View Full Version : Was the Super Bowl Really That Bad?

02-02-2015, 03:58 PM
Surprised that no one put up a Super Bowl Thread.

A lot of drama went on pre game and "Deflategate" is yet to be resolved.

I had no favorite team here, but Deflategate caused me to lean towards rooting more for the Seahawks than the Patriots.

I have to say it was an exciting game--for sure the last few minutes of the fourth quarter.

One mistake (?) was all it took, and it was game over for the Seahawks. My feeling was that they should have given the ball to Marshawn :dontknow::dontknow: We will never know for sure.

Well, there I said it. :roflblack::lecturef_smilie:

02-02-2015, 04:09 PM
Only one thing I liked about the Super Bowl.

It's over with.

Anything more interesting coming?

Yea, spring, can't get here soon enough.

02-02-2015, 04:23 PM
Surprised that no one put up a Super Bowl Thread.

A lot of drama went on pre game and "Deflategate" is yet to be resolved.

I had no favorite team here, but Deflategate caused me to lean towards rooting more for the Seahawks than the Patriots.

I have to say it was an exciting game--for sure the last few minutes of the fourth quarter.

One mistake (?) was all it took, and it was game over for the Seahawks. My feeling was that they should have given the ball to Marshawn :dontknow::dontknow: We will never know for sure.

Well, there I said it. :roflblack::lecturef_smilie:

Why is is that when the offensive team fails to achieve a goal it is labeled a 'mistake'. Malcolm Butler made a terrific defensive play but the defense never seems to get credit for that kind of play.... it always an offensive lapse or mistake.

Butler beat Seahawks receiver Ricardo Locektte on a slant route that the Patriots had specifically practiced against when the coaching staff noticed that the Hawks had used that play successfully when inside the red zone in prior games. In fact, Butler got chewed out by Bilichick for missing his assignment on this very play when the team practiced against it.

Butler was quoted as saying..."I got it right this time".

02-02-2015, 04:30 PM
Only one thing I liked about the Super Bowl.

It's over with.

Anything more interesting coming?

Yea, spring, can't get here soon enough.

Exactly. :agree::agree::thumbup::thumbup:

02-02-2015, 04:46 PM
Only one thing I liked about the Super Bowl.

It's over with.

Anything more interesting coming?

Yea, spring, can't get here soon enough.

But your football ended with the Grey Cup, didn't it?

Dan McNally
02-02-2015, 05:11 PM
Seattle ended the day with one of the most amazing catches I've ever seen, and the most bone-headed play call, ever. With four downs on the one yard line, what were they thinking? Marshawn Lynch getting one yard in four plays was a sure thing!

02-02-2015, 05:54 PM
Seattle ended the day with one of the most amazing catches I've ever seen, and the most bone-headed play call, ever. With four downs on the one yard line, what were they thinking? Marshawn Lynch getting one yard in four plays was a sure thing!

i agree one hundred percent Pete carol should be fired for that call and i am by no means a Hawks fan but they got the short end of the stick

Bob Denman
02-02-2015, 06:04 PM
I can maybe understand why he would make that call...
Everybody on the Planet figured that Lynch would get the ball.
When everybody is squished into a very short field; there's no room for error...
And Wilson made in error in his execution... :shocked:
Exciting game! :thumbup:
And now; it's on to NASCAR!! :yes::ohyea::yes:

02-02-2015, 06:20 PM
Is it me or did the receiver get hit before the ball got there. Isnt that pass interference?

02-02-2015, 07:04 PM
I was out ryding and enjoying the open road. Checked online final score just so I know and done...best time to ryde, no one around but you do have to get off the road by final bell..then the nuts, drunks, and happy/angry folks take to the road...:roflblack:

02-02-2015, 07:55 PM
Is it me or did the receiver get hit before the ball got there. Isnt that pass interference?

When the ball is in the air, both players have an equal right to catch it. There is no foul here.


02-02-2015, 08:03 PM
Is it me or did the receiver get hit before the ball got there. Isnt that pass interference?

I wondered about that myself. I think many missed that.


02-02-2015, 08:14 PM
Good game, lots of lead changes, exciting finish. I think de- flate gate was totally made up to increase interest in the game, cause it worked. Highest tv ratings EVER for the Super Bowl. Genius marketing.

02-02-2015, 08:33 PM
worst call on pass play would have been the best call a coach ever made if it hadn't been for the poor execution!! all I can say is go pats!!:thumbup: great defensive play and not pass interference as it wasn't past five yards!!

02-02-2015, 08:50 PM
Maybe the call wasn't as dumb as we thought. Some researchers found that Lynch has previously attempted to score from the one yard line five times and failed four out of the five. On the other hand, a pass from the one yard line has been done 109 times and had never been intercepted --- until yesterday. So the call wasn't that bad. It just didn't work this time.

02-02-2015, 09:03 PM
Sheesh! Not a football fan but have family in Seattle so I watched it. Go Clydesdales!

Even I questioned throwing the ball so close to the end zone. Don't they usually make a big pile and the ball runner jump over everyone? (Showing how little I know about football, but maybe more than the quarterback?)

Very gallant of the coach to take the blame...

02-02-2015, 10:11 PM
Surprised that no one put up a Super Bowl Thread.

A lot of drama went on pre game and "Deflategate" is yet to be resolved.

I had no favorite team here, but Deflategate caused me to lean towards rooting more for the Seahawks than the Patriots.

I have to say it was an exciting game--for sure the last few minutes of the fourth quarter.

