event. I do not have access to FB during the day and there are a few people going that are not on FB at all. Is there another way to register for the owners event? :opps:

02-04-2015, 07:17 PM
Hey BRP, Come to SpyderQuest III...................we have cookies. :2thumbs:

Just Sayin'............

02-04-2015, 07:39 PM
Hey BRP, Come to SpyderQuest III...................we have cookies. :2thumbs:

Just Sayin'............

Cookies..... then ill be there

But seriously, BRP, yes do go to SpyderQuest 2015.

02-04-2015, 07:42 PM
Hey BRP, Come to SpyderQuest III...................we have cookies. :2thumbs:

Just Sayin'............where you been bro???:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

02-04-2015, 07:43 PM
I made one one post with some thought. I will add some more for what they are worth to anybody.it takes a whole lot of people a whole lot of time and a lot of money to put a event on. Legal issues, permits, local oppsition or support (whjich changes with different officals at one event) , timing of event all play a part. This is not a opinion, but fact. I having helped put event for several organizations over the years. Many people appreciate the results, but some want more door prized, better weather and so. Thank you very much for all the work people have put in on Events such as Spyderfeast and many more.

Two groups that have many supported events over a year. H.O.G. Harley Owners Group has State rallys and a National one that I know of, May have district rallys.
GoldWing Road Riders of America have state, regional and a National rally every year.
I feel the advantage is more people will be able to Attend with this set up. Not every is able/willing/affird to travel 2 or 3 days to attend a event. Ride safe and have fun

02-04-2015, 08:03 PM
where you been bro???:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

Had some health issues, but I am kinda back. Already got my ride planned for the rally, and plan to have the whole week off this year.

Just sayin'............

02-04-2015, 09:01 PM
Texas October Coyote Powersports Hill Country Ride.....come ride the Texas Three Sisters


02-04-2015, 09:37 PM
Texas October Coyote Powersports Hill Country Ride.....come ride the Texas Three Sisters


I'm with you flamingobabe, great riding, great dealership and great people. If BRP was there, what more could you want. Count me in again this year even if no BRP.

J. D.

02-04-2015, 09:39 PM
Hey BRP, Come to SpyderQuest III...................we have cookies. :2thumbs:

Just Sayin'............
Yes, good cookies! and pizza, good pizza.101707

02-04-2015, 09:47 PM
The saying "No good deed goes unpunished" comes to mind here.

When they had an owner event people complained that there were no vendors or it was on the wrong side of the map. They can't win. Now they are giving support to event that can and will have vendors and will most likely be all over the country and it's still not good enough for some of you guys. Really the owners event is a big expense with little return. I think this is a smart move on their part. They get to help the owners without the restrictions of corporate. Maybe I'm just a cup is half full kind of a guy.

I like the idea. This should enable more riders to attend an event sometime during the year. No complaints on my end, I just love riding the Spyder and if I run into an event that's great! I agree that no matter what is done some people will not be satisfied.

02-04-2015, 11:43 PM
Although I haven't had an opportunity to attend any previous events, I prefer to be more optimistic about the potential of this new format. It may create an opportunity for a "very few" to try to attend all or most of the events. Maybe BRP could offer an incentive to those fortunate few who have the time and resources to complete an "Owners Event Crawl".

Maybe they should add an 8th event to make it more :spyder:like! :roflblack:

02-04-2015, 11:46 PM
There will be the second Myrtle Beach Spyder Rally May 2-9th this year for people who want a good vacation with plenty of things to do. It has been submitted to BRP for consideration.Just sayin' :thumbup:

02-05-2015, 12:10 AM
I want to publicly say Thank you BRP! As has been stated, BRP doesn't have to do ANYTHING...but is willing to. That's fantastic news. This company is going to handout support for 7 events to likely be even better than they would be without that support. While I'm slightly disappointed that there could be 1 less Major event coming up, I'm glad that these people still have the desire to stay in touch with their customers in this way. They are trying new things, mixing it up and IMO that's in keeping with what the Can-Am Spyder is all about.
Thanks again BRP!

02-05-2015, 06:36 AM
Well, we think that this is a great idea by BRP. If the owner's event was somewhere in the mid US then we would not be able to attend anyways. This way, perhaps we can attend a couple of sponsored events (Spyder Odyssey & Spyder Quest). Before you guys/gals pass judgement, why don't you wait and see how this plays out. At the end of the year you will either say it was a great idea or it was a bust. We think that it will be great. Now, if only our Canadian dollar would go back up so it doesn't cost us so much.

