View Full Version : Cancer

12-04-2014, 06:29 AM
Ladies and gentlemen,
I know this is a strang thread but here is what I need. My girl friend just got diangnosed with breast cancer. I was going to paint my 14 RT LTD (which she loves to ride on) pink. She told me she would kick my butt if I did that. I am looking to see if any members of the site have decorated their Spyders for supporting/fighting this cancer. I have looked on the web but all I can find are small ribbion stickers. Any good ideas or pics out there?
Thanks much and cancer SUCKS!!

12-04-2014, 06:36 AM
Prayers with you guys.

12-04-2014, 07:03 AM
Wish you guys the best.

12-04-2014, 07:15 AM
best of luck to you guys

12-04-2014, 07:21 AM
My wife went through the same. Prayer go out to you.

You may want to check with www.wrapmyspyder.com

12-04-2014, 07:50 AM

Bob Denman
12-04-2014, 07:51 AM
You guys are in our thoughts and prayers... :pray::pray:
You should check with Pete at www.wrapmyspyder.com (http://www.wrapmyspyder.com)
He could probably work up something for you that she wouldn't object to...
It's worth a try!

12-04-2014, 08:08 AM
All the best and good luck.:pray::pray::pray:
my wife went through that last year.
she got this helmet when we got our STL.9959899599

12-04-2014, 08:15 AM
Best wishes sent your way.

Orange Spyder Man
12-04-2014, 08:18 AM
Prayers to your wife and you... yes cancer does suck.. I lost my wife of 38 years to cancer.. yep cancer sucks...

12-04-2014, 08:24 AM
Prayers to you both

12-04-2014, 08:48 AM
I'm praying for her.

12-04-2014, 09:18 AM
In reply to the idea of painting the Spyder pink or accomplishing other acts of kindness to show awareness or caring to others, personally I would not lean towards anything more than her requests for now. The entire situation is no doubt complex, and everyone is different. Some are involved in showing support and awareness, while others prefer to carry on keeping life as normal as possible.

In time it may be a pink machine, but for now, learn to be a part by being involved with the situation on a more personal level.

FWIW, that Spyder may be the ultimate getaway machine in the near future.

On a simple idea, you could ask and if allowed, fly the ribbons inside the frunk lid. It will serve as a reminder to you each time you open the frunk. Less than a pink machine, but something that shows you care.


I am a cancer survivor and I agree with this advice. Your unwavering love and support, day in and day out, will go a very long way as this journey unfolds. Both of you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

12-04-2014, 09:20 AM
Fellow Spyder friend.
It's hard when dealing with cancer. Your wife needs support and you by her side.
I am a cancer survivor . I had leukemia 6 years ago and beat it.
Since then, I am a BIG supporter of the Canadian Cancer Society. They really helped me
and my family.
I understand what you are going through my friend, and supporting your wife is what she needs.
After cancer treatment, your life starts again on a new threshold.
We are with you.:thumbup:

12-04-2014, 09:49 AM
That cancer is a bad disease. My sympathy and prayers go out to anybody being affected by it. I would respect her wishes for the spyder not being painted though. :pray:

12-04-2014, 09:56 AM
Cancer Sucks, I hope everything works out for the best.

12-04-2014, 10:07 AM
Very sorry to hear this, she is in our prayers.

Pitbull did a breast cancer theme bike.

https://scontent-b-sea.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash2/v/t1.0-9/1375144_609689875736895_445567814_n.jpg?oh=6679d3b c8883d067c55fe7d76133fc8e&oe=550BE8B7

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1385707_612907362081813_1117192845_n.jpg?oh=1ae859 1f2b0969bde6fd948eb5a6d521&oe=550A50D9&__gda__=1426786422_2384659cbe03958c66d10834cf0c0da f

12-04-2014, 11:02 AM
I sooooo agree cancer sucks. And your girlfriend is soooo blessed to have you in her corner. :pray::pray::pray::pray: for both of you.

12-04-2014, 11:10 AM
Yes, Cancer sucks, payers and thoughts are with you and your girlfriend. :pray::pray::pray::pray:

Your girlfriend needs your support and spend as much time as you can with her. Also, rely on family and friends for their support so you can support your girlfriend thru these tough times.


12-04-2014, 11:16 AM
so sorry to hear about this. All the best to you both as you go through this trying time and hope and prey there will be a happy ending to all this. My daughter has started working with P.ink that tattoo women with this cancer and has met some amazing survivors as a way to support and help them feel better...:pray:'s for you both...