One mistake (?) was all it took, and it was game over for the Seahawks. My feeling was that they should have given the ball to Marshawn :dontknow::dontknow: We will never know for sure.

Well, there I said it. :roflblack::lecturef_smilie:

even though my Seahawks lost in the last second and lots of comments of what the heck? Who called that idiot play? That's a play that will go down in history as the WORST play call EVER.. Yep those are all things I said .. Some several times. But it was an incredible game the best SuperBowl I've watched. And Katy Perry half time show totally blew my
mind. Gorgeous in all ways and amazing how it was done. Yep Super Bowl 49 rocked.:thumbup:

chuck gross
02-03-2015, 12:22 AM
There is no sure things in the NFL Jeremy Lane picked off Tom Brady in the end zone earlier in the game on a short pass was that a bad play call by the Pats? who knows if Marshawn would have run the ball he may have fumbled it or had the ball stripped. Goal line stands are quite often achieved by the great defensive teams like the Hawks and Pats there are a lot of really big guys in a small footprint!! That was a heads up play by a young and fast rookie he did his job and did it well. As disappointed as I am at the outcome I have to say that was the best ever Superbowl by two great teams . GO HAWKS

02-03-2015, 12:23 AM
When the puppy was in danger from the wolf, and the Clydesdales defended him.....
best play of the day!
Might give lessons on the line.....!

02-03-2015, 12:26 AM
even though my Seahawks lost in the last second and lots of comments of what the heck? Who called that idiot play? That's a play that will go down in history as the WORST play call EVER.. Yep those are all things I said .. Some several times. But it was an incredible game the best SuperBowl I've watched. And Katy Perry half time show totally blew my
mind. Gorgeous in all ways and amazing how it was done. Yep Super Bowl 49 rocked.:thumbup:

Karyl, did you go to the game?

chuck gross
02-03-2015, 12:59 AM
When the puppy was in danger from the wolf, and the Clydesdales defended him.....
best play of the day!
Might give lessons on the line.....!

Unfortunately for the Hawks there was one young puppy on the line that didn't need no Clydesdales

02-03-2015, 08:21 AM
It's a good thing the game was great, because that halftime show was beyond horrible.

Orange Spyder Man
02-03-2015, 08:37 AM
I did not watch it...I only saw the score the next day... could not care less who won or lost.. I do like football, just don't care for either of those teams..


Pirate looks at --
02-03-2015, 10:15 AM
I was out ryding and enjoying the open road. Checked online final score just so I know and done...best time to ryde, no one around but you do have to get off the road by final bell..then the nuts, drunks, and happy/angry folks take to the road...:roflblack:
Gene you and me both. The wife and I took a 250 mile trip down through the Sacramento River Delta, across the Valley to the Napa valley, through Sonoma county to Marin County down to Point Reyes Station for lunch. Then up the coast a bit and back home. awesome!:yes::yes::yes:

02-03-2015, 10:20 AM
I have not watched a professional sporting event since 1981, when I watched my first and last Blazer game - it's all Hollywood. The last sporting event I watched was a Stanford Basketball game in 1981, just before I earned my PhD. We have far too little time on this rock ball to waste.

If I have free time, the Spyder calls, and I answer.

02-03-2015, 10:33 AM
But your football ended with the Grey Cup, didn't it?

Unfortunately not.

02-03-2015, 11:06 AM
Unfortunately not.

I see where you folks are going to have a football team in the CFL this year. It must have been a shock to the community to lose the oldest football franchise in North American in the late 90's when the Ottawa Rough Riders folded. Hopefully the new team will get supported.

I was a big Ottawa fan in the 60's because I went to high school with Russ Jackson in Hamilton. Russ could have easily played in the NFL had he the desire to move south but he stayed with his roots in Canada and led the Riders to three Grey cups. He didn't have the big time players surrounding him like the CFL teams with deeper pockets for imports but he did well with folks like Whit Tucker, Ronnie Stewart and Tony Gabriel,

02-03-2015, 11:24 AM
Gene you and me both. The wife and I took a 250 mile trip down through the Sacramento River Delta, across the Valley to the Napa valley, through Sonoma county to Marin County down to Point Reyes Station for lunch. Then up the coast a bit and back home. awesome!:yes::yes::yes:

Great ryde. Amazing countryside up there. Haven't been there in some time but maybe in August...:2thumbs::clap:

Big F
02-03-2015, 11:34 AM
[QUOTE=mowin;930727]It's a good thing the game was great, because that halftime show was beyond horrible.[/QUOTE

I guess the New Yorkers do not appreciate/understand good entertainment???????????????? Oops, did I say that??

02-03-2015, 01:32 PM
Karyl, did you go to the game?

Ann, The best part was this was with my grandson, Owen...but I loved the whole experience....yep still enjoying it...altho gotta admit that last leg from Spokane home after being up all day and bad bad fog...but got home safely 3:30 a.m. and there are a few naps on my schedule today then back to plotting and planning Alaska 2015...North to Alaska!!!!:yes:

02-03-2015, 03:26 PM
[QUOTE=mowin;930727]It's a good thing the game was great, because that halftime show was beyond horrible.[/QUOTE

I guess the New Yorkers do not appreciate/understand good entertainment???????????????? Oops, did I say that??

I'm sorry, but that was far from good entertainment. Not sure if being from NY has anything to do with it, but if thats the reason, than
there's at least one positive thing about this state....:roflblack:

Bob Denman
02-03-2015, 03:28 PM
:shocked: There is?? :shocked:

02-03-2015, 08:39 PM
:shocked: There is?? :shocked:

Sure..smash what little hope I had...:banghead::roflblack: