View Full Version : I’ll post till my face turns blue

10-14-2008, 08:54 PM
Once again today I was in 5th gear and could not shift. I had to pull over and shut down the bike and apply the break while re-starting before my spyder would downshift into neutral. This is the second time this has happed. If you have a SE5 and have experienced this problem please post. I don’t think this is isolated to my spyder. By the way I have 1300 miles on it.

10-14-2008, 09:29 PM
Even better than posting here would be to hound your dealer about this and to try to shoot off a few emails or calls to BRP or the Spyderteam. Someone here might have an idea of what is going on with your Spyder or experienced it and can relate how their dealer fixed it but mostly we can only theorize and sympathize. Your dealer and/or BRP is most likely going to be the ones to fix this for you.

10-14-2008, 09:52 PM
Under SE-5 shift lock-up. (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7331) Mine is in the shop now with the same problem. I have also posted on SpyderTalk. I have written twice to Spyder team without a reply. Here is my second letter:
Took Iktome into the shop (Pensacola Motor Sports) this AM for the shift problem and the 600 mile service. It was mentioned to me by another rider that 3500 RPM might be short shifting causing it to seek a lower gear and possibly "confusing" the computers. I don't believe this is the problem.

Speed, not RPMs seems to be the controlling factor on the down shifts. Only had one incident where the Spyder shifted back down unexpected. Rounding a corner behind a car I shifted into second and was exiting at about 30 mph when the car slowed way down and as I chopped the throttle and hit the brake it went instantly back to first. This did not confuse the machine!

Shifting and throttling up at around 3500 doesn't lug the engine and gives plenty of power for most urban traffic Otherwise one has to wait an extended period before following a a car from a stop due to the rapidly increasing acceleration as the RPMs rise. Anything much more than that seems to draw too much attention from law enforcement

As with a note from another dealer and info from PMS it seems to be a computer communications glitch. Either it is the sensor units or as PMS said, on another unit they could not even get the computer to speak to the analyzer. Any information or solution you might have on the subject should be forward to them as soon as possible.

It was mentioned that it might take several days to resolve the problem and get my Spyder back to me. This really is not acceptable, If a fix is available BRP should do everything it can to expedite any information or parts to the dealer's service department. While there I notice that the Red SM-5 I originally ordered finally showed up about SIX weeks after it was promised on my original order. It was only a stroke of luck and a loving wife (that added the extra funds) that kept BRP from loosing the order. I was with-in a half hour of canceling my order when Jimmy called and said the loaded SE-5 was available if I wanted it.

I know you have me hooked now but customer satisfaction should be BRP's Number One Priority. A minor glitch should not keep me from from having the neatest ride in the DaVita Dialysis Center parking lot for any extended period of time. I have purchased the shop "VIP" service contract that gets the Tryke back to me within 48 hours for normal routine service as I rely on it for my main source of transportation. Keep your riders happy and we will brag to anybody that will listen about our Spyders!! I have owned my AWD Subaru Forester for four years and nearly fifty thousand miles and have never been more than six hours without it due to any service or repair. Please don't tell me that BRP would not like to have the quality reputation like Subaru has built with their dedicated owners over the years. That same reliability made sure that my previous three bikes since 1987 were Hondas and good service from Pensacola Motor Sports has keep my money there.

10-16-2008, 08:39 AM
I've had my SE5 for a little over 2 months have right at 4000 miles on it. I have not seen any of the problems you have described in the past. The only problem i have had was a check engine light come on due to a bad shift indicator that tripped once. I had the dealer pull the error codes and he told me that it isn't an issue unless it happens consistantly but he said that was the only error code and it only appeared once.

As for the shifting i guess i'm one of the lucky ones since I have not had it refuse to shift but i have had it register the wrong gear on the display once when doing about 50 mph in 4th gear and slamming on the brakes. I felt the downshift all the way to 1st but the display still read 4th gear. Once i started moving i upshifted normal and the display reset to the correct gear on the first shift. Downshift if i let it downshift on its on it shifts every time at 2300 - 2350 rpms unless its time to shift into 1st and it shifts at 1300-1350RPMS when going into first. Manual downshifting is seems to be smooth for all gears except 1st at anything between 2600 - 4000 rpms and first gear anything over about 1800 RPMS will be a little rough.

Having the problems you seem to be going through with yours i would definately get it to the dealer to have them check it out and contact BRP if needed.