View Full Version : How about a Spyder in 40mph winds!

bone crusher
10-28-2008, 09:08 PM

I am finally 100% legit. I took my driving test in MD and passed...we have a new test just for 3 wheelers...

Needless to say, it was in the upper 40s with a 40 mph wind today and the Spyder held on the road just fine...this includes twisty roads as well as over 70 mph on the highway...I have the suspension set on '4', and this undoubtedly helped out...if it was still on '3', there would have been much more sway...perhaps making the bike more dangerous.

Huge gusts of wind did knock the bike a little back and forth, but the knowledge of having 2 front wheels made me feel very secure...the bike handled like a charm.

In regards to those with huge windshields, I'd say a slightly larger one would be nice...I use the BRP touring windshield. My body was warm as I had on under armour cold gear with a cordura jacket...no problems there...the hands did get a little chilly as windchill must have been around freezing (or below)...

10-28-2008, 09:16 PM
Congrats on getting legit. :thumbup:

Big Arm
10-28-2008, 09:53 PM
:2thumbs: :congrats: :thumbup:

bone crusher
10-29-2008, 06:22 AM
Thanks guys...let's hope there's enough decent weather left in a quickly cooling off year to get some time on the road in!

10-29-2008, 08:19 AM
A separate test for 3 wheelers? Can't be because of the Spyders, are there alot of trikes running the roads in MD? Or, has the gov figured out a new way to get in peoples pockets?


10-29-2008, 09:16 AM
:congrats: on your great achievment. Now ryde like the wind. Have also had good results with the :spyder:in stiff winds. Love my :spyder:. Rode this am with temp at 33 degrees when I left the house (chilly for NW Florida) - layered the clothing and had no problems. A nice brisk ryde before work just what the doctor ordered. :clap:

10-29-2008, 10:47 AM
Question on the 3-wheeler test.is it needed in maryland .:dontknow:

10-29-2008, 11:37 AM
A separate test for 3 wheelers? Can't be because of the Spyders, are there alot of trikes running the roads in MD? Or, has the gov figured out a new way to get in peoples pockets?
Michigan is required by law to develop a separate three-wheeled test, too, but has never officially done so. They do modify the standard test for the three wheelers, if you can find a willing examiner. If you test this way, there is no difference in cost, but your endorsement is restricted to three wheels. Two wheel endorsements can ride either, at no extra cost. Sidecars, trike, and Spyders are all treated the same.

10-29-2008, 11:54 AM
The Spyder is considered a motorcycle in MD for tags/tax/title, and if you have a previous motorcycle license you can - ride on. MD now allows you to use the Spyder to take the license riding test and has modified it for 3 wheels versus test for two wheels. Yes, common sense eventually prevails.

I had a few go-arounds with the MD DMV, so the person behind the counter showed me the bulletin recently given to her so that she understood what the Spyder was, how to license it and that one could take riding test using it.

Yeah, I was in that wind/rain in MD yesterday taking my Spyder in for 600 mile check-up- - 90 mile round trip. Spyder did well on stock shock setting but I sure was worn out- - between cross winds and trucks I was one tired puppy.

10-29-2008, 12:00 PM
Only problem I've had with wind was last August, the local weatherhead said it would be clear all day, so I was out 40 miles from the house and an anviltop blew in. Wind gusts to 45 mph, small hail, and me with no rainsuit. (it was drying out from a previous ride) Spyder did good, hail drew blood from my right arm. (windward side) 'Course it wouldn't have caught me if it hadn't been for the Farmall going 20 mph 6 cars in front for 15 miles.

10-29-2008, 05:11 PM
Those of us who travelled up the NY Thruway for the Homecoming in June were moving at 75-80 mph through rain, and crosswinds exceeding 30-35 mph. Getting into Quebec, the winds were easily 40-45 mph crosswinds. The Spyders stuck like glue! Impressive!

bone crusher
10-29-2008, 07:39 PM
As BeRight stated above, in MD, if you have a motorcycle license, you're fine...if you have a trike of any kind (spyder included), you take the 3 wheel test...you then get a motorcycle license with a 'J' restriction...meaning, 3 wheels only...and that's fine with me...I'm very happy sticking with the spyder!!

10-29-2008, 08:06 PM
As far as wind effect on the Spyder verse a motorcycle. I find it to have more effect on the Spyder than a Bike.
1. Wind gusts blow it around a lot more
2. Wind effects gas mileage more too -.

Anyway my BMW just cuts though the wind a lot better. Natural wind or by semi-truck. Gas mileage stays the same on the Beemer.

My wife feels the same way.

That don't mean I don't like the Spyder, I do.

10-29-2008, 08:29 PM

10-29-2008, 09:53 PM
As far as wind effect on the Spyder verse a motorcycle. I find it to have more effect on the Spyder than a Bike.
1. Wind gusts blow it around a lot more
2. Wind effects gas mileage more too -.

Anyway my BMW just cuts though the wind a lot better. Natural wind or by semi-truck. Gas mileage stays the same on the Beemer.

My wife feels the same way.

That don't mean I don't like the Spyder, I do.
Funny, I was just thinking the opposite. I don't think the wind has much affect at all on the Spyder. It does on the rider, though. Every time a gust hits my arms, the Spyder wants to turn. You have to be very relaxed on the bars, and it is certainly more tiring to ride, but the Spyder makes you work harder anyway. Sometimes the Spyder is going down the road fine in a strong wind, while I am half bent over, leaning into it. Not as easy to coordinate as on a bike, where the whole thing leans.

On my Beemer, I am nicely protected behind the fairing. The whole shebang, including me has to lean into the wind, though. It is fine to ride at a 30 degree angle until you pass a truck or row of trees, and the wind stops, then you'd better be ready to correct quickly. Same thing when the wind resumes. I will say that at least I don't worry as much on the Spyder, since it isn't going to fall over, and doesn't steer by leaning. Maybe it is all mental.

bone crusher
10-30-2008, 01:07 AM
Odd...I think the 3 wheels lends itself to superior stabilization.

I was riding with a friend of mine who has a Harley Sportster and he has been riding for decades. The 40 mph winds were not head-winds...these winds were blowing every which way. He handled the bike fine, but he said it took a lot of concentration as lateral winds certain adversely affect stability...these winds were major...gusts over 50 mph...

I felt fine on the Spyder...let's face it...the more wheels you have, the more traction you have. The bike simply cannot be pushed around laterally the same as a 2 wheeler...