Pirate looks at --
02-05-2015, 10:31 AM
Thanks Lamont for this news! This will only make the selected events even better! I am amazed every day at how so many on this board can do nothing but complain. As several have explained BRP has little to gain but PR, and their products are selling without any involvement in "owners events". I for one am thankful for their support. I might even go to SITR again this year if the chose that event to sponsor!:yes::yes::yes:

02-05-2015, 03:04 PM
Is there anyone who can provide or get a list of potential sponsors for these gatherings? Plus, is there any way an individual person can help or recommend? From what I read, it is only clubs or dealers that can propose sites to BRP. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me. :)

Allen B.

02-05-2015, 03:09 PM
Is there anyone who can provide or get a list of potential sponsors for these gatherings? Plus, is there any way an individual person can help or recommend? From what I read, it is only clubs or dealers that can propose sites to BRP. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me. :)

Allen B.

A good group of the sponsors on the front page go to these events and most of them make it to Spyderfest.
Any group who has an event can apply.

02-05-2015, 04:00 PM
thanks for the heads up lamont. spyderquest application is going in today. (ron is filling it out now) I see this as a very big deal. after having two spyderquest events "under the belt"and growing as fast as we have, it becomes difficult to keep growing without help, both in numbers of bodies, and secondly financially. what could be better than having brp behind us with a little financial assist and a little publicity coming out of brp direct! I love it, and I challenge those that question it, to call an event of choice and volunteer to help out on that event. when you see what it takes, you might change your mind!! (i'm not trying to start anything, i'm just trying to say thank you brp for the chance to become a sponsor aided event) :2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs:

Do you know when Ron will post the registration for SpyderQuest III and/or when will the website be up?

02-05-2015, 04:46 PM
After looking at Docs Spyder calendar....

I am thinking I like these 7

Destination Spyder Daytona Beach
Spyder Rally Myrtle Beach
Spyderfest Magog Quebec
Destination Spyder Sturgis
Spyders in the Redwoods
Spyderquest Lake George
Hill Country Spyder Ride

This is a nice summer schedule with north to south east to west locations…I know someone mentioned how expensive Sturgis is but what a great opportunity for BRP to market the F3 . To the “two wheelers” who traditionally go to a event like this…Bikeweek too…it is a F3 market .I think this is a nice schedule. Another thought of mine is these events seem to be free to register and most of them vendors are free….it is hard to pay for all the food and hard work when the organizers are doing the event solo...with money out of their own pocket…BRP can really help these folks.IMHO

Dan McNally
02-05-2015, 06:33 PM
I'm perplexed at a lot of the angst expressed, here.

I go to events, primarily, to ride my Spyder. I really don't care who is the sponsor . . . if I can get there and have a great time riding, and meeting other folks who love Spyders, that is all that matters.

I could care less if it is "the" BRP event, "the" Spyder Quest event, "the" Ohio Spyder Rally, "the" SpyderFest event . . . it is all about "the" ride, and if I can get the time (and cash) to make the trip, I'm there!

The fact that BRP is willing to pony up some assistance to seven events, I think is great. It will allow event promoters to do more for the attendees . . . and pretty much guarantees a BRP presence, which is also great.

I can only assume the less than enthusiastic attitudes are the result of it being winter and many of us are suffering from Spyder withdrawal . . . :dontknow:

Cyle H
02-05-2015, 06:40 PM
My vote is for Spyders in The Smokys!!! Hard to beat the roads in that area....

02-05-2015, 07:33 PM
After looking at Docs Spyder calendar....

I am thinking I like these 7

Destination Spyder Daytona Beach
Spyder Rally Myrtle Beach
Spyderfest Magog Quebec
Destination Spyder Sturgis
Spyders in the Redwoods
Spyderquest Lake George
Hill Country Spyder Ride

This is a nice summer schedule with north to south east to west locations…I know someone mentioned how expensive Sturgis is but what a great opportunity for BRP to market the F3 . To the “two wheelers” who traditionally go to a event like this…Bikeweek too…it is a F3 market .I think this is a nice schedule. Another thought of mine is these events seem to be free to register and most of them vendors are free….it is hard to pay for all the food and hard work when the organizers are doing the event solo...with money out of their own pocket…BRP can really help these folks.IMHO

These are all in the Eastern US except for the SITR. STURGIS? have you ever been to Sturgis. I have many times. I bought my Spyder to get away from all this. There is a Spyder gathering two weeks before Sturgis in Deadwood that would be fine, but Sturgis no way. That's Heavy Harley Country overcrowded with all the kooks you could imagine. No Thanks.


02-05-2015, 08:04 PM
Thanks for posting the three sisters ride. I did not want to take up all the space by quoting

02-06-2015, 08:22 AM
These are all in the Eastern US except for the SITR. STURGIS? have you ever been to Sturgis. I have many times. I bought my Spyder to get away from all this. There is a Spyder gathering two weeks before Sturgis in Deadwood that would be fine, but Sturgis no way. That's Heavy Harley Country overcrowded with all the kooks you could imagine. No Thanks.