Big F
12-04-2014, 11:22 AM
Ladies and gentlemen,
I know this is a strang thread but here is what I need. My girl friend just got diangnosed with breast cancer. I was going to paint my 14 RT LTD (which she loves to ride on) pink. She told me she would kick my butt if I did that. I am looking to see if any members of the site have decorated their Spyders for supporting/fighting this cancer. I have looked on the web but all I can find are small ribbion stickers. Any good ideas or pics out there?
Thanks much and cancer SUCKS!!

I would suggest a lot of pink wraps in lieu of total paint?? try Pete at WrapMySpyder.com
he is good and has a lot of items. tks
THE BIG F (a cancer survivor)

12-04-2014, 11:29 AM
Sorry to hear the news but the upside is advances for this type have been many and the survival chances are greatly increased. You are lucky to have MUSC nearby. Here is to hoping she will be one of the many. :pray:

12-04-2014, 02:51 PM
My prayers and wishes go out to her and her close friends and relatives. I hope you find a nice alternative for the Spyder that does not include her killing you for pinkifying everything.

12-04-2014, 02:54 PM
Our thoughts and :pray::pray: go out to you folks.

12-04-2014, 02:56 PM
i am a prostate cancer survivor for 17 years now and my mom was also a breast cancer survivor for 18 years until strokes took her, the most important thing is to find a doctor that makes her feel comfortable and that the two of you trust. like i said before best of luck to the two of you

12-04-2014, 03:00 PM
That cancer is a bad disease. My sympathy and prayers go out to anybody being affected by it. I would respect her wishes for the spyder not being painted though. :pray:

:agree:.My sister had breast cancer twice. As of Oct. 23, 2014 she is cancer free & doing ok. There is hope for this terrible disease. :pray:'s to her, you, family, & friends.

12-04-2014, 05:45 PM
I have a "Think Pink" decal on my RT trunk lid. I don't have a web link for it but a search should find it. It has the think pink and a pink ribbon. Much easier than a paint job!

12-04-2014, 07:40 PM
In reply to the idea of painting the Spyder pink or accomplishing other acts of kindness to show awareness or caring to others, personally I would not lean towards anything more than her requests for now. The entire situation is no doubt complex, and everyone is different. Some are involved in showing support and awareness, while others prefer to carry on keeping life as normal as possible.

In time it may be a pink machine, but for now, learn to be a part by being involved with the situation on a more personal level.

FWIW, that Spyder may be the ultimate getaway machine in the near future.

On a simple idea, you could ask and if allowed, fly the ribbons inside the frunk lid. It will serve as a reminder to you each time you open the frunk. Less than a pink machine, but something that shows you care.

PKGood advice.

My thoughts are with you both, as are my wishes for a speedy complete recovery.

12-04-2014, 08:02 PM
my Girl Friend and I really appreciate all the prayers coming our way and the very sage advice that many sent. One thing I need to clear up....my late wife of 22 years died of a very aggressive type of cancer. She fought 2 long yrs but the cancer won. The Spyder was an incentive for her to get better and go riding. She wanted to, but it never happened. She taught me what a loving relationship can be and to embrace it when it happens. That is what I'm doing now and the bike is a big part of it.....juicey fruit for the soul. We are going to fight this and win....and as one member of our site said...Miles and Smiles on the Spyder.You guys are the greatest.....complete strangers sending prayers and advice from the heart.
Thank you so much. Can't wait for my love to read your comments.
For all of you:bowdown:

12-04-2014, 08:25 PM
God Bless. Cancer is a scourge and let's hope major progress is made against it in our lifetimes.

12-04-2014, 08:31 PM
Joe had this out on his VRod for a breast cancer awareness ride. It wont fit your Spyder though but you could have the same thing made. 99626 AMR Racing.com

12-04-2014, 11:45 PM
I to am a cancer survivor, prayers go out to you both as you start this journey! It will be hard, but be strong for her, it is the best thing you can do! I don't know how I would have done it without my beautiful and strong wife. :pray::pray:

12-05-2014, 11:14 PM
I lost my spouse 5 years ago to kidney cancer, he was 56 years old. Stay strong and stay close to your girlfriend, family, friends . Stay close to Family and friends for there support. We are here for you. :pray: :pray: :pray::pray: and thoughts are with you and your girlfriend. Deanna