It is not about crowds it is about MARKETING....RETURN ON INVESTMENT...BRP has got to market to the younger set with the F3,,,,us traditional Spyder riders ,,,most feel that the F3 is uncomfortable to ride and gives us a sore body. BRP has to have a presence at Harley events....if it was just marketing the RT or RS I would say no but i believe it is a must at Sturgis and Bikeweek....from the news articles I read they want to cross over into the sport 2 wheel market...got to be there to sell there. Thats why they are having Lamont bring his custom F3 to Bikeweek TO SELL F3's to a new market...and I believe Spyders in the redwoods is CALI,west coast.IMHO

02-06-2015, 08:32 AM
It is not about crowds it is about MARKETING....RETURN ON INVESTMENT...BRP has got to market to the younger set with the F3,,,,us traditional Spyder riders ,,,most feel that the F3 is uncomfortable to ride and gives us a sore body. BRP has to have a presence at Harley events....if it was just marketing the RT or RS I would say no but i believe it is a must at Sturgis and Bikeweek....from the news articles I read they want to cross over into the sport 2 wheel market...got to be there to sell there. Thats why they are having Lamont bring his custom F3 to Bikeweek TO SELL F3's to a new market...and I believe Spyders in the redwoods is CALI,west coast.IMHO

I got a different take away viewpoint from the original letter posted by Lamont. What I took away from the letter is that BRP is doing this (mainly) for the owners, as appreciation, and to keep customer loyalty. I believe their presence in Daytona will be for marketing, to make non-current Spyder riders aware of what is available. I do believe BRP is spending their money wisely.

02-06-2015, 11:20 AM
I like it! :thumbup:

02-06-2015, 02:08 PM
Oh My!! Is this going to be a good thing? A bad thing? Oh My!! I guess since I don't know I'll just have to take a 'Mental Health' ride on my Spyder and hopefully figure it out. I'll be back when I know for sure!!!! :roflblack: Please folks, don't be so serious! Life is too short, and Spyder riding is just too good to worry about these things.
:agree: ...and LEEB, I sure hope you don't run into any lions or tigers or bears on your "Mental Health Ride". Oh My!! :D

02-06-2015, 02:17 PM
Spyderquest application is going in today. (ron is filling it out now) I see this as a very big deal. after having two spyderquest events "under the belt"and growing as fast as we have, it becomes difficult to keep growing without help, both in numbers of bodies, and secondly financially. what could be better than having brp behind us with a little financial assist and a little publicity coming out of brp direct! I love it, and I challenge those that question it, to call an event of choice and volunteer to help out on that event. when you see what it takes, you might change your mind!! (i'm not trying to start anything, i'm just trying to say thank you brp for the chance to become a sponsor aided event) :2thumbs:

GREAT NEWS!!! :2thumbs: I was looking forward to my first SpyderQuest this fall. Now I'm looking forward to it even more! :thumbup: Thanks guys. Hope SpyderQuest gets selected (hard to imagine that it won't). If so it's NOT hard to imagine that BRP will be making a good appearance in Lake George, as that will likely be the closest event for them.

02-06-2015, 03:36 PM
I did not want to take up all the space by quoting. Quoting parts of other posts can be a good way to maintain continuity within a thread, without being redundant. You do know that you can edit quotes (like I did above), right? Some folks may not know this, as you often see long messages - complete with embedded YouTube videos - quoted several times in a row within a thread. :sour:

You can even make up quotes...
...or embed one quote (or other codes) within another.

Also, the little http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/showthread.php?p=931688#post931688) link, that appears after the name of who you quoted, takes the reader back to the original message, which may be handy when quotes are edited too aggressively. ;)

Sorry for the "off topic" diversion.

02-06-2015, 04:51 PM
Do you know when Ron will post the registration for SpyderQuest III and/or when will the website be up?We are looking at opening registration sometime in May, like last year, we will wait until Spyderfest gets over. Events are already set, waiting on rides to fall into place. A new website is being worked on as we speak by FRKSHO and it will be coming, maybe a few weeks to a month. The registration process will be similar to last year, possibly a few changes and Bill Pitman will be working on that, but still needs some info (rides). I will post a separate thread soon with the tentative itinerary, but I will wait tell BRP has finalized there sponsor list, cause we might just have to change something.:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

02-06-2015, 08:09 PM
We are looking at opening registration sometime in May, like last year, we will wait until Spyderfest gets over. Events are already set, waiting on rides to fall into place. A new website is being worked on as we speak by FRKSHO and it will be coming, maybe a few weeks to a month. The registration process will be similar to last year, possibly a few changes and Bill Pitman will be working on that, but still needs some info (rides). I will post a separate thread soon with the tentative itinerary, but I will wait tell BRP has finalized there sponsor list, cause we might just have to change something.:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

We're going to Spyderquest in September. This will be our first Spyder event that we have attended since we just purchased our Spyder in July 2014. We(my wife and I) also have talked two other couples to attend the event with us. Now, if BRP has a nice presence there, that will be a big plus for us newbies!! Anyway, we can't wait to enjoy the ride to Lake George from Central PA and share time with some other great Spyder owners. May there be many great Spyder events across the USA and Canada this year, whether BRP is there or not!
Now, come on warm weather!:pray:

02-06-2015, 08:49 PM
Can't wait for the 2017 event in Valcourt. It is basically right up route 91 from me. And I can stop at the Ben & Jerry Ice Cream factory on the way.

02-06-2015, 09:51 PM
Can't wait for the 2017 event in Valcourt. It is basically right up route 91 from me. And I can stop at the Ben & Jerry Ice Cream factory on the way.

I would to hit this date too. Been meaning to get to Québec for a while.

02-06-2015, 10:43 PM
Since this is my first season with a spyder, I am going to be glad to be a part of any event. Since it seems that they are sponsoring more events this year, I might be able to make 1 or more. Right now, I am just glad to be riding, and if I can get to ride with more spyder owners, GREAT!!!

03-05-2015, 01:57 PM
Thanks to all of the Can-Am Spyder owners’ event organizers who submitted an event for BRP sponsorship consideration in 2015! Early next week, we'll announce the winners here as well as on Facebook. Stay tuned!

03-05-2015, 03:49 PM
Since this is my first season with a spyder, I am going to be glad to be a part of any event. Since it seems that they are sponsoring more events this year, I might be able to make 1 or more. Right now, I am just glad to be riding, and if I can get to ride with more spyder owners, GREAT!!!


03-05-2015, 06:35 PM
So i checked out the SITR site and they had a cool group photo up. I will have to say that looking at the photo at 43 i would be the youngest person there LOL. Such a great area though id really like to try and go, its almost 700 miles for me though, i need some way to trailer the spyder.

03-06-2015, 03:22 PM
So i checked out the SITR site and they had a cool group photo up. I will have to say that looking at the photo at 43 i would be the youngest person there LOL. Such a great area though id really like to try and go, its almost 700 miles for me though, i need some way to trailer the spyder.

I'm not too sure of that latony007...That shot didn't include everyone who attended. There were 165 last year and at the time that pic was taken there were several groups still out on rydes. While you may be could be at the lower end of that bell curve, only time will tell if you're the pup in the group! And, that was also pre F3....Maybe if SITR gets additional funds this year the "Youngest" will win a prize!
Good Luck.:thumbup:

03-06-2015, 06:47 PM
So i checked out the SITR site and they had a cool group photo up. I will have to say that looking at the photo at 43 i would be the youngest person there LOL. Such a great area though id really like to try and go, its almost 700 miles for me though, i need some way to trailer the spyder.

I doubt that you would be the youngest there but you probably would be the youngest trailering your Spyder there. Us old folks ride.

03-06-2015, 08:45 PM
You're not old Ann! Maybe maturing but definitely not old.:yes:

03-06-2015, 10:24 PM
Such a great area though id really like to try and go, its almost 700 miles for me though, i need some way to trailer the spyder.
Trailer? For 700 miles? That's at most a 2 day drive with plenty of stopping time thrown in. Spyders were made for riding, not trailering! Put a 5 in front of that 700 and now you're talking about some real traveling! That's what I did last fall from Idaho to Louisiana and back! And I'm only 70! :yes:

If you have some physical limitation that restricts your riding time then please forgive me for my insensitivity.

03-06-2015, 10:57 PM
So i checked out the SITR site and they had a cool group photo up. I will have to say that looking at the photo at 43 i would be the youngest person there LOL. Such a great area though id really like to try and go, its almost 700 miles for me though, i need some way to trailer the spyder.

Your only 43 and you are complaining about a 700 mile drive? How soft has the younger generation become? We put more than 700 miles on after we arrived.:joke:


03-06-2015, 11:38 PM
I highly apologize for getting off of the subject of this thread!
Hey latony007, If you wanna trailer your Spyder up to Sacramento, we can ryde the last leg to Eureka together. We're leaving Monday...Let me know.

03-09-2015, 11:15 AM
Hi all, thanks for your patience. The owner's events have been announced here (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/showthread.php?78175-2015-Owners-Events-Here-we-go